• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[stʌnt] [stʌnt]
  • 复数:stunts;
  • 第三人称单数:stunts;
  • 过去式:stunted;
  • 过去分词:stunted;
  • 现在分词:stunting;
  • 例句
    • N-COUNT
      A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it.
      In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck. 为了给电影制造噱头以吸引眼球,他把汽车猛地撞向一辆驶过的卡车。
    • N-COUNT
      A stunt is a dangerous and exciting piece of action in a film.
      Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts. 肖恩·康纳利在他的新片中为求真实,坚持自己出演特技部分。
    • VERB
      If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.
      The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit... 心脏病已经多少影响了他的成长。 High interest rates have stunted economic growth. 高利率已经阻碍了经济的增长。
    • PHRASE
      If someone pulls a stunt, they do something silly or risky.
      The days when they needed to pull publicity stunts to get noticed are long gone. 他们靠作秀出名的日子早已过去。
    • vt.
      阻碍…发育〔生长〕, 抑制, 妨碍
      Lack of the right food may stunt growth. 缺乏适当的食物会阻碍发育。
    • n.
      惊人的表演, 特技, 绝技,(尤指电影中的)特技表演
      The plane did a few stunts before landing. 飞机着陆前做了一些特技。
      The promotion department drummed up obvious stunts. 公关宣传部门显然耍起了引人注目的花招。
    • Noun
      1. a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention
      2. a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth
    • Verb
      1. check the growth or development of;
      "You will stunt your growth by building all these muscles"
      2. perform a stunt or stunts
    • 体育: 特技;高难度动作;
      医学: 发育障碍;