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  • the scales fall from someone's eyes
    someone is no longer deceived 不再受骗
  • throw something on (或 into) the scale
    emphasize the relevance of something to one side of an argument or debate 使在辩论中起重要作用;使在辩论中成为有利因素
  • tip (或 turn) the scales
  • play (或 sing 或 practise) scales
    (Music)perform the notes of a scale as an exercise for the fingers or voice (乐)练指法;吊嗓子
  • to scale
    with a uniform reduction or enlargement 按相同比例缩小(或放大)
  • in scale
    (of a drawing or model) in proportion to the surroundings (图,模型)(与环境)协调,成比例
  • scale something back
    (chiefly US)reduce something in size, number, or extent (主美)相应缩减
  • scale something down (或 scale down)
    reduce something (or be reduced) in size, number or extent 相应缩减
  • scale something up (或 scale up)
    increase something (or be increased) in size or number 相应增加(或扩大)
    But technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever—and therefore possible on a much larger scale.
    How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.
    However, scientists say that the scale of CO2 emissions will require vast amounts of long-term storage.
    In return for the scale of investment, they should share their expertise in order to build greater confidence in the sector.
    If there was a greater coordination of technology transfer offices within regions and a simultaneous investment in the scale and functions of our graduate schools, universities could, and should, play a key role in positioning the UK for the next growth cycle
  • N-SING
    If you refer to the scale of something, you are referring to its size or extent, especially when it is very big.
    However, he underestimates the scale of the problem... 然而,他低估了问题的严重性。 You may feel dwarfed by the sheer scale of the place... 看到此处气势如此恢宏,你可能会觉得自己很渺小。
    A scale is a set of levels or numbers which are used in a particular system of measuring things or are used when comparing things.
    ...an earthquake measuring five-point-five on the Richter scale... 里氏 5.5 级地震 The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten... 患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。
    A pay scale or scale of fees is a list that shows how much someone should be paid, depending, for example, on their age or what work they do.
    ...those on the high end of the pay scale... 工资级别最高的人 A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation. 在病人决定是否就诊之前,注册整骨医师会很乐意告知其收费标准。
    The scale of a map, plan, or model is the relationship between the size of something in the map, plan, or model and its size in the real world.
    The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths. 该地图以 1:10,000 的比例尺显示了 5,000 多条不同道路。
  • ADJ
    A scale model or scale replica of a building or object is a model of it which is smaller than the real thing but has all the same parts and features.
    Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house. 富兰克林为他的母亲制作了一个复杂精细的房屋模型。
    In music, a scale is a fixed sequence of musical notes, each one higher than the next, which begins at a particular note.
    ...the scale of C major. C 大调音阶
    The scales of a fish or reptile are the small, flat pieces of hard skin that cover its body.
    Scales are a piece of equipment used for weighing things, for example for weighing amounts of food that you need in order to make a particular meal.
    ...a pair of kitchen scales. 一台厨房秤 ...bathroom scales... 浴室体重秤
  • VERB
    If you scale something such as a mountain or a wall, you climb up it or over it.
    In 1981, five members of a climbing party died while scaling Mount Hood. 1981 年,一支登山队的5名队员在攀登胡德峰时遇难。 The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side. 那些男人攀上一堵墙然后顺着另一侧的脚手架爬了下去。
    If something is out of scale with the things near it, it is too big or too small in relation to them.
    The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue, utterly out of scale with the building. 那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑完全不成比例。
    If the different parts of a map, drawing, or model are to scale, they are the right size in relation to each other.
    ...a miniature garden, with little pagodas and bridges all to scale. 内有全部按比例建造的小塔和小桥的微缩花园
  • n.
    鱼鳞, 鳞片
    Scales of skin peel off after scarlet fever. 猩红热病愈后皮肤上的鳞屑就会脱落。
    鳞状物; 障眼物
    The doctor removed the scale from his eyes. 医生除去了他眼中的障眼物。 His explanations removed the scale from my eyes. 他的解释使我看清了真相。
    水垢, 水锈
    A scale of rust covered the steel plate. 一层铁锈覆盖了钢板。
    刻度, 度数
    This ruler has only one scale in centimeters. 这把尺只有厘米刻度。
    The scale of this map is an inch to a mile. 这张地图的比例尺是一英寸代表一英里。
    规模; 程度; 范围
    He's in business on a small scale. 他做的是小本生意。
    等级; 级别
    For every year you've worked here you go up another step on the salary scale. 你在这儿每工作一年, 工资就会长一级。 His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising. 他的社会地位提高之迅速令人吃惊。
    天平, 磅秤
    The butcher weighed the meat on the scales. 肉贩用盘秤称肉。
  • vt.
    You have to scale the fish before cooking it. 你在烧鱼之前得刮去鳞片。 The plaster is scaling off the wall. 灰泥从墙上剥落。
    The fish scales 2 pounds. 这条鱼重两磅。
    攀登, 爬
    The boys soon scaled the wall. 男孩很快就爬上了墙头。 They are determined to spare no efforts to scale the peaks in science and technology. 他们决心全力攀登科技高峰。
    to scale when suffering from scarlet 患猩红热时易生鳞屑
  • vi.
    The bark scaled off the tree. 树皮从树上脱落了。
    The boiler scaled. 锅炉生水垢了。
    He bought a piece of meat scaling in four pounds. 他买了一块重4磅的肉。
  • Noun
    1. an ordered reference standard;
    "judging on a scale of 1 to 10"
    2. relative magnitude;
    "they entertained on a grand scale"
    3. the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it;
    "the scale of the map""the scale of the model"
    4. an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks
    5. a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
    6. a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
    7. (music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
    8. a measuring instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass
    9. a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
    10. a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
  • Verb
    1. measure by or as if by a scale;
    "This bike scales only 25 pounds"
    2. pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
    3. take by attacking with scaling ladders;
    "The troops scaled the walls of the fort"
    4. reach the highest point of;
    "We scaled the Mont Blanc"
    5. climb up by means of a ladder
    6. remove the scales from;
    "scale fish"
    7. measure with or as if with scales;
    "scale the gold"
    8. size or measure according to a scale;
    "This model must be scaled down"
  • 体育: 评分;秤;平衡;
    动物学: 鳞骨片;又称:鳞(shield(蜥蜴类) );
    医学: 鳞屑:指皮肤上一种薄而致密的片状组织,如体表的角化上皮细胞或脱落细胞;标,标度,刻度:一种图表或设计,可用于估价或估量某些特性,如在一线形平面上每隔一定距离作标记以表示某种预定的单位;剥刮:剥除体表物质,如刮除覆盖于牙齿表面的物质;
    土木工程: 结垢;
    建筑: 尺度;比例尺;
    昆虫学: 鳞片;鱗片;
    机械: 标尺;具有一系列平行刻线的直尺,可提供长度或线位移的量度。广义地说,以光、电、磁等原理形成有一定空间间距的周期信号,并以此提供角度或角位移的量度的器件。;标度;构成指示装置一部分的一组有序的刻度标记数字和单位符号的组合。;
    植物学: 鳞片;
    水产: 鳞,鱼类等动物体表生长的起保护作用的角质或骨质薄片。;
    法律: 比例;尺度;
    测绘: 比例尺;地图上某一线段的长度与地面上相应线段水平距离之比。;
    生态学: 尺度;观测或研究对象的物体或过程的空间分辨率和时间单位, 通常以粒度和幅度来表达。;
    生物学: 鳞片;
    电力: 水垢;
    电工: 定尺;
    药学: 鳞屑;