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[seɪl] [sel]
  • 复数:sails;
  • 第三人称单数:sails;
  • 过去式:sailed;
  • 过去分词:sailed;
  • 现在分词:sailing;
  • 例句
    • in (或under) full sail
      with all the sails in position or fully spread (船)满帆,全速航行
    • sail close to (或 near) the wind
      sail as nearly against the wind as possible 迎风航行
    • take in sail
      furl the sail or sails of a vessel 收帆
    • under sail
      with the sails hoisted 升起帆;在航行中
    • sail into
      To attack or criticize vigorously. 痛骂,猛击
      Steamships captured the North Atlantic passenger business from sail in the 1840s because of its much greater speed.
      The high cost of steam and the lesser need for speed kept the majority of the world's ocean freight moving by sail until the early years of the 20th century
      But steamships didn't lose their sails until the 1880s, because early marine engines had a nasty habit of breaking down.
      James hiked, fished, learnt to sail and experimented with hot air ballooning.
    • N-COUNT
      Sails are large pieces of material attached to the mast of a ship. The wind blows against the sails and pushes the ship along.
      The white sails billow with the breezes they catch. 一张张白帆随着微风舞动。
    • VERB
      You say a ship sails when it moves over the sea.
      The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge... 拖网渔船已经驶离了泽布吕赫港。 The Kruzenshtern is expected to sail for Boston this week. “克鲁森施滕”号预计将于本星期启航前往波士顿。
    • V-ERG
      If you sail a boat or if a boat sails, it moves across water using its sails.
      I shall get myself a little boat and sail her around the world... 我要给自己买一条小船,驾着它环游世界。 For nearly two hundred miles she sailed on, her sails hard with ice... 它在船帆硬邦邦地结满了冰的情况下连续航行了将近 200 英里。
    • N-COUNT
      The sails on a windmill are the long flat parts that are turned by the wind.
      ...a windmill, its sails turning in the breeze. 翼板在微风中转动的风车
    • VERB
      If a person or thing sails somewhere, they move there smoothly and fairly quickly.
      We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor... 我们进了电梯,很快到了顶层。 The cabs sailed past. 出租车疾驰而过。
    • PHRASE
      When a ship sets sail, it leaves a port.
      He loaded his vessel with another cargo and set sail... 他给自己的船装上另一批货后便启航了。 Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in the Santa Maria. 克里斯托弗·哥伦布从圣玛丽亚启航前往新大陆。
    • PHRASE
      If you cross the sea under sail, you cross it in a ship that has sails rather than an engine.
      ...the challenge and fun of going to sea under sail. 扬帆出海的挑战和乐趣 ...a big ship under sail. 扬帆航行的大船
    • n.
      The men took in sail when the storm approached. 水手们在暴风雨来临时落下了船帆。 The ship was in full sail. 该船正满帆而行。
      Let's go for a sail this afternoon. 今天下午我们乘船出游吧。
      This port is within two days' sail of New York. 这个港口离纽约的航程不到两天。
      The fishing boats were 15 sail in number. 那些渔船的数量是十五艘。
    • vt.
      Do you know how to sail the boat? 你知道怎样驾驶这艘船吗?
    • vi.
      起航, 开船;坐船旅行, 航行
      When does the ship sail? 这艘船何时起航? We sailed the Atlantic in five days. 我们用了五天时间乘船驶过了大西洋。
    • Noun
      1. a large piece of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
      2. an ocean trip taken for pleasure
    • Verb
      1. traverse or travel by ship on (a body of water);
      "We sailed the Atlantic""He sailed the Pacific all alone"
      2. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions;
      "The diva swept into the room""Shreds of paper sailed through the air""The searchlights swept across the sky"
      3. travel in a boat propelled by wind;
      "I love sailing, especially on the open sea"
      4. travel by boat on a boat propelled by wind or by other means;
      "The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow"
    • 体育: 持航时间;驶帆;驾帆;带伞飞翔;航行;