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  • 以下这两个动词都有"冲,奔" 的意思
  • rush one's fences
    (Brit.)act with undue haste (英)鲁莽从事
  • a rush of blood (to the head)
    a sudden attack of wild irrationality in one's thinking or actions 头脑发热,一时冲动
    But because you can't drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio's prime, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences.
    Solar homes produce the most power on the hot sunny afternoons when everyone rushes home to turn up the air conditioner.
    These changing life styles are responsible for the increasing number of people who must rush meals or sometimes simply go without them
    The rush to distribute the devices worries some professors, who say that students are less likely to participate in class if they are multi-tasking.
    And we are rushing to meet so many deadlines that we hardly register that what we need most are lifelines.
    That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on the next election will hardly rush to introduce unpopular measures that may not bear fruit for years, perhaps decades.
  • VERB
    If you rush somewhere, you go there quickly.
    A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a man's life... 一位女学生冲进起火的公寓里去救一名男子。 Someone inside the building rushed out... 大楼里有个人冲了出来。
  • VERB
    If people rush to do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it.
    Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could... 俄罗斯各家银行争相抢购美元。 Before you rush to book a table, bear in mind that lunch for two would cost £150. 在你抢着订桌之前,记住两个人在那里吃一顿午饭得花150英镑。
  • N-SING
    A rush is a situation in which you need to go somewhere or do something very quickly.
    The men left in a rush... 男人们匆匆离开了。 It was all rather a rush... 这太仓促了。
  • N-SING
    If there is a rush for something, many people suddenly try to get it or do it.
    Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single. 唱片店正期待着人们会争相抢购这张单曲唱片。 ...the rush for contracts. 争先恐后签约
  • N-SING
    The rush is a period of time when many people go somewhere or do something.
    The shop's opening coincided with the Christmas rush... 这家商店的开张正好赶上了圣诞的抢购热潮。 Apply before the rush starts. 赶在高峰期开始前申请。
  • VERB
    If you rush something, you do it in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care.
    You can't rush a search... 搜寻时不能仓促行事。 Chew your food well and do not rush meals... 充分咀嚼食物,吃饭不要太快。
  • VERB
    If you rush someone or something to a place, you take them there quickly.
    We got an ambulance and rushed her to hospital... 我们叫了一辆救护车,赶紧把她送到了医院。 Federal agents rushed him into a car... 联邦探员赶紧把他送进了一辆车里。
  • V-ERG
    If you rush into something or are rushed into it, you do it without thinking about it for long enough.
    He will not rush into any decisions... 他不会草率作出任何决定的。 They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task... 他们还没有充分了解这项任务就仓促行动了。
  • VERB
    If you rush something or someone, you move quickly and forcefully at them, often in order to attack them.
    They rushed the entrance and forced their way in... 他们猛冲到入口,强行闯入。 Tom came rushing at him from another direction. 汤姆从另一个方向突袭了他。
  • VERB
    If air or liquid rushes somewhere, it flows there suddenly and quickly.
    Water rushes out of huge tunnels... 水从巨大的隧道中奔涌而出。 The air was rushing past us all the time. 气流一直从我们身边呼啸而过。
    If you experience a rush of a feeling, you suddenly experience it very strongly.
    A rush of pure affection swept over him... 一阵强烈而纯洁的爱意涌遍他全身。 He felt a sudden rush of panic at the thought. 想到这点,他突然感到一阵强烈的恐慌。
    Rushes are plants with long thin stems that grow near water.
    In film-making, the rushes of a film are the parts of it that have been filmed but have not yet been edited.
    If you are rushed off your feet, you are extremely busy.
    We used to be rushed off our feet at lunchtimes. 以前我们在午饭时间会忙得不可开交。
  • vt. & vi.
    (使)急速行进; 仓促完成; 迅速移动; 急促
    Don't rush, take your time. 别急急忙忙的, 慢慢来。 They rushed to see what was happening. 他们冲出去看发生了什么事。 Fans rushed the stage after the concert. 音乐会结束后, 乐迷涌向舞台。 Please rush me your recent books. 请贵方将新书速寄来为盼。
  • vt.
    Don't rush me.I must think it over. 别催我, 我要仔细想想。
  • n.
    冲, 奔
    There was a mad rush to seats on the bus. 公共汽车上乘客疯狂抢占着座位。 There's been a rush to see the new film. 人们争先恐后地去看那部新影片。
    繁忙的活动; 忙碌; 繁忙
    When the rush was over, he insisted that everybody take a day off. 那一阵忙过之后, 他一定要大家休假一天。
  • Noun
    1. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner;
    "in his haste to leave he forgot his book"
    2. a sudden forceful flow
    3. grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems
    4. the swift release of a store of affective force;
    "they got a great bang out of it""what a boot!""he got a quick rush from injecting heroin""he does it for kicks"
    5. a sudden burst of activity;
    "come back after the rush"
    6. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line;
    "the linebackers were ready to stop a rush"
  • Verb
    1. step on it;
    "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests""The cars raced down the street"
    2. attack suddenly
    3. urge to an unnatural speed;
    "Don't rush me, please!"
    4. act or move at high speed;
    "We have to rush!""hurry--it's late!"
    5. run with the ball, in football
    6. cause to move fast or to rush or race;
    "The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze"
    7. cause to occur rapidly;
    "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions"
  • Adjective
    1. not accepting reservations
    2. done under pressure;
    "a rush job"
  • 体育: 猛攻;猛冲;冲击;
    医学: 蠕动波:有力的收缩活动波,沿小肠而下波及极长一段距离,系肠激惹或异常肠扩张所致;