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[əˈtæk] [əˈtæk]
  • 复数:attacks;
  • 第三人称单数:attacks;
  • 过去式:attacked;
  • 过去分词:attacked;
  • 现在分词:attacking;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均有"进攻,侵略" 的意思
      aggression :词义宽泛,既可指武装入侵别国领土,又可指文化、经济等方面的侵略。侧重敌意行动和征服的企图。
      invasion :多指具体的侵入或侵犯别国领土,也可用于指抽象事件。
      assault :主要指突然而猛烈的进攻。
      attack :普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。
      offensive :多指进攻的态势,常指大规模的协同军事行动。
    • under attack
      subject to aggressive, violent, or harmful action 遭到攻击
      According to Arne Sorenson, the president of Marriott hotels, the current recession hit his business as hard as the 9/11 terrorist attack.
      hit his business as hard as the 9/11 terrorist attack
      It's a learning experience that attacks you from multiple sensory directions.
      Monsanto's critics have attacked the company for its "merciless legal battles against small farmers," and they are hoping this will be the case that puts it in its place.
      Janet James was 22 years old when she was diagnosed with MS—a disease that attacks the body's nerves.
      The jury believed the testimony of the two victims, who positively identified Jackson as the man who has attacked them.
    • VERB
      To attack a person or place means to try to hurt or damage them using physical violence.
      Fifty civilians in Masawa were killed when government planes attacked the town... 马萨瓦市遭到政府军飞机轰炸,有50名平民丧生。 He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her... 他将老妇人推到她家走廊上,并对她一顿暴打。
    • VERB
      If you attack a person, belief, idea, or act, you criticize them strongly.
      He publicly attacked the people who've been calling for secret ballot nominations... 他公开抨击了那些主张用不记名投票方式确定任命人选的人。 A newspaper ran an editorial attacking him for being a showman. 一家报纸发表社论,批评他善于作秀。
    • VERB
      If something such as a disease, a chemical, or an insect attacks something, it harms or spoils it.
      The virus seems to have attacked his throat... 病毒看来已经侵蚀到他喉部了。 Several key crops failed when they were attacked by pests. 一些主要农作物由于遭受虫害而歉收。
    • VERB
      If you attack a job or a problem, you start to deal with it in an energetic way.
      Any attempt to attack the budget problem is going to have to in some way deal with those issues. 要解决预算问题,在某种程度上就必须解决那些问题。
    • VERB
      In games such as football, when one team attacks the opponent's goal, they try to score a goal.
      Now the US is controlling the ball and attacking the opponent's goal... 现在美国队控球,向对方球门展开了进攻。 The goal was just reward for Villa's decision to attack constantly in the second half. 在下半场,维拉队持续进攻的打法为他们赢得了这个进球。
    • N-COUNT
      An attack of an illness is a short period in which you suffer badly from it.
      It had brought on an attack of asthma. 这引发了哮喘。
    • vt. & vi.
      攻击, 袭击 进攻; (在战争中使用武器的)进攻, 攻击
      They knew when to attack and when to retreat. 他们知道什么时候进攻和什么时候撤退。 The enemy attacked us at night. 敌人在夜间袭击了我们。
    • n.
      攻击, 袭击; (在战争中使用武器的)进攻, 攻击
      The enemy attack took us by surprise. 敌人的进攻使我们感到意外。
      (疾病)侵袭, 发作
      She had her first heart attack the other day. 不久前, 她第一次心脏病发作。
    • Noun
      1. (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons);
      "the attack began at dawn"
      2. a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition;
      "an attack of diarrhea"
      3. intense adverse criticism;
      "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party""the government has come under attack""don't give me any flak"
      4. the act of attacking;
      "attacks on women increased last year""they made an attempt on his life"
      5. an offensive move in a sport or game;
      "they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning"
      6. the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent);
      "the film was sensitive to attack by acids""open to attack by the elements"
      7. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation;
      "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons""an attack on inflation""his plan of attack was misguided"
      8. a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
      9. strong criticism;
      "he published an unexpected attack on my work"
    • Verb
      1. launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with;
      "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II""Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week"
      2. attack in speech or writing;
      "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
      3. take the initiative and go on the offensive;
      "The Serbs attacked the village at night""The visiting team started to attack"
      4. attack someone physically or emotionally;
      "The mugger assaulted the woman""Nightmares assailed him regularly"
      5. set to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task;
      "I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
      6. begin to injure;
      "The cancer cells are attacking his liver""Rust is attacking the metal"
    • 医学: 发作:疾病的发作或发生;