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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[reɪz] [rez]
  • 过去式:raised;
  • 过去分词:raised;
  • 现在分词:raising;
  • 第三人称单数:raises;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均有"上升,举起" 的意思
      arise :书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。
      rise :普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。
      raise :及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。
      lift :语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。
    • 以下这些动词均有"升起,举起" 的意思
    • raise Cain
      见 Cain
    • raise the devil
      (informal)make a noisy disturbance (非正式)闹事;喧闹;兴风作浪
    • raise one's eyebrows
    • raise one's glass
      drink a toast 举杯祝酒
    • raise one's hand
      strike or seem to be about to strike someone (好像)要打,打
    • raise one's hat
      briefly remove one's hat as a gesture of courtesy or respect to someone 脱帽致敬
    • raise hell
      (informal)make a noisy disturbance (非正式)闹事;喧闹;兴风作浪
    • raise hob
    • raise a laugh
      make people laugh 引人发笑,使人发笑
    • raise the roof
      make or cause someone else to make a great deal of noise, especially through cheering 喧闹不休;闹翻了天;吵翻了天
    • raise one's voice
      speak more loudly 抬高声音;大声疾呼
    • raise Cain 或 raise the devil 或 raise hell
      To behave in a rowdy or disruptive fashion. 粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行为或表现 To reprimand someone angrily. 谴责:生气地斥责某人
    • raise eyebrows
      To cause surprise or mild disapproval. 使不满,使不快:引起惊奇或轻微的不满
    • raise the stakes
      To increase one's commitment or involvement. 增加困难,增加义务:增加某人的义务或财政困难
      It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良)and heat-related health problems.
      The rising cost of raising a child in Britain.
      A US study suggested that when a school gave children access to a natural environment, academic levels were raised across the entire school.
    • VERB
      If you raise something, you move it so that it is in a higher position.
      He raised his hand to wave... 他举手挥动起来。 She went to the window and raised the blinds... 她走到窗前,拉起了百叶窗。
    • VERB
      If you raise a flag, you display it by moving it up a pole or into a high place where it can be seen.
      They had raised the white flag in surrender... 他们举白旗投降了。 At midnight, the German flag will be raised over the Reichstag. 半夜时,德国国旗将在德国国会大厦升起。
    • VERB
      If you raise yourself, you lift your body so that you are standing up straight, or so that you are no longer lying flat.
      He raised himself into a sitting position... 他坐了起来。 She raised herself on one elbow. 她用一只胳膊肘撑起身体。
    • VERB
      If you raise the rate or level of something, you increase it.
      The Republic of Ireland is expected to raise interest rates... 爱尔兰共和国预计会提高利率。 Two incidents in recent days have raised the level of concern. 最近发生的两起事件引发了更多人的关注。
    • VERB
      To raise the standard of something means to improve it.
      ...a new drive to raise standards of literacy in Britain's schools. 提高英国学校文化水平的新运动
    • VERB
      If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly, usually because you are angry.
      Don't you raise your voice to me, Henry Rollins!... 别冲我叫嚷,亨利·罗林斯! Anne raised her voice in order to be heard. 为了让人能听得见,安妮提高了嗓门。
    • N-COUNT
      A raise is an increase in your wages or salary.
      Within two months Kelly got a raise. 不到两个月,凯利就获得了加薪。
    • VERB
      If you raise money for a charity or an institution, you ask people for money which you collect on its behalf.
      ...events held to raise money for Help the Aged... 为“帮助老年人”活动而发起的募捐活动 All funds raised will be used by Children With Leukaemia. 所有募集到的资金都将用于“白血病患儿”组织。
    • VERB
      If a person or company raises money that they need, they manage to get it, for example by selling their property or by borrowing.
      They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of grounds. 他们筹钱来购买房屋及200英亩的土地。
    • VERB
      If an event raises a particular emotion or question, it makes people feel the emotion or consider the question.
      The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon... 那项协议使人们感到战争有望很快结束。 The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant. 这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。
    • VERB
      If you raise a subject, an objection, or a question, you mention it or bring it to someone's attention.
      In the meeting Mrs. Ashrawi raised the three main concerns that the Palestinians had... 会议上,阿什拉维夫人提出了巴勒斯坦人最为关注的三个问题。 He had been consulted and had raised no objections. 事先征求了他的意见,他并没有提出异议。
    • VERB
      Someone who raises a child looks after it until it is grown up.
      My mother was an amazing woman. She raised four of us kids virtually singlehandedly. 我的母亲是位了不起的女性。她几乎是一个人把我们4个孩子带大的。 ...the house where she was raised. 她在其间长大的那幢房子
    • VERB
      If someone raises a particular type of animal or crop, they breed that type of animal or grow that type of crop.
      He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay. 他种植了2,000英亩的小麦和牧草。 ...a perfectly cooked farm-raised chicken. 精心烹制的农场养的鸡
    • vt.
      提起; 举起; 竖起
      When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation. 他看到校长时举手敬礼。 I'll raise both hands in favour of damming the river. 我举双手赞成拦河筑坝。 From then on we raised our heads and became our own masters. 从此我们抬起头来当家做主了。 Slowly he raised his bow and began to take aim at the bird. 慢慢地他举起弓, 开始瞄准那只鸟。 Raise the overturned lamp. 扶起倒了的灯。
      增加; 提升
      They raised their output by more than half in less than three years. 不到三年, 他们把产量提高了一半还多。 We must do everything we can to raise the people's living standards. 我们要想一切办法来提高人民的生活水平。 None of them raised any objection. 他们谁也没提出反对意见。 Why didn't you raise the question at the meeting? 这问题你怎么没有在会上提出来? As no one raised his voice against the plan, it was agreed on. 由于没有人提反对意见, 那项计划便通过了。 They decided to raise money by subscription. 他们决定靠募捐的办法来筹集这笔款子。 How were they going to raise enough money for it? 他们怎样来为此筹集足够的资金呢? They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on. 他们靠养蚕等增加了收入。
      抚养; 饲养
      The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses. 这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、狗和马。 They raised five thousand chrysanthemums last year. 去年他们种了五千株菊花。 We want to raise our children to be decent men and women. 我们盼望把孩子们培养成优秀人才。
      This book raised my interest in the study of history. 这本书引起了我研究历史的兴趣。
      They raised the price of rice from $1.5 to $2.5 per kilogram. 他们将米价由每公斤1.5美元提高到2.5美元。
      He raised his voice but still I could not hear him. 他提高了嗓门,但我依然听不见他说什么。
      His words raised a blush on her cheeks. 他的话使她脸红。
      Now we raised a ship far away on the horizon. 现在我们看到远处的地平线上有一艘轮船。
    • n.
      (工资、薪金的)提升, 增加
      He went to ask for a raise. 他要求增加工资。 The workers went on strike for a raise. 工人举行罢工, 要求增加工资。 The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay raise. 工会不惜牺牲自己的权利以换取微薄的加薪。
    • vi.
      She raised higher and higher in the sofa. 她的身子在沙发里越挪越高。
    • Noun
      1. the amount a salary is increased;
      "he got a 3% raise""he got a wage hike"
      2. an upward slope or grade (as in a road);
      "the car couldn't make it up the rise"
      3. increasing the size of a bet (as in poker);
      "I'll see your raise and double it"
      4. the act of raising something;
      "he responded with a lift of his eyebrow""fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up"
    • Verb
      1. raise the level or amount of something;
      "raise my salary""raise the price of bread"
      2. raise from a lower to a higher position;
      "Raise your hands""Lift a load"
      3. cause to be heard or known; express or utter;
      "raise a shout""raise a protest""raise a sad cry"
      4. collect funds for a specific purpose;
      "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
      5. cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques;
      "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines""They produce good ham in Parma""We grow wheat here""We raise hogs here"
      6. bring up;
      "raise a family""bring up children"
      7. evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic;
      "raise the specter of unemployment""he conjured wild birds in the air""stir a disturbance""call down the spirits from the mountain"
      8. move upwards;
      "lift one's eyes"
      9. construct, build, or erect;
      "Raise a barn"
      10. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses);
      "arouse pity""raise a smile""evoke sympathy"
      11. create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise;
      "raise hell""raise the roof""raise Cain"
      12. raise in rank or condition;
      "The new law lifted many people from poverty"
      13. increase;
      "This will enhance your enjoyment""heighten the tension"
      14. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position;
      "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired""Women tend not to advance in the major law firms""I got promoted after many years of hard work"
      15. cause to puff up with a leaven;
      "unleavened bread"
      16. in bridge: bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
      17. bet more than the previous player
      18. cause to assemble or enlist in the military;
      "raise an army""recruit new soldiers"
      19. put forward for consideration or discussion;
      "raise the question of promotions""bring up an unpleasant topic"
      20. pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth;
      "raise your `o'"
      21. activate or stir up;
      "raise a mutiny"
      22. establish radio communications with;
      "They managed to raise Hanoi last night"
      23. multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
      24. bring (a surface, a design, etc.) into relief and cause to project;
      "raised edges"
      25. invigorate or heighten;
      "lift my spirits""lift his ego"
      26. put an end to;
      "lift a ban""raise a siege"
      27. cause to become alive again;
      "raise from the dead""Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected""Upraising ghosts"
    • 体育: 提高滑速;
      冶金学: 天井;
      法律: 抚养;提出;