• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 反义词
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[ˈpæsɪv] [ˈpæsɪv]
  • 复数:passives;
  • 比较级:more passive;
  • 最高级:most passive;
  • 副词:passively;
  • 例句
    • adj.
    • passive的反义词之:其他释义
      The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.
      When these students encounter a new problem of the same type on a test, they're able to transfer the knowledge they've gathered more effectively than those who were the passive recipients of someone else's expertise.
      If you describe someone as passive, you mean that they do not take action but instead let things happen to them.
      His passive attitude made things easier for me... 他顺从的态度让我做起事来要轻松些。 Even passive acceptance of the regime was a kind of collaboration. 即使被动接受该政权也是一种通敌行为。
    • ADJ
      A passive activity involves watching, looking at, or listening to things rather than doing things.
      They want less passive ways of filling their time. 他们想找些更为积极的方式来打发时间。 ...the passive enjoyment one gets from looking at a painting or sculpture. 观看绘画或雕塑获得的被动享受
    • ADJ
      Passive resistance involves showing opposition to the people in power in your country by not co-operating with them and protesting in non-violent ways.
      They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover. 他们声明一旦发生军事接管,他们只会采取非暴力抵抗。
    • N-SING
      In grammar, the passive or the passive voice is formed using 'be' and the past participle of a verb. The subject of a passive clause does not perform the action expressed by the verb but is affected by it. For example, in 'He's been murdered', the verb is in the passive.
    • adj.
      被动的; 消极的; 不抵抗的
      He has a passive disposition. 他个性消极。
      冷漠的, 不关心的
      He has a passive expression on his face. 他脸上有一种漠然的表情。
    • Noun
      1. the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb;
      "`The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice""`The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive"
    • Adjective
      1. lacking in energy or will;
      "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself"- George Meredith
      2. peacefully resistant in response to injustice;
      "passive resistance"
      3. expressing thatthe subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb;
      "academics seem to favor passive sentences"
    • 体育: 守势的;消极的;
      医学: 被动的:非自发的也非主动的;非主动努力产生的;
      电力: 无源电路;[electric] circuit;
      金融: 不计利息的;无息的;