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[peɪn] [pen]
  • 复数:pains;
  • 过去式:pained;
  • 过去分词:pained;
  • 现在分词:paining;
  • 第三人称单数:pains;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均含有"疼,疼痛" 的意思
      ache :指人体某一器官较持久的疼痛,常常是隐痛。
      pain :可与ache换用,但pain既可指一般疼痛,也可指剧痛,疼痛范围可以是局部或全身,时间可长可短。也可引申指精神上的痛苦。
      sore :指身体某部位的痛处,有是也指精神上的痛苦。
    • for one's pains
      (informal)as an unfairly bad return for efforts or trouble (非正式)作为对努力或辛苦的不公平的报酬
    • no pain, no gain
      (chiefly N.Amer.)suffering is necessary in order to achieve something (主北美)不劳则无获
    • on (或 under) pain of
      the penalty for disobedience or shortcoming being 违反则 以…处罚
    • on pain of 或 under pain of
      Subject to the penalty of a specified punishment, such as death. 违则以…处罚:应受一种指定惩罚的刑罚,如死刑
      When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.
      But there was some pain for everyone: median pay for chief executives of non-financial firms in the S&P 500 fell by 2.7%.
      Anyway, the pain will eventually end
      He is bothered by the pain in his neck.
      To relieve their pains and sufferings.
      Pains do not necessarily lead to gains.
    • N-VAR
      Pain is the feeling of great discomfort you have, for example when you have been hurt or when you are ill.
      ...back pain. 背痛 ...a bone disease that caused excruciating pain... 造成剧痛的骨病
      Pain is the feeling of unhappiness that you have when something unpleasant or upsetting happens.
      ...grey eyes that seemed filled with pain. 似乎充满了痛苦的灰眼睛
    • VERB
      If a fact or idea pains you, it makes you feel upset and disappointed.
      This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother... 这一下大家都知道了特德的残疾,这让母亲非常痛苦。 It pains me to think of you struggling all alone. 想到你一个人苦苦挣扎,我很难过。
    • PHRASE
      讨厌鬼,烦心事(英国英语亦用a pain in the arse, a pain in the backside等,美国英语亦用a pain in the ass, a pain in the butt等,但多数人认为具冒犯意味)
      In informal English, if you call someone or something a pain or a pain in the neck, you mean that they are very annoying or irritating. Expressions such as a pain in the arse and a pain in the backside in British English, or a pain in the ass and a pain in the butt in American English, are also used, but most people consider them offensive.
    • PHRASE
      If someone is at pains to do something, they are very eager and anxious to do it, especially because they want to avoid a difficult situation.
      Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote. 美孚公司急于说明那个地点发生爆炸的可能性微乎其微。
    • PHRASE
      You say that something was all you got for your pains when you are mentioning the disappointing result of situation into which you put a lot of work or effort.
      All Corfield got for his pains was a bullet in the head... 科菲尔德千辛万苦,到头来却被一枪爆头。 The Professor lavished his learning on the young visitor but gained little gratitude for his pains. 教授将自己的学识倾囊传授给那位年轻访客,到头来却没有获得一点感激。
      If someone is ordered not to do something on pain of or under pain of death, imprisonment, or arrest, they will be killed, put in prison, or arrested if they do it.
      We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language. 我们被禁止使用母语,违者将被关进监狱。
    • PHRASE
      If you take pains to do something or go to great pains to do something, you try hard to do it, because you think it is important to do it.
      Social workers went to great pains to acknowledge men's domestic rights... 社会工作者尽量尊重男性的家庭权利。 I had taken great pains with my appearance. 我在自己的容貌上下了很多工夫。
    • n.
      痛苦, 苦恼, 烦恼
      The pain eased slightly. 痛苦稍有减轻。 His behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain. 他的所作所为使他的父母极为难过。
      Mother has a pain in her chest. 母亲胸口疼。 She asked after the aches and pains of all the old people. 她询问了所有老人的各种病痛。
      She's a real pain. 她真是个讨厌的人。
      劳苦, 辛劳, 烦劳
      My pains have been rewarded. 我的努力已得到报偿。
    • vt. & vi.
      (使)疼痛; (使)痛苦; 伤害; 使苦恼
      My tooth is paining. 我牙痛。 Her injured arm pained her sharply. 她那受伤的手臂使她感到剧烈疼痛。 It pains me to have to leave, but I must. 不得不离开使我感到痛苦, 但我必须离开。 It pained him that his father talked like that. 他父亲那样说使他痛苦。
    • Noun
      1. a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder;
      "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
      2. emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid;
      "the pain of loneliness"
      3. a somatic sensation of acute discomfort;
      "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain"
      4. a bothersome annoying person;
      "that kid is a terrible pain"
      5. something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness;
      "washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer""a bit of a bother""he's not a friend, he's an infliction"
    • Verb
      1. cause bodily suffering to
      2. cause emotional anguish or make miserable;
      "It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school"
    • 医学: 疼痛,痛:多少有些局限的不适感、困苦痛苦感和剧烈困苦感,因特化的神经末梢受到刺激而起,系一种保护性机制,因它可使感到疼痛者除去或离开刺激源;
      生理学: 痛;
      药学: 疼痛;