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  • 同义词解析
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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[mi:n] [min]
  • 复数:means;
  • 过去式:meant;
  • 过去分词:meant;
  • 现在分词:meaning;
  • 第三人称单数:means;
  • 比较级:meaner;
  • 最高级:meanest;
  • 名词:meanness;
  • 形容词:meanly;
  • 例句
    • 以下这两个动词均有"想要,打算" 的意思
    • 以下这些形容词均有"卑鄙的,卑贱的,卑下的" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均含有"表示……的意思" 的意思
    • I mean
      used to clarify or correct a statement or to introduce a justification or explanation 我想,我说,我的意思是(用于澄清或纠正,或用于提出理由、解释)
    • mean business
      be in earnest 认真,热心
    • mean to say
      [usu. in questions]really admit or intend to say 意思是说;想说
    • mean well
      have good intentions, but not always the ability to carry them out 用意是好的,初衷是好的
    • mean streets
      used in reference to a socially deprived area of a city, or one which is noted for violence and crime 贫民街区;治安混乱的城区
    • no mean —
      denoting something very good of its kind 很好的,很棒的
    • mean business【非正式用语】
      To be in earnest. 急切,迫切
    • by all means
      Without fail; certainly. 当然;当然可以
    • by any means
      In any way possible; in any case 用尽各种可能的办法;无论如何
    • by means of
      With the use of; owing to 使用;由于
    • by no means
      In no sense; certainly not 并没有;绝不
    • VERB
      If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is.
      In modern Welsh, 'glas' means 'blue'... 在现代威尔士语中,glas 意为“蓝色”。 What does 'evidence' mean?... evidence 是什么意思?
    • VERB
      If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say.
      Do you mean me?... 你指的是我吗? Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story... 让我用一个古老的故事来说明我的意思吧。
    • VERB
      If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way.
      The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him... 虽然她目睹了这可耻的一幕,但是这对他来说无关紧要。 It would mean a lot to them to win. 获胜对他们来说非常重要。
    • VERB
      If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true.
      An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer... 前列腺肿大不一定就是癌症。 Just because he has a beard doesn't necessarily mean he's a hippy. 不能因为他蓄须就说他是嬉皮士。
    • VERB
      If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening.
      It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO... 这几乎肯定会导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。 Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings... 商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。
    • VERB
      If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing.
      Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent... 孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即便这意味着只能与单亲生活在一起。 Managing well means communicating well. 良好的管理需要有效的沟通。
    • VERB
      If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite.
      He says you're fired if you're not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it... 他说,如果你星期五还不回去上班的话就解雇你。我想他是当真的。 He could see I meant what I said. So he took his fur coat and left. 他看得出我并非只是说说而已,于是拿起他的皮衣走了。
    • VERB
      If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately.
      I didn't mean to hurt you... 我无意伤害你。 If that sounds harsh, it is meant to... 如果这么说听起来刺耳的话,那目的就达到了。
    • VERB
      If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so.
      I'm sure he didn't mean any harm... 我相信他并无恶意。 I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark. 我本无意冒犯,那不过是句脱口而出的冒失话。
    • VERB
      If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it.
      Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read... 夏天是把想读却没读的新书恶补一下的最佳时机。 You know very well what I meant to say... 你非常清楚我想说什么。
    • VERB
      If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance.
      John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together. 约翰不断安慰我说,我们注定要在一起。
    • PHRASE
      You say 'I mean' when making clearer something that you have just said.
      It was his idea. Gordon's, I mean... 这是他的主意,我是指戈登。 Is something upsetting you—I mean, apart from this business? 有什么烦心事吗?我的意思是,除了这件事以外还有吗?
    • PHRASE
      You can use 'I mean' to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said.
      I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him... 我肯定他不会在意的,因为是我问他的。 They were filled with racial stereotypes, I mean, it looked like something from the 1930s. 他们满脑子种族成见,似乎都是些20世纪30年代的老思想。
    • PHRASE
      You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said.
      It was law or classics—I mean English or classics. 是法律或者古典文学——我的意思是英语或古典文学。
    • PHRASE
      If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you.
      I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances. 我明白在这种悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。
    • PHRASE
      If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to.
      'Oh, Gairdner,' he said, as if that meant something to him... “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。 Does the word 'Fareham' mean anything to anyone? 有人对 Fareham 这个词有印象吗?
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone means well, you mean they are trying to be kind and helpful, even though they might be causing someone problems or upsetting them.
      I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself. 我明白您的好意,不过我自己能行。
    • PHRASE
      You use 'you mean' in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said.
      What accident? You mean Christina's?... 哪次事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次? 'What if I had said no?' 'About the apartment, you mean?' “我要是说了不呢?”“你是说公寓那件事吗?”
    • vt.
      In this poem the budding flower means youth. 在这首诗里含苞欲放的花朵是指青春。 The sign means that cars cannot enter. 这种标志表示汽车不能入内。
      本意是, 原意为; 意味
      When we say yes, we mean it. 我们说同意就同意。 I did not mean you. 我不是指你。 These new orders for our manufactures will mean working overtime. 这些订购我们产品的新订单意味着要加班。 He means you no harm. 他对你没有恶意。
      怀有某目的; 打算
      He that promises too much means nothing. 许愿过多的人是不打算兑现的。 I mean to stay here, if I can. 若是能留下, 我想留在这儿。 I mean this house for my daughter. 我打算把这房子给我的女儿。
      In running a company, strict financial management means everything. 经营一家公司, 严格的财务管理是至关重要的。 I must tell you that I mean what I say. 我得告诉你, 我说话是算数的。
      I was never meant for the army. 我根本就不是当兵的材料。 He means his son to be a doctor. 他要儿子当医生。
    • adj.
      吝啬的; 自私的
      He is a mean man. 他是个自私的人。 Her husband is rather mean over money matters. 她的丈夫在金钱方面非常小气。 He's too mean to make a donation. 他很小气, 不肯捐款。
      卑鄙的, 不善良的
      He took a mean advantage of me. 他利用卑鄙的手段占我的便宜。 Corruption and bribery are mean. 贪污行贿是可鄙的。 It was mean of her to say that. 她那样说是刻薄的。
      中间的, 平均的
      The mean temperature of this area is 33 degrees in summer. 这个地区夏季平均气温为33度。
      He is a man of mean birth. 他是位出身低微的人。
    • n.
      平均数, 平均值
      What you do first is to calculate the mean. 你要做的第一件事就是算出平均数。
      中间, 中庸
      It's a question of finding the mean between too lenient treatment and too severe punishment. 问题是要找出处理过宽和处罚过严的折中办法。
    • Noun
      1. an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
    • Verb
      1. mean or intend to express or convey;
      "You never understand what I mean!""what do his words intend?"
      2. have as a logical consequence;
      "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"
      3. denote or connote;
      "`maison' means `house' in French""An example sentence would show what this word means"
      4. have in mind as a purpose;
      "I mean no harm""I only meant to help you""She didn't think to harm me""We thought to return early that night"
      5. have a specified degree of importance;
      "My ex-husband means nothing to me""Happiness means everything"
      6. intend to refer to;
      "I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France""Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"
      7. destine or designate for a certain purpose;
      "These flowers were meant for you"
    • Adjective
      1. approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value;
      "the average income in New England is below that of the nation""of average height for his age""the mean annual rainfall"
      2. characterized by malice;
      "a hateful thing to do""in a mean mood"
      3. having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality;
      "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke"taking a mean advantage""chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare"something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"
      4. excellent;
      "famous for a mean backhand"
      5. marked by poverty befitting a beggar;
      "a beggarly existence in the slums""a mean hut"
      6. used of persons or behavior; characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity;
      "a mean person""he left a miserly tip"
      7. used of sums of money; so small in amount as to deserve contempt
    • 体育: 平均数;一般水平;
      农学: [平]均数;
      医学: 平均数:在某种意义上代表一组数字的中值的数;算术均数;均值:在概率和统计中,指随机变量的期望值,即随着样本数的无限增加(如果存在极限),样本均值趋向集中到的一个极限值,符号为μ;
      数学: 均值;