• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • VERB
    When a child or young animal matures, it becomes an adult.
    You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically... 在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。 The eggs hatched and the chicks matured. 小鸡破壳而出。
  • VERB
    When something matures, it reaches a state of complete development.
    When the trees matured they were cut in certain areas... 在有些地方,树木长成后就会被砍掉。 Their songwriting has matured. 他们的歌曲创作水平已经成熟。
  • VERB
    If someone matures, they become more fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour.
    Hopefully after three years at university I will have matured... 希望3年大学生活之后我能变成熟。 I thought you had matured enough not to be giggly and silly about serious art. 我觉得你已经长大成人,不应该再冲着严肃的艺术作品傻笑。
    If you describe someone as mature, you think that they are fully developed and balanced in their personality and emotional behaviour.
    They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly... 他们在情感上已经成熟,应该负责任地行事。 You and I are mature, freethinking adults. 你我都是明白事理、思想自由的成年人。
    If you describe the work of an artist, writer, or musician as mature, you mean that it is thoughtful and skilful and shows that their abilities have fully developed.
    It is his most mature comedy yet. 这是他迄今最成熟的喜剧作品。
  • V-ERG
    If something such as wine or cheese matures or is matured, it is left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.
    Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass. 和葡萄酒不同的是,白兰地只能在木制容器而非玻璃容器里酿制。 ...the cellars where the cheeses are matured. 酿制奶酪的地窖
    Mature cheese or wine has been left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.
    Grate some mature cheddar cheese. 将一些已经酿熟的切达干酪磨碎。 ...the best place to enjoy fine, mature wines. 品尝葡萄佳酿的最佳之处
  • VERB
    When an investment such as a savings policy or pension plan matures, it reaches the stage when you stop paying money and the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned.
    These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time. 这些红利会在10年后存款到期时支付。 ...an endowment policy that matured on September 1. 9月1日到期的人寿定期保险单
  • ADJ
    If you say that someone is mature or of mature years, you are saying politely that they are middle-aged or old.
    ...a man of mature years who had been in the job for longer than most of the members could remember. 一个已过中年的男子,大多数成员都不记得他干这行有多久了
  • Adjective
    1. fully ripe; at the height of bloom;
    "a full-blown rose"
    2. fully considered and perfected;
    "mature plans"