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[lɒŋ] [lɔŋ]
  • 第三人称单数:longs;
  • 过去式:longed;
  • 过去分词:longed;
  • 现在分词:longing;
  • 比较级:longer;
  • 最高级:longest;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词都有"希望" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "渴望" 的意思
    • as (或 so) long as
      during the whole time that 一直,整个时间里 provided that 只要
    • be long
      take a long time to happen or arrive 很长时间才能发生(或到达)
    • in the long run
      over or after a long period of time; eventually 长期地,长远来看;最后
    • long time no see
      (informal)it's a long time since we last met (used as a greeting) (非正式)(问候语)好久不见
    • not by a long shot
      by no means 决不(可能)
    • so long
      (S. African)in the meanwhile (南非)在此期间,与此同时
    • take the long view
      think beyond the current situation; plan for the future 从长远考虑;做长远打算
    • any longer
      For more time 用更多的时间
    • as long as 或 so long as
      During the time that 在…的时间之内 Inasmuch as; since 既然;因为 Under the condition that; provided that 以…为条件;只要
    • before long
      Soon. 很快
    • long ago
      At a time or during a period well before the present 以前:在现在以前的一个时间或一段时间 A time well before the present 很久以前:很久以前的一个时间
    • long in the tooth
      Growing old. 变老
    • no longer
      Not now as formerly 不再:现在与以前不同
    • not long for
      Unlikely to remain for much more time in 不大可能在…中存在很久
      Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time.
      Repairs to the cable did not take too long... 电缆的维修没有花太长的时间。 Have you known her parents long?... 你认识她父母很长时间了吗?
      A long event or period of time lasts for a great amount of time or takes a great amount of time.
      We had a long meeting with the attorney general... 我们和检察总长开了一个长会。 She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America... 她计划去埃及和美国度长假。
      You use long to ask or talk about amounts of time.
      How long have you lived around here?... 你住在这一带有多长时间了? He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember... 在朋友的记忆中,他一直都在节食。
      A long speech, book, film, or list contains a lot of information or a lot of items and takes a lot of time to listen to, read, watch, or deal with.
      He was making quite a long speech... 他的讲话颇为冗长。 This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes. 这部电影较长,有3小时7分钟。
      If you describe a period of time or work as long, you mean it lasts for more hours or days than is usual, or seems to last for more time than it actually does.
      Go to sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow... 睡觉吧。我明天还得忙呢。 She was a TV reporter and worked long hours... 她是个电视台记者,总是工作到很晚。
      If someone has a long memory, they are able to remember things that happened far back in the past.
    • ADV
      Long is used in expressions such as all year long ,the whole day long, and your whole life long to say and emphasize that something happens for the whole of a particular period of time.
      We played that record all night long... 我们整晚都在放那张唱片。 Snow is sometimes found all summer long upon the highest peaks. 有时候山峰上整个夏天都有积雪。
    • adj.
      长时间的, 长期的
      It's an hour long. 这有一个钟头之久。 The pupils have two long holidays every year. 学生们每年有两次长假。
    • adv.
      长久地, 长期地
      Have you been working here long? 你在这儿工作很久了吗?
      很久地, 久远地
      I heard about him long before I saw him. 我在没见过他之前就听说过他。
    • n.
      长时间, 长时期
      The work won't take long. 这工作不会花太长时间。
    • vi.
      渴望; 极想
      We are longing to see you. 我们极想见到你。
    • Noun
      1. a comparatively long time;
      "this won't take long""they haven't been gone long"
    • Verb
      1. desire strongly or persistently
    • Adjective
      1. primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified;
      "a long life""a long boring speech""a long time""a long friendship""a long game""long ago""an hour long"
      2. primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified;
      "a long road""a long distance""contained many long words""ten miles long"
      3. of relatively great height;
      "a race of long gaunt men"- Sherwood Anderson"looked out the long French windows"
      4. holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices;
      "is long on coffee""a long position in gold"
      5. of speech sounds (especially vowels) of relatively long duration (as e.g. the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot')
      6. used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively long duration
      7. involving substantial risk;
      "long odds"
      8. (of memory) having greater than average range;
      "a long memory especially for insults""a tenacious memory"
      9. planning prudently for the future;
      "large goals that required farsighted policies""took a long view of the geopolitical issues"
      10. having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains";
      "in long supply"
    • Adverb
      1. for an extended time or at a distant time;
      "a promotion long overdue""something long hoped for""his name has long been forgotten""talked all night long""how long will you be gone?""arrived long before he was expected""it is long after your bedtime"
      2. for an extended distance
    • 体育: 打出端线的;打出发球线的;
      土木工程: 长期强度;long-term strength;长期刚度;long-term stiffness;
      大气科学: 长期[天气]预报;long-range [weather] forecast 未来一个月或更长时段的天气预报。;长波槽;long-wave trough 对流层中、上部西风带中, 波长约为5[KG*4]000—10[KG*4]000km的低槽。;
      水产: 远洋渔业;distant fishery 在远离本国海岸或渔业基地的海域,利用公海或他国资源的渔业生产活动。;枪乌贼类;finned squids 枪乌贼科(Loliginidae拉)动物的总称,属头足纲、十腕目。;
      物理学: 长程密度;long-range density;长程连通性;long-range connectivity;长寿命粒子;long-lived particle;长程力;long-range force;长余辉磷光体;long after-glow phosphor;长程关联;long-range correlation;长程序;long-range order, LRO;
      电力: 长枪冲洗工具;long-gun washed tool;长期允许油压;long-run allowable oil pressure;