• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


['li:vɪŋz] ['livɪŋz]
    Rod, I hear you'll be leaving at the end of this month.
    I'm supposed to be at a meeting from 3:00 to 6:00, but how about leaving it with my secretary
    Yeah, but that only leaves me 30 minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and (13) it means I have to check in by 5:30, which means leaving home at about 4:
    Jane told me that you'll be leaving at soon.
    Self-made billionaires in Beijing, tech innovators in Silicon Valley, pioneering justices in Ghana—in these and countless other areas, women are leaving their mark.
    Meanwhile, tuition has soared, leaving graduating students with unprecedented loan debt.
  • VERB
    If you leave a place or person, you go away from that place or person.
    He would not be allowed to leave the country... 他可能会被禁止离开该国。 I simply couldn't bear to leave my little girl... 我就是受不了要离开我的小女儿。
  • VERB
    If you leave an institution, group, or job, you permanently stop attending that institution, being a member of that group, or doing that job.
    He left school with no qualifications... 他没有获得任何学历证书便离开了学校。 I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction. 我辞职是为了专心写小说。
  • VERB
    If you leave your husband, wife, or some other person with whom you have had a close relationship, you stop living with them or you finish the relationship.
    He'll never leave you. You need have no worry... 他不会离开你的,你不用担心。 I would be insanely jealous if Bill left me for another woman. 要是比尔为了别的女人离开我,我会醋意大发。
  • VERB
    If you leave something or someone in a particular place, you let them remain there when you go away. If you leave something or someone with a person, you let them remain with that person so they are safe while you are away.
    I left my bags in the car... 我把包放在车里了。 Don't leave your truck there... 别把货车停在那儿。
  • VERB
    If you leave a message or an answer, you write it, record it, or give it to someone so that it can be found or passed on.
    You can leave a message on our answering machine... 您可以在我们的答录机上留言。 Decide whether the ball is in square A, B, C, or D, then call and leave your answer... 选定球放在A、B、C、D哪个方格,然后打电话来,留下您的答案。
  • VERB
    If you leave someone doing something, they are doing that thing when you go away from them.
    Salter drove off, leaving Callendar surveying the scene. 索尔特开车走了,剩下卡伦德勘查现场。
  • VERB
    If you leave someone to do something, you go away from them so that they do it on their own. If you leave someone to himself or herself, you go away from them and allow them to be alone.
    I'd better leave you to get on with it, then... 那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。 Diana took the hint and left them to it... 戴安娜会意,任由他们自己去解决。
  • VERB
    To leave an amount of something means to keep it available after the rest has been used or taken away.
    He always left a little food for the next day... 他总是留下一点儿食物第二天吃。 Double rooms at any of the following hotels should leave you some change from £150. 以下任何一间酒店的双人房价格都不到150英镑。
  • VERB
    If you take one number away from another, you can say that it leaves the number that remains. For example, five take away two leaves three.
  • VERB
    To leave someone with something, especially when that thing is unpleasant or difficult to deal with, means to make them have it or make them responsible for it.
    ...a crash which left him with a broken collarbone... 造成他锁骨骨折的车祸 He left me with a child to support. 他扔下我独自拉扯一个孩子。
  • VERB
    If an event leaves people or things in a particular state, they are in that state when the event has finished.
    ...violent disturbances which have left at least ten people dead... 造成至少10人死亡的暴乱 The documentary left me in a state of shock... 那部纪录片使我大为震惊。
  • VERB
    If you leave food or drink, you do not eat or drink it, often because you do not like it.
    If you don't like the cocktail you ordered, just leave it and try a different one. 你要是不喜欢你要的鸡尾酒,就别喝了,要点别的吧。
  • VERB
    If something leaves a mark, effect, or sign, it causes that mark, effect, or sign to remain as a result.
    A muscle tear will leave a scar after healing... 肌肉撕裂复原后会留下疤痕。 She left a lasting impression on him. 她给他留下了难以忘怀的印象。
  • VERB
    If you leave something in a particular state, position, or condition, you let it remain in that state, position, or condition.
    He left the album open on the table... 他把相册摊在桌上没收。 I've left the car lights on... 我没把车灯关掉。
  • VERB
    If you leave a space or gap in something, you deliberately make that space or gap.
    Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate. 上下各留一个口子通风。
  • VERB
    If you leave a job, decision, or choice to someone, you give them the responsibility for dealing with it or making it.
    Affix the blue airmail label and leave the rest to us... 贴上蓝色的空邮标签,其余的事情交给我们。 The judge should not have left it to the jury to decide... 法官本不该把案子交给陪审团来裁定。
  • VERB
    If you say that something such as an arrangement or an agreement leaves a lot to another thing or person, you are critical of it because it is not adequate and its success depends on the other thing or person.
    The ceasefire leaves a lot to the goodwill of the forces involved... 停火协议的执行很大程度取决于各方武装力量的意愿。 It's a vague formulation that leaves much to the discretion of local authorities. 这只是个模糊的构想,许多方面还要由地方当局来定夺。
  • VERB
    To leave someone with a particular course of action or the opportunity to do something means to let it be available to them, while restricting them in other ways.
    This left me only one possible course of action... 这样我只有一条路可走。 He was left with no option but to resign. 他除了辞职外别无选择。
  • VERB
    If you leave something until a particular time, you delay doing it or dealing with it until then.
    Don't leave it all until the last minute. 不要把什么都拖到最后一分钟。
  • VERB
    If you leave a particular subject, you stop talking about it and start discussing something else.
    I think we'd better leave the subject of Nationalism... 我看我们最好还是搁下民族主义这个话题吧。 He suggested we get together for a drink sometime. I said I'd like that, and we left it there. 他建议我们找个时间出来喝一杯。我说好,然后我们就换了个话题。
  • VERB
    If you leave property or money to someone, you arrange for it to be given to them after you have died.
    He died two and a half years later, leaving everything to his wife. 他于两年半后去世,把所有遗产都留给了妻子。
  • VERB
    If you say that someone leaves a wife, husband, or a particular number of children, you mean that the wife, husband, or children remain alive after that person has died.
    It is for his humanity as much as his music that his numerous friends and pupils will remember him. He leaves a wife, son and daughter. 他的仁爱精神,以及他的音乐,都将长留在无数友人和学生的记忆里。他身后遗下妻子和一对儿女。
    Leave is a period of time when you are not working at your job, because you are on holiday or vacation, or for some other reason. If you are on leave, you are not working at your job.
    Why don't you take a few days' leave? 你为什么不休几天假? ...maternity leave... 产假
    If you ask for leave to do something, you ask for permission to do it.
    ...an application for leave to appeal against the judge's order. 不服法官指令的上诉申请
    If you leave someone or something alone, or if you leave them be, you do not pay them any attention or bother them.
    Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone... 有人需要直面过去的创伤,有人则觉得不去想它为妙。 Why can't you leave him be? 你就不能不管他?
    You use leaving aside or leaving to one side when mentioning a fact or detail that you want to ignore when making a general statement.
    Leaving aside the question of privacy, constant surveillance can be remarkably convenient. 如果不去管隐私问题的话,实施不间断监视其实是非常便利的。
    When you take your leave or take leave of someone, you say goodbye and go.
    He thanked them for the pleasure of their company and took his leave. 他感谢他们的愉快陪伴,然后道别走了。
    If someone tells you to leave well alone, they are telling you not to interfere in something, because it is all right as it is and you might only make it worse.
    He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere. 他知道什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。
    If something continues from where it left off, it starts happening again at the point where it had previously stopped.
    As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off. 警察一走,暴力事件就会死灰复燃。
  • Noun
    1. act of departing