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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


[ˈlɑ:ðə(r)] [ˈlæðə(r)]
  • 复数:lathers;
  • 第三人称单数:lathers;
  • 过去式:lathered;
  • 过去分词:lathered;
  • 现在分词:lathering;
  • 例句
    • N-SING
      A lather is a white mass of bubbles which is produced by mixing a substance such as soap or washing powder with water.
      ...the sort of water that easily makes a lather with soap... 加上肥皂会立即起泡的那种水 He wiped off the remains of the lather with a towel. 他用毛巾抹去余下的皂沫。
    • VERB
      When a substance such as soap or washing powder lathers, it produces a white mass of bubbles because it has been mixed with water.
      The shampoo lathers and foams so much it's very hard to rinse it all out. 这种洗发水泡沫太多,很难冲干净。
    • VERB
      If you lather something, you rub a substance such as soap or washing powder on it until a lather is produced, in order to clean it.
      Lather your hair as normal... 像平常那样在头发上抹上洗发液。 For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe. 皮肤极柔嫩者,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤露。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone works themselves up into a lather or gets in a lather about something, you think that they are getting upset, angry, or worried about it when there is no need to do so.
      You have spent the past six months working yourself up into a lather over situations which are really none of your business... 过去半年你一直在为压根儿和你无关的事情心急上火。 'I'm not going to get into a lather over this defeat,' said the manager. “我不会因为这次失败而不快,”经理说道。
    • n.
      soapy lather 肥皂泡沫
      Look, don’t worry! There’s no point getting yourself into a lather over this! 嘿,别担心,为这事生气不值得。
      What’s going on? Chris has just come rushing into my office all in a lather, saying something about a lost report. 发生什么事了?刚才克里斯神情紧张地冲进我的办公室,说什么报告不见了。
    • Noun
      1. the froth produced by soaps or detergents
      2. agitation resulting from active worry;
      "don't get in a stew""he's in a sweat about exams"
      3. a workman who puts up laths
      4. the foam resulting from excessive sweating (as on a horse)
    • Verb
      1. cover with soap;
      "lather your body when you shower"
      2. beat severely with a whip or rod;
      "The teacher often flogged the students""The children were severely trounced"
      3. form a lather;
      "The shaving cream lathered"
      4. rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning