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[kɪs] [kɪs]
  • 复数:kisses;
  • 第三人称单数:kisses;
  • 过去式:kissed;
  • 过去分词:kissed;
  • 现在分词:kissing;
  • 例句
    • kiss off &I{【俚语】}
      To dismiss or reject. 解雇,抛弃 To be forced to give up or regard as lost 被迫放弃:被迫放弃或承认失败 To leave or disappear from notice 回避:从视野中离开或消失
    • kiss and make up
      become reconciled 和解
    • kiss and tell
      (chiefly derogatory)recount one's sexual exploits, especially to the media concerning a famous person (主贬)(尤指向媒体)描述自己(与名人)的性事
    • kiss someone's arse (或 北美
      (vulgar slang)behave obsequiously towards someone (粗俚)奉承,拍马
    • kiss ass
      (N. Amer. vulgar slang)behave in an obsequious or sycophantic way (北美, 粗俚)奉承,拍马
    • kiss something better
      (informal)comfort a sick or injured person, especially a child, by kissing the sore or injured part of their body as a gesture of removing pain (非正式)[作为帮助减轻痛苦的姿态]亲吻病人(尤指小孩)的伤痛处
    • kiss something goodbye (或 kiss goodbye to somethin
      (informal)accept the certain loss of something (非正式)接受某物的损失
    • kiss of death
      an action or event that causes certain failure for an enterprise 使企业挫败的行为(或事件)
    • kiss of life
      mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 人工呼吸
    • kiss of peace
      a ceremonial kiss given or exchanged as a sign of unity, especially the kiss of the consecrated elements during the Christian Eucharist (团结友爱的象征的)接吻礼;(尤指教会圣餐时亲吻圣体的)亲吻礼
    • kiss the rod
      accept punishment submissively 顺从地接受惩罚
    • kiss someone/thing off
      (N. Amer. informal)dismiss someone rudely; end a relationship abruptly (北美,非正式)粗暴解雇;突然结束关系
    • kiss up to
      (N. Amer. informal)behave sycophantically or obsequiously towards (someone) in order to obtain something (北美,非正式)奉承,拍马
    • kiss ass&I{【粗俗用语】} &I{【俚语】}
      To act submissively or obsequiously in order to gain favor. 奉承,拍马屁:为了获取好感而装出顺从的或奉承的样子
      You would not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced, but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you on both cheeks.
    • V-RECIP
      If you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire, or to greet them or say goodbye.
      She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek... 她倾身向前亲吻了他的面颊。 She kissed me hard on the mouth... 她深深地吻了我的嘴。
    • VERB
      If you kiss something, you touch it lightly with your lips, usually as a sign of respect.
      The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor... 这些男子走上前去轻吻他们导师的手。 She bowed her head and kissed the Archbishop's ring. 她低下头轻吻大主教的戒指。
    • VERB
      If you say that something kisses another thing, you mean that it touches that thing very gently.
      The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway. 飞机的轮子轻触跑道。
    • PHRASE
      If you blow someone a kiss or blow a kiss, you touch the palm of your hand lightly with your lips, and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection.
      Maria blew him a kiss... 玛丽亚给了他一个飞吻。 Amy blew a kiss from the door. 埃米在门口做了个飞吻的动作。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that you kiss something goodbye or kiss goodbye to something, you accept the fact that you are going to lose it, although you do not want to.
      I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye. 我明确感觉到我将不得不与我的舞蹈生涯说再见了。
    • vt. & vi.
      吻; 亲吻
      They were so excited that they kissed and kissed again. 他们激动得一次又一次地亲吻。 He took her in his arms and kissed her. 他拥抱她并吻她。
    • n.
      My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead. 妈妈吻了我的前额。
    • Noun
      1. the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)
      2. a cookie made of egg whites and sugar
      3. any of several bite-sized candies
      4. a light glancing touch;
      "there was a brief kiss of their hands in passing"
    • Verb
      1. touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.;
      "The newly married couple kissed""She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"
      2. touch lightly or gently;
      "the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain"
    • 体育: 吻球;