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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • at first
    at the beginning; in the initial stage or stages 首先;最初,开始;初期
  • at first glance
  • at first hand
  • at first instance
  • at first sight
  • the first among equals
  • first blood
  • first come, first served
    used to indicate that people will be dealt with strictly in the order in which they arrive or apply 先到者先受款待(表示严格按先后次序办事)
  • first and foremost
    most importantly; more than anything else 最重要的是,首要的是
  • first and last
    fundamentally; on the whole 根本上;总体上
  • first of all
    before doing anything else; at the beginning 首先;最初
  • first off
    (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)as a first point; first of all (非正式,主北美)首先
  • first past the post
    (of a contestant, especially a horse, in a race) winning a race by being the first to reach the finishing line (参赛者,尤指赛马)第一个到达终点
  • first thing
    early in the morning; before anything else 一大早;首先
  • ORD
    The first thing, person, event, or period of time is the one that happens or comes before all the others of the same kind.
    She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet. 她节食的头一个月就减掉了16磅。 ...the first few flakes of snow... 初落的几片雪花
  • ADV
    If you do something first, you do it before anyone else does, or before you do anything else.
    I do not remember who spoke first, but we all expressed the same opinion... 我不记得是谁最先发言的,但我们全都表达了相同的看法。 First, tell me what you think of my products... 先谈谈你觉得我的产品怎么样吧。
  • ORD
    When something happens or is done for the first time, it has never happened or been done before.
    This is the first time she has experienced disappointment... 这是她第一次感受到失望。 It was the first occasion when they had both found it possible to keep a rendezvous. 他们两人都能赴约,这还是头一遭。
  • N-SING
    An event that is described as a first has never happened before and is important or exciting.
    It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue. 在公园大道上露天展出费尔南多·博特罗的雕塑,这在纽约还是破天荒的事。
  • PRON
    The first you hear of something or the first you know about it is the time when you first become aware of it.
    We heard it on the TV last night — that was the first we heard of it... 昨晚我们在电视上听到了这件事——那是我们头回听说。 When Mark arrived home that afternoon, it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party. 马克那天下午回到家时是他第一次确切知道有惊喜派对这回事。
  • ADV
    You use first when you are talking about what happens in the early part of an event or experience, in contrast to what happens later.
    When he first came home he wouldn't say anything about what he'd been doing. 刚回到家时,他只字不提自己一直在做什么。
  • ADV
    In order to emphasize your determination not to do a particular thing, you can say that rather than do it, you would do something else first .
    Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first! 嫁给那个大腹便便的牛贩子的胖儿子?她宁愿去死!
  • ADV
    You use first when you are about to give the first in a series of items.
    Certain guidelines can be given. First, have a heating engineer check the safety of the system. 可以提供一些指导原则:第一,找位供暖工程师检查系统的安全性。
  • ORD
    The first thing, person, or place in a line is the one that is nearest to you or nearest to the front.
    Before him, in the first row, sat the President... 在他面前第一排坐着总统。 First in the queue were two Japanese students. 队伍最前面是两个日本学生。
  • ORD
    You use first to refer to the best or most important thing or person of a particular kind.
    The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers... 任何政府的首要职责都必须是保护纳税人的利益。 Imagine winning the local lottery first prize of £5,000. 想象一下中个5,000英镑的当地彩票头奖吧。
  • ORD
    First is used in the title of the job or position of someone who has a higher rank than anyone else with the same basic job title.
    ...the First Lord of the Admiralty. 海军大臣 ...the first mate of a British tanker. 一艘英国油轮的大副
    In British universities, a first is an honours degree of the highest standard.
    ...an Oxford Blue who took a First in Constitutional History. 获得宪法史优等学位的牛津大学校队运动员
    You use first of all to introduce the first of a number of things that you want to say.
    The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan. 降息在加利福尼亚并未产生多大影响,原因有二。首先,银行仍然不敢放贷。
    You use at first when you are talking about what happens in the early stages of an event or experience, or just after something else has happened, in contrast to what happens later.
    At first, he seemed surprised by my questions... 起初,他似乎对我的问题感到惊讶。 I had some difficulty at first recalling why we were there. 刚开始回想我们为什么会在那儿时我有些费劲。
    If you say that someone or something comes first for a particular person, you mean they treat or consider that person or thing as more important than anything else.
    There's no time for boyfriends, my career comes first. 我没时间交男朋友,事业对我来说是第一位的。
    You say 'first come first served' to indicate that a group of people or things will be dealt with or given something in the order in which they arrive.
    There will be five buses, first come first served. 会有5辆巴士,先到先上。
    From the first means ever since something started.
    You knew about me from the first, didn't you?... 从一开始你就知道我,对吧? I thought from the first that she was a little unsure about that marriage. 从一开始我就觉得她对那桩婚事心里没底。
    If you learn or experience something at first hand, you experience it yourself or learn it directly rather than being told about it by other people.
    He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting. 他来到纳塔尔亲自了解最近发生的激烈冲突造成的后果。
    If you say that you do not know the first thing about something, you are emphasizing that you know absolutely nothing about it.
    You don't know the first thing about farming. 你对种地一窍不通。
    You use first off to introduce the first of a number of things that you want to say.
    First off, huge apologies for last month's confusing report. 首先,要对上个月那篇交代不清的报道表示深深的歉意。
    If you put someone or something first, you treat or consider them as more important than anything else.
    Somebody has to think for the child and put him first. 必须有人替孩子着想,把他放在第一位。
    You say 'first things first' when you are talking about something that should be done or dealt with before anything else because it is the most important.
    Let's see if we can't find something to set the mood. First things first; some music. 看看我们能不能找点什么烘托一下气氛。当务之急:来点音乐吧。
  • n.
    I'm the first in my family to go to university. 我是我们家第一个大学生。
  • adv.
    第一, 最早, 首先
    First, let me deal with the most important difficulty. 首先, 让我来处理最为重要的困难。
    All mothers fear for their children when they first leave home. 孩子初次出门, 母亲总要为之担心。
    I'll never allow you to do that; I'll die first! 我绝不允许你做那种事, 我宁愿死!
  • adj.
    第一的; 最初的; 最早的; 最先的; 第一流的; 最重要的
    Do you know when the first artificial satellite of America was launched? 你知道美国的第一颗人造卫星是什么时候发射的吗?
    I haven't the first idea of what you mean. 我一点也不懂你的意思。
  • Noun
    1. the first or highest in an ordering or series;
    "He wanted to be the first"
    2. the first element in a countable series;
    "the first of the month"
    3. the time at which something is supposed to begin;
    "they got an early start""she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"
    4. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first base
    5. an honours degree of the highest class
    6. the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving
  • Adjective
    1. preceding all others in time or space or degree;
    "the first house on the right""the first day of spring""his first political race""her first baby""the first time""the first meetings of the new party""the first phase of his training"
    2. indicating the beginning unit in a series
    3. serving to set in motion;
    "the magazine's inaugural issue""the initiative phase in the negotiations""an initiatory step toward a treaty""his first (or maiden) speech in Congress""the liner's maiden voyage"
    4. serving to begin;
    "the beginning canto of the poem""the first verse"
    5. ranking above all others;
    "was first in her class""the foremost figure among marine artists""the top graduate"
    6. highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections;
    "first soprano""the first violin section""played first horn"
    7. being the gear producing the lowest drive speed;
    "use first gear on steep hills"
  • Adverb
    1. before anything else;
    "first we must consider the garter snake"
    2. the initial time;
    "when Felix first saw a garter snake"
    3. before another in time, space, or importance;
    "I was here first""let's do this job first"
    4. prominently forward;
    "he put his best foot foremost"
  • 体育: 比赛冠军;
    物理学: 第一类流;first-class current;一级相变;first-order phase transition;
    电力: 一阶电路;first-order circuit;