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[ˈfaɪə(r)] [faɪr]
  • 复数:fires;
  • 第三人称单数:fires;
  • 过去式:fired;
  • 过去分词:fired;
  • 现在分词:firing;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词都有"解雇,开除" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "点燃,着火" 的意思
    • breathe fire
      be extremely angry 盛怒,暴怒
    • catch fire
      begin to burn 开始燃烧,着火
    • fire and brimstone
      the supposed torments of hell 地狱的磨难
    • fire away
      (informal)used to give someone permission to begin speaking, typically to ask questions (非正式)[用以表示许可]说吧,讲吧;问吧
    • fire in the (或 one's) belly
      a powerful sense of ambition or determination 雄心壮志;坚定的决心
    • firing on all four cylinders
      working or functioning at a peak level 开足马力;鼓足干劲
    • go on fire
      (Scottish & Irish)begin to burn; catch fire (苏格兰,爱尔兰)开始燃烧;着火
    • go through fire (and water)
      face any peril 赴汤蹈火
    • light a fire under someone
      (N. Amer.)stimulate someone to work or act more quickly or enthusiastically (北美)激励,鼓舞,鞭策
    • set fire to
      (或 set something on fire)cause to burn; ignite 点燃,使着火;使燃烧
    • set the world (或 英
      do something remarkable or sensational 引起轰动;惊世骇俗
    • take fire
      start to burn 开始燃烧;着火
    • where's the fire?
      (informal)used to ask someone why they are in such a hurry or state of excitement (非正式)干吗这么慌张(或兴奋)
    • fire away 【非正式用语】
      To start to talk or ask questions. 开始:开始讲话或问问题
      I suspect the reason is a deep-rooted love of the fire.
      Fire was one of the earliest major technological advances for humankind, providing heat, protection, and cooked food (which is much easier to cat and digest)
      Human control of fire goes back far enough (over a million years) that evolution could have produced a genetic leaning towards fire as a central aspect of human life.
      The picture worsens with each round of El Nino, the unusually warm currents in the Pacific Ocean that drive up temperatures and invariably presage (预示) droughts and fires in the rain forest.
      Runaway fires pour even more carbon into the air, which increases temperatures, starting the whole vicious cycle all over again
      Each burning season in the Amazon, fires deliberately set by frontier settlers and developers hurl up almost half a billion metric tons of carbon a year, placing Brazil among the top five contributors to greenhouse gases in the world.
      Fire is the hot, bright flames produced by things that are burning.
      They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky... 他们看见一道强光和一个巨大的火球冲向数百英尺的高空。 Many students were trapped by smoke and fire on an upper floor. 许多学生被浓烟和大火困在了较高的一层上。
    • N-VAR
      Fire or a fire is an occurrence of uncontrolled burning which destroys buildings, forests, or other things.
      87 people died in a fire at the Happy Land Social Club... 87 人在乐土社交俱乐部的火灾中丧生。 A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening... 今晚一场森林大火正席卷缅因州北部的部分地区。
    • N-COUNT
      A fire is a burning pile of wood, coal, or other fuel that you make, for example to use for heat, light, or cooking.
      There was a fire in the grate... 壁炉内燃着火。 After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence. 杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。
    • N-COUNT
      A fire is a device that uses electricity or gas to give out heat and warm a room.
      The gas fire was still alight... 燃气取暖器还在烧着。 She switched on one bar of the electric fire. 她打开了一片电暖器。
    • VERB
      When a pot or clay object is fired, it is heated at a high temperature in a special oven, as part of the process of making it.
      After the pot is dipped in this mixture, it is fired... 陶罐在这一混合料中浸过之后就拿去烧制。 I have watched the potters mold, fire and paint their bowls, plates and vases with sacred designs. 我见过制陶工人捏塑、烧制碗碟花瓶,并在上面涂绘各种宗教图案。
    • VERB
      When the engine of a motor vehicle fires, an electrical spark is produced which causes the fuel to burn and the engine to work.
      The engine fired and we moved off. 点着引擎后我们就开走了。
    • VERB
      If a machine is fired with a particular fuel, it operates by means of that fuel.
      The engines were fired with coal and needed water to keep the steam up. 这些发动机烧煤,并且需要加水以不断产生蒸汽。
    • VERB
      If you fire someone with enthusiasm, you make them feel very enthusiastic. If you fire someone's imagination, you make them feel interested and excited.
      ...the potential to fire the imagination of an entire generation... 能够激发整整一代人想象力的潜能 It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion... 是艾伦为这场较量注入了激情。
      You can use fire to refer in an approving way to someone's energy and enthusiasm.
      I went to hear him speak and was very impressed. He seemed so full of fire... 我去听了他的讲话,结果留下了非常深刻的印象。他看上去充满了激情。 His punishing schedule seemed to dim his fire at times. 繁忙的日程似乎有时让他精力不济。
    • PHRASE
      If an object or substance catches fire, it starts burning.
      My home catches fire and everything is destroyed... 我家失了火,所有的东西都烧毁了。 The aircraft caught fire soon after take-off. 飞机起飞后不久就着火了。
    • PHRASE
      If a situation or event catches fire, it begins to be exciting and successful.
      The play only really catches fire once Aschenbach falls in love. 这部剧直到阿申巴赫堕入情网后才真正开始精彩起来。
    • PHRASE
      If you fight fire with fire, you deal with people attacking or threatening you by using similar methods to the ones that they are using.
      The only way they can deal with crime is to fight fire with fire. 他们打击犯罪的唯一方法就是以牙还牙。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone has fire in their belly, you are expressing approval of them because they are energetic, enthusiastic, and have very strong feelings.
      Rocco does not have the same fire in his belly as his father. 罗科不像他父亲那样充满激情。
    • PHRASE
      If something is on fire, it is burning and being damaged or destroyed by an uncontrolled fire.
      The captain radioed that the ship was on fire. 船长发无线电说船着火了。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is on fire, you mean they are very enthusiastic, excited, or passionate about something.
      He was on fire with this marvelous sight. 看到这一令人叹为观止的景象,他激动万分。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is playing with fire, you mean that they are doing something dangerous that may result in great harm for them and cause many problems.
      Schulte warned government and industrial leaders that those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire. 舒尔特警告政府和业界领袖说,哪怕只是动动大规模裁员念头的人都是在玩火。
    • PHRASE
      If you set fire to something or if you set it on fire, you start it burning in order to damage or destroy it.
      They set fire to vehicles outside that building... 他们纵火焚烧了停在那幢大楼外的车辆。 Lightning set several buildings on fire. 闪电燃着了几栋大楼。
      If you fire up a machine, you switch it on.
      Put on a helmet, fire up your engine and head out on the open road. 戴上头盔,发动引擎,开上乡村干道。
      If you fire someone up, you make them feel very enthusiastic or motivated.
      The president knows his task is to fire up the delegates. 总统知道自己的任务就是唤起代表的热情。
    • n.
      Paper is apt to catch fire. 纸容易着火。
      火灾; 炉火, 火堆
      A fire broke out. 发生了一场火灾。
    • vt. & vi.
      开火; 射击
      He ordered his men to fire. 他命令他的士兵开枪。
    • vt.
      The manager fired Bob because he was always late for work. 鲍勃因上班总迟到而被经理解雇。
    • Noun
      1. the event of something burning (often destructive);
      "they lost everything in the fire"
      2. the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke;
      "fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries"
      3. the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy;
      "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes""they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
      4. a fireplace in which a fire is burning;
      "they sat by the fire and talked"
      5. intense adverse criticism;
      "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party""the government has come under attack""don't give me any flak"
      6. feelings of great warmth and intensity;
      "he spoke with great ardor"
      7. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
      8. a severe trial;
      "he went through fire and damnation"
    • Verb
      1. start firing a weapon
      2. cause to go off;
      "fire a gun""fire a bullet"
      3. bake in a kiln so as to harden;
      "fire pottery"
      4. terminate the employment of;
      "The boss fired his secretary today""The company terminated 25% of its workers"
      5. go off or discharge;
      "The gun fired"
      6. drive out or away by or as if by fire;
      "The soldiers were fired""Surrender fires the cold skepticism"
      7. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses);
      "arouse pity""raise a smile""evoke sympathy"
      8. destroy by fire;
      "They burned the house and his diaries"
      9. provide with fuel;
      "Oil fires the furnace"
    • 体育: 发射;射击;击发;猛力投球;使劲扔球;
      医学: 发热,炎症;
      土木工程: 消防系统: fire-fighting system;
      机械: 耐火连接器: fire-proof connector 在规定的时间内能耐受规定温度的火焰的连接器。;
      水产: [船舶]消防设备: fighting equipment 供船上消除火灾、防止火灾蔓延以及保护消防人员用的各种器具。;
      法律: 火刑;
      电力: 耐火电缆: fire-resistant cable;
      药学: 火;