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  • 以下这两个形容词均包含 "简单的,轻易的" 的意思
  • be easier said than done
    be more easily talked about than put into practice 说时容易做时难
  • (as) easy as pie
  • easy come, easy go
    used especially in spoken English to indicate that a relationship or possession acquired without effort or difficulty may be abandoned or lost casually and without regret [尤在口语中]来得容易去得快
  • easy does it
    used especially in spoken English to advise someone to approach a task carefully and slowly [尤在口语中]小心行事;从容图之;不着急,不着忙
  • easy on the eye (或 ear)
    (informal)pleasant to look at (or listen to) (非正式)好看(或听)的,悦目(或耳)的
  • go (或 be) easy on someone
    (informal)refrain from being harsh with or critical of someone (非正式)温和地对待某人,宽容地对待某人
  • go easy on something
    (informal)be sparing or cautious in one's use or consumption of something (非正式)有节制地使用(或消耗)
  • have it easy
    (informal)be free from difficulties; be fortunate (非正式)容易,轻易;幸运
  • I'm easy
    (informal)said by someone when offered a choice to indicate that they have no particular preference (非正式)我随便(表示没有特别喜好或要求)
  • of easy virtue
    (dated or humorous)(of a woman) sexually promiscuous (旧或幽默)(女人)放荡的,水性杨花的,滥交的
  • sleep (或 rest) easy
    go to sleep without (or be untroubled by) worries 安然入睡;放心,高枕无忧
  • stand easy!
    (Military)used to instruct soldiers standing at ease that they may relax their attitude further (军)休息!(命令稍息状态的士兵进一步放松姿态的口令)
  • take the easy way out
    extricate oneself from a difficult situation by choosing the simplest rather than the most honourable course of action (选择最简单而非最体面的方式)使自己摆脱困境
  • take it easy
    proceed calmly and in a relaxed manner 从容不迫,不慌不忙
    Fire was one of the earliest major technological advances for humankind, providing heat, protection, and cooked food (which is much easier to cat and digest).
    These make alcohol less easy to get and reduce the number of psychological cues to drink.
    Easy access leads to customers' over-consumption
    It is not as easy to comprehend.
    As American research universities begin to resemble profit centers and entertainment complexes, it's easy to lose sight of their primary mission; to produce and spread knowledge
    Its impact is not easy to predict.
    If a job or action is easy, you can do it without difficulty or effort, because it is not complicated and causes no problems.
    The shower is easy to install... 这种淋浴器安装起来很简单。 It's easy to get a seat at the best shows in town... 很容易搞到城里顶级演出的票。
    If you describe an action or activity as easy, you mean that it is done in a confident, relaxed way. If someone is easy about something, they feel relaxed and confident about it.
    She is laughing and joking and making easy conversation with people she has never met before... 她谈笑风生,和那些素未谋面的人毫不拘束地聊着。 He was an easy person to talk to. 和他谈话很轻松。
    If you say that someone has an easy life, you mean that they live comfortably without any problems or worries.
    She has not had an easy life. 她一直没有过上过安逸的生活。
    If you say that something is easy or too easy, you are criticizing someone because they have done the most obvious or least difficult thing, and have not considered the situation carefully enough.
    That's easy for you to say... 你说起来轻松。 It was all too easy to believe it. 这太容易令人相信了。
    You use easy in expressions such as easy on the ear or easy on the eye when you are describing things that are pleasant and that do not need much effort to be enjoyed or done.
    The music sounds like an advert—easy on the ear but bland and forgettable... 这音乐听起来像是广告——悦耳但是毫无特点,听过就忘。 The layout should be clear and easy on the eye. 版式应该清晰悦目。
    If you describe someone or something as easy prey or as an easy target, you mean that they can easily be attacked or criticized.
    Tourists have become easy prey... 游客成了易遭袭击的目标。 The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame. 世界银行由于在环境保护方面表现不佳而常常遭受诟病。
    You use easy come, easy go to indicate that the person you are talking about does not care much about money and possessions.
    My attitude to money is slightly easy come, easy go. 我对金钱并不太在乎。
    If you say 'Easy does it', you are telling someone to be careful and not to use too much effort, especially when they are moving something large and awkward.
    If you tell someone to go easy on something, you are telling them to use only a small amount of it.
    Go easy on the alcohol. 少喝点酒。
    If you tell someone to go easy on, or be easy on, a particular person, you are telling them not to punish or treat that person very severely.
    'Go easy on him,' Sam repeated, opening the door... “对他宽容点,”萨姆开门的时候重复道。 Be a little easier on yourself and enjoy yourself more... 对自己别太苛刻,让自己更快乐些。
    If you say that something is easier said than done, you are emphasizing that although it sounds like a good idea in theory, you think it would be difficult to actually do it.
    Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done. 防蚊叮咬好说难做。
    If someone tells you to take it easy or take things easy, they mean that you should relax and not do very much at all.
    It is best to take things easy for a week or two. 最好放松一两周。
  • adj.
    That is an easy question. 那是一个容易回答的问题。 He is easy to deal with. 他很容易相处。 It is not easy to climb a bluff mountain. 登上陡峭的山可不容易。
  • vi.
    They easied on approaching the dock. 船驶近码头时他们停止了划桨。
  • Adjective
    1. posing no difficulty; requiring little effort;
    "an easy job""an easy problem""an easy victory""the house is easy to heat""satisfied with easy answers""took the easy way out of his dilemma"
    2. not hurried or forced;
    "an easy walk around the block""at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace"
    3. free from worry or anxiety;
    "knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy""an easy good-natured manner""by the time the child faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words"
    4. affording pleasure;
    "easy good looks"
    5. having little impact;
    "an easy pat on the shoulder""gentle rain""a gentle breeze""a soft (or light) tapping at the window"
    6. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich;
    "they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards""easy living""a prosperous family""his family is well-situated financially""well-to-do members of the community"
    7. not harsh; causing little distress;
    "an easy penalty"
    8. readily exploited or tricked;
    "an easy mark""an easy victim"
    9. marked by moderate steepness;
    "an easy climb""a gentle slope"
    10. performing adroitly and without effort;
    "her easy grace""a facile hand"
    11. not strict;
    "an easy teacher""easy standards""lenient rules"
    12. affording comfort;
    "soft light that was easy on the eyes"
    13. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior;
    "her easy virtue""he was told to avoid loose (or light) women""wanton behavior"
    14. less in demand and therefore readily obtainable;
    "commodities are easy this quarter"
    15. plentiful and therefore at low interest rates; easy to come by;
    "easy money"
  • Adverb
    1. with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily');
    "she was easily excited""was easily confused""he won easily""this china breaks very easily""success came too easy"
    2. without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly');
    "he spoke slowly""go easy here--the road is slippery""glaciers move tardily""please go slow so I can see the sights"
    3. in a relaxed manner; or without hardship;
    "just wanted to take it easy" (`soft' is nonstandard)
  • 体育: 短暂的休息;