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  • 英英词典释义


[dɪ'mɪnɪʃt] [də'mɪnɪʃt]
相关单词 undiminished
  • V-ERG
    When something diminishes, or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.
    The threat of nuclear war has diminished... 核战争的威胁已经减小了。 Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state... 联邦制旨在削弱中央政府的权力。
  • VERB
    If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are.
    He never put her down or diminished her... 他从未奚落或贬低过她。 He could no longer cope; he relied on me, and felt diminished by it. 他再也无法承受,他依赖我,却因此觉得是受了轻贱。
  • Adjective
    1. impaired by diminution
    2. (of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use;
    "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm"
    3. (of musical intervals) reduction by a semitone of any perfect or minor musical interval;
    "a diminished fifth"
    4. made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth);
    "her comments made me feel small"