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[klɪə(r)] [klɪr]
  • 第三人称单数:clears;
  • 过去式:cleared;
  • 过去分词:cleared;
  • 现在分词:clearing;
  • 比较级:clearer;
  • 最高级:clearest;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些形容词均包含 "清楚的,明白的,明显的" 的意思
      apparent :强调显而易见或一想便知。这个词从动词appear派生而来,故有时含有表面如此而事实上未必的意味。
      obvious :语气较强,指极为明显,有目共睹,无需说明和论证。
      evident :指根据事实成为显然的。
      clear :普通用词,侧重清楚明白。
      plain :普通用词,含义与clear很接近,可通用,但plain着重简单明了,不复杂。
      distinct :较正式用词,指轮廓的清楚或定义、含义的明确,不会弄错。
      definite :语气肯定,着重明白无误,无可怀疑。
      manifest :语义较强,书面用词,强调一目了然,暗示不要任何推论就一清二楚。
    • 以下这些动词均有"使干净" 的意思
    • 以下这两个形容词均可表示"透明的" 的意思
    • clear out 【非正式用语】
      To leave a place, usually quickly. 离开,走开:离开一个地方,通常快速地
    • as clear as mud
      见 mud
    • as clear as a bell
    • (as) clear as day
      very easy to see or understand 一清二楚,明明白白
    • clear the decks
      prepare for a particular event or goal by dealing with anything beforehand that might hinder progress 为(某活动,某目的)做好准备
    • clear one's lines
      (chiefly Rugby)make a kick sending the ball well upfield from near one's own goal line (主英橄)发球门球
    • clear the name of
      show to be innocent 澄清(某人的)名声
    • clear one's throat
      cough slightly so as to speak more clearly, attract attention, or to express hesitancy before saying something awkward (为清晰发言,引起注意或表示迟疑)清嗓子
    • clear the way
      remove an obstacle or hindrance to allow progress 为…扫清道路
    • in clear
      not in code 用普通文字,不使用密码
    • out of a clear sky
      as a complete surprise 完全出乎意外
    • clear away
      remove the remains of a meal from the table 收拾餐桌
    • clear off
      [usu. in imperative](informal)go away (非正式)走开
    • clear out
      (informal)leave quickly (非正式)迅速离开
      A new technology is unlikely to take the place of an old one without a clear advantage.
      It's clear why this would be something a music major would love.
      contributes to environmental protection Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots but our views about what makes an ideal romantic relationship can be swayed by the society we live in
      The Swedes can certainly take a lesson from the United States and look for ways to clear a path for their ambitious female careerists.
      These changes have cleared up much of the confusion and conflict that followed in the wake of 1976 legislation.
      Trees need more water as temperatures rise, but the prolonged droughts have robbed them of moisture, making whole forests easily cleared of trees and turned into farmland.
      Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.
      The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated... 这本书明白易懂,可读性强,插图丰富。 The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto... 太空望远镜拍摄到了迄今为止最清晰的冥王星的照片。
      Something that is clear is obvious and impossible to be mistaken about.
      It was a clear case of homicide... 这显然是一宗杀人案。 The clear message of the scientific reports is that there should be a drastic cut in car use... 那些科学报告清清楚楚地告诉人们应该大幅削减汽车使用量。
      If you are clear about something, you understand it completely.
      It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here... 很有必要搞清乔姆斯基在这儿干什么。 He is not entirely clear on how he will go about it... 他还没完全搞清楚该如何处理这件事。
      If your mind or your way of thinking is clear, you are able to think sensibly and reasonably, and you are not affected by confusion or by a drug such as alcohol.
      She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions. 她需要一个头脑清醒的人来执行自己的指令。
    • VERB
      To clear your mind or your head means to free it from confused thoughts or from the effects of a drug such as alcohol.
      He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head... 他沿着第五大道走了走,好让大脑清醒清醒。 Our therapists will show you how to clear your mind of worries. 我们的治疗师会教你如何消除心中的忧虑。
    • ADJ
      A clear substance is one which you can see through and which has no colour, like clean water.
      ...a clear glass panel... 透明的玻璃板 ...a clear gel... 透明的凝胶
      A clear colour is bright and strong.
      He has clear blue eyes and a dazzling smile. 他有一双明亮的蓝眼睛和一脸灿烂的微笑。
    • ADJ
      If a surface, place, or view is clear, it is free of unwanted objects or obstacles.
      The runway is clear — go ahead and land... 跑道畅通无阻,开始着陆吧。 All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare... 所有出口必须保持畅通,以防有火灾或炸弹威吓发生。
    • VERB
      When you clear an area or place or clear something from it, you remove things from it that you do not want to be there.
      To clear the land and harvest the bananas they decided they needed a male workforce... 为了清理那片地和收割香蕉,他们决定雇请男劳力。 Stewart was trying to clear a path for the stretcher... 斯图尔特在努力给担架开路。
    • VERB
      If something or someone clears the way or the path for something to happen, they make it possible.
      The Prime Minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government... 首相今天的辞职为新政府的组建扫清了道路。 A court in Berlin has dropped the charges against him, clearing the way for him to leave Germany. 柏林的一个法庭今天撤销了对他的指控,这样他就可以离开德国了。
      If it is a clear day or if the sky is clear, there is no mist, rain, or cloud.
      On a clear day you can see the French coast... 天气晴朗时可以望见法国海岸。 The winter sky was clear. 冬天的天空万里无云。
    • VERB
      When fog or mist clears, it gradually disappears.
      The early morning mist had cleared. 晨雾散去了。
      Clear eyes look healthy, attractive, and shining.
      ...clear blue eyes... 清澈的蓝眼睛 Her eyes were clear and steady. 她的眼神清澈而坚定。
      If your skin is clear, it is healthy and free from spots.
    • ADJ
      If you say that your conscience is clear, you mean you do not think you have done anything wrong.
      Mr Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents... 加西亚先生说他对监狱中发生的事件问心无愧。 I can look back on things with a clear conscience. I did everything I could. 我可以问心无愧地回首过去,我已经尽力了。
    • ADJ
      If something or someone is clear of something else, it is not touching it or is a safe distance away from it.
      As soon as he was clear of the terminal building he looked round... 他一离开机场大楼,就环顾了一下四周。 She placed a towel on a cluster of rocks just clear of the tidemark... 她把一条毛巾放在刚没过涨潮线的一堆石头上。
    • ADV
      If you drive clear to a place, especially a place that is far away, you go all the way there without delays.
      After that they drove clear over to St Paul. 之后,他们一口气开到圣保罗。
    • VERB
      If an animal or person clears an object or clears a certain height, they jump over the object, or over something that height, without touching it.
      Sotomayor, the Cuban holder of the world high jump record, cleared 2.36 metres. 古巴的世界跳高纪录保持者索托马约尔跳过了2.36米。
    • V-ERG
      When a bank clears a cheque or when a cheque clears, the bank agrees to pay the sum of money mentioned on it.
      Polish banks can still take two or three weeks to clear a cheque... 在波兰,银行兑现支票可能还需要两三个星期。 Allow time for the cheque to clear. 留出时间兑现支票。
    • VERB
      If a course of action is cleared, people in authority give permission for it to happen.
      Linda Gradstein has this report from Jerusalem, which was cleared by an Israeli censor... 琳达·格拉德斯坦的这份报道来自耶路撒冷,它已经通过了以色列方面的审查。 Within an hour, the helicopter was cleared for take-off... 不到一个小时,直升机获准起飞。
    • VERB
      If someone is cleared, they are proved to be not guilty of a crime or mistake.
      She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter... 她被判谋杀罪名不成立,仅以过失杀人罪判处5年监禁。 In a final effort to clear her name, Eunice has written a book. 尤妮斯写了本书,最后一次试图证明自己的清白。
      You can say 'Is that clear?' or 'Do I make myself clear?' after you have told someone your wishes or instructions, to make sure that they have understood you, and to emphasize your authority.
      We're only going for half an hour, and you're not going to buy anything. Is that clear? 我们只去半个小时,而且你什么都不能买。听清楚了没有?
    • PHRASE
      If someone is in the clear, they are not in danger, or are not blamed or suspected of anything.
      The Audit Commission said that the ministry was in the clear. 审计署称该政府部门没有问题。
    • PHRASE
      If you make something clear, you say something in a way that makes it impossible for there to be any doubt about your meaning, wishes, or intentions.
      Mr O'Friel made it clear that further insults of this kind would not be tolerated... 奥弗里尔先生明确表示,绝不容忍这样的侮辱行为再次发生。 The far-right has now made its intentions clear. 极右势力已经清楚地表明了其意图。
      If something or someone is a certain amount clear of a competitor, they are that amount ahead of them in a competition or race.
      Keegan's team are now seven points clear of West Ham... 基冈率领的球队现在领先西汉姆联队7分。 He crossed the line three seconds clear of Tom Snape. 他领先汤姆·斯内普3秒冲过终点线。
    • PHRASE
      If you steer clear or stay clear of someone or something, you avoid them.
      The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions. 拉比们努力避开政治问题。
    • adj.
      晴朗的, 清澈的
      I can see the hill through the clear glass. 通过透明的玻璃我能看到小山。 The weather was clear that day. 那天天气晴朗。
      清楚的, 明白的
      He gave us a very clear explanation. 他给我们做了非常清楚的解释。 I'm quite clear what I ought to do. 我很清楚该做什么。
    • adv.
      清晰地, 清楚地
      He speaks loud and clear. 他说话响亮清楚。
      完全, 一直
      The car ran clear off the road. 车子完全驶离了道路。
    • vi.
      The weather has cleared up. 天放晴了。
      The ship cleared from Hong Kong. 这艘船由香港开出。
      The early morning mist cleared before we set out. 在我们动身前,清晨的薄雾就消散了。
    • vt.
      证明…无罪; 宣告…无罪
      She has been cleared of murdering the little boy. 她已被证明与谋杀那个小孩无关。
      The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet. 雨水使空气变得洁净,青草发出清新芬芳的气味。
      He rephrased the report in order to clear the essential points. 他将报告重新修改,使要点更加清楚。
      We must clear the land of the enemy. 我们必须把敌人扫荡干净。
      They cleared some 300 acres in the jungle. 他们在丛林地带中开拓出大约 300英亩田地。
      He cleared his throat, and went on with his summing-up report. 他清了清嗓子,继续做总结报告。
      The presiding judge cleared him of a charge. 审判长宣告他无罪。
      His horse easily cleared every fence. 他的马很轻松地越过每一道篱笆。
    • Noun
      1. the state of being free of suspicion;
      "investigation showed that he was in the clear"
      2. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water;
      "finally broke out of the forest into the open"
    • Verb
      1. rid of obstructions;
      "Clear your desk"
      2. make a way or path by removing objects;
      "Clear a path through the dense forest"
      3. become clear;
      "The sky cleared after the storm"
      4. grant authorization or clearance for;
      "Clear the manuscript for publication""The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"
      5. remove;
      "clear the leaves from the lawn""Clear snow from the road"
      6. go unchallenged; be approved;
      "The bill cleared the House"
      7. be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts;
      "The check will clear within 2 business days"
      8. go away or disappear;
      "The fog cleared in the afternoon"
      9. pass by, over, or under without making contact;
      "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
      10. make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear;
      "Could you clarify these remarks?""Clear up the question of who is at fault"
      11. free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment;
      "Clear the ship and let it dock"
      12. clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.;
      "clear the water before it can be drunk"
      13. yield as a net profit;
      "This sale netted me $1 million"
      14. make as a net profit;
      "The company cleared $1 million"
      15. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;
      "How much do you make a month in your new job?""She earns a lot in her new job""this merger brought in lots of money""He clears $5,000 each month"
      16. sell;
      "We cleared a lot of the old model cars"
      17. pass an inspection or receive authorization;
      "clear customs"
      18. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;
      "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges"
      19. settle, as of a debt;
      "clear a debt""solve an old debt"
      20. make clear, bright, light, or translucent;
      "The water had to be cleared through filtering"
      21. rid of instructions or data;
      "clear a memory buffer"
      22. remove (people) from a building;
      "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat"
      23. remove the occupants of;
      "Clear the building"
      24. free (the throat) by making a rasping sound;
      "Clear the throat"
    • Adjective
      1. clear to the mind;
      "a clear and present danger""a clear explanation""a clear case of murder""a clear indication that she was angry""gave us a clear idea of human nature"
      2. free from confusion or doubt;
      "a complex problem requiring a clear head""not clear about what is expected of us"
      3. affording free passage or view;
      "a clear view""a clear path to victory"
      4. free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through;
      "clear water""clear plastic bags""clear glass""the air is clear and clean"
      5. free from contact or proximity or connection;
      "we were clear of the danger""the ship was clear of the reef"
      6. characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt);
      "a clear conscience""regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes"
      7. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;
      "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings""clear laughter like a waterfall""clear reds and blues""a light lilting voice like a silver bell"
      8. (especially of a title) free from any encumberance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law;
      "I have clear title to this property"
      9. clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible;
      "as clear as a whistle""clear footprints in the snow""the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather""a spire clean-cut against the sky""a clear-cut pattern"
      10. accurately stated or described;
      "a set of well-defined values"
      11. free from clouds or mist or haze;
      "on a clear day"
      12. free of restrictions or qualifications;
      "a clean bill of health""a clear winner"
      13. free from flaw or blemish or impurity;
      "a clear perfect diamond"
      14. clear of charges or deductions;
      "a clear profit"
      15. easily deciphered
      16. freed from any question of guilt;
      "is absolved from all blame""was now clear of the charge of cowardice""his official honor is vindicated"
      17. characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving;
      "clear mind""a percipient author"
      18. of complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne;
      "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman"
    • Adverb
      1. completely;
      "read the book clear to the end""slept clear through the night""there were open fields clear to the horizon"
      2. in an easily perceptible manner;
      "could be seen clearly under the microscope""She cried loud and clear"
    • 体育: 清楚;无人防守的;无障碍的;拉开;拉空;挑高球;高远球;解围球;解除危险;
      医学: 清除,澄清:用清净剂除去显微镜标本污浊;澄明的;
      土木工程: 清水池;clear-water reservoir;
      法律: 明确;