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[ˈkæməflɑ:ʒ] [ˈkæməˌflɑʒ, -ˌflɑdʒ]
  • 第三人称单数:camouflages;
  • 过去式:camouflaged;
  • 过去分词:camouflaged;
  • 现在分词:camouflaging;
  • 相关单词 camouflagedcamouflages
      Camouflage consists of things such as leaves, branches, or brown and green paint, which are used to make it difficult for an enemy to see military forces and equipment.
      They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles. 他们身穿迷彩服,携带自动步枪。 ...a camouflage jacket. 迷彩夹克
    • VERB
      If military buildings or vehicles are camouflaged, things such as leaves, branches, or brown and green paint are used to make it difficult for an enemy to see them.
      You won't see them from the air. They'd be very well camouflaged... 你从空中是看不见它们的,它们会被精心伪装起来。 They walked through the trees to a second hut, cunningly camouflaged against air surveillance. 他们穿过树林来到第二个棚子;这个棚子经过巧妙伪装,空中侦察不到。
    • VERB
      If you camouflage something such as a feeling or a situation, you hide it or make it appear to be something different.
      He has never camouflaged his desire to better himself... 他从不掩饰自己的上进心。 I think that there has been an attempt to camouflage what really happened. 我认为,有人试图掩盖事情的真相。
      Camouflage is the way in which some animals are coloured and shaped so that they cannot easily be seen in their natural surroundings.
      Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger. 由于和岩石颜色一样,蜥蜴对自己的保护色充满信心;遇到危险时,它便一动不动。
    • n.
      The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage. 北极熊身上的白色的浓密软毛是一种天然的伪装。 They used branches of trees as camouflage. 他们用树枝做伪装。 The animal’s markings provide effective camouflage. 这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。
      Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies. 有些昆虫有一种天然的保护色可以防止敌人的袭击。
    • vt. & vi.
      They camouflaged in bushes. 他们隐蔽在灌木丛中。 He tried to camouflage his real intentions by talking about friendship and so on. 他大谈友谊之类的话,以此来掩饰他真实的意图。
    • Noun
      1. an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something;
      "the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories"
      2. fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan; intended to make the wearer of a garment made of this fabric hard to distinguish from the background
      3. device or stratagem for concealment or deceit
      4. the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance;
      "he is a master of disguise"
    • Verb
      1. disguise by camouflaging; exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something;
      "The troops camoflaged themselves before they went into enemy territory"
    • 心理学: 伪装;
      昆虫学: 伪装;僞裝;
      航天: 伪装;