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  • 以下这些形容词均包含 "大的" 的意思
  • big idea
    (chiefly ironic)a clever or important intention or scheme (主 讽)好办法,妙点子,重要的意图(或计划)
  • the big lie
    a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the facts, especially when used as a propaganda device by a politician or official body (尤指政客或政府机构作为宣传手段的) 大谎言,弥天大谎
  • big money
    (主 北美 亦作 big bucks)(informal)large amounts of money, especially as pay or profit (非正式)(尤指报酬或利润的)大笔钱
  • big screen
    (informal)the cinema[as modifier] (非正式)电影
  • big shot
    (亦作 big noise)(informal)an important or influential person (非正式)大人物,要人
  • the big stick
    (informal)the use or threat of force or power (非正式)大棒政策,武力威胁
  • the Big Three, Four, etc.
    (informal)the three, four, etc., most important or powerful figures in a particular field (非正式)三巨头(或四巨头等)(表示某个领域里最重要的人物)
  • come (或 go) over big
    (informal)have a great effect; be a success (非正式)影响巨大;大获成功
  • give someone the big E
    (Brit. informal)reject someone, typically in an insensitive or dismissive way (英,非正式)(尤指无情或轻蔑地)拒绝某人
  • in a big way
    (informal)to a great extent or high degree (非正式)广泛地,很大程度上
  • make it big
    (informal)become very successful or famous (非正式)大获成功;一举成名
  • talk big
    (informal)talk confidently or boastfully (非正式)信心十足地说;说大话
  • think big
    (informal)be ambitious (非正式)雄心勃勃
  • too big for one's boots (或 旧
    (informal)conceited (非正式)自负的,自以为是的
    A big person or thing is large in physical size.
    Australia's a big country... 澳大利亚是个幅员辽阔的国家。 Her husband was a big man... 她丈夫是个大块头。
    Something that is big consists of many people or things.
    The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich. 人群中有来自伊普斯威奇的一个人数众多的代表团。 ...the big backlog of applications. 大量积压的申请表
    If you describe something such as a problem, increase, or change as a big one, you mean it is great in degree, extent, or importance.
    Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own... 她的问题太严重了,光靠她自己是没法解决的。 There could soon be a big increase in unemployment. 失业人数可能很快就会出现大幅增长。
    A big organization employs many people and has many customers.
    Exchange is largely controlled by big banks. 货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。 ...one of the biggest companies in Italy. 意大利最大的公司之一
    If you say that someone is big in a particular organization, activity, or place, you mean that they have a lot of influence or authority in it.
    Their father was very big in the army... 他们的父亲在军中很有影响力。 I'm sure all the big names will come to the club. 我相信所有的大人物都会到这个俱乐部来。
  • ADJ
    If you call someone a big bully or a big coward, you are emphasizing your disapproval of them.
  • ADJ
    Children often refer to their older brother or sister as their big brother or sister.
  • ADJ
    Capital letters are sometimes referred to as big letters.
    ...a big letter J. 大写字母J
    Big words are long or rare words which have meanings that are difficult to understand.
    They use a lot of big words. 他们使用很多生僻的词汇。
    If you make it big, you become successful or famous.
    We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally. 我们不仅想在英国取得成功,还想在国际上扬名立万。
    If you think big, you make plans on a large scale, often using a lot of time, effort, or money.
    Maybe we're not thinking big enough. 也许我们的抱负还不够远大。
    If something is happening in a big way, it is happening on a large scale.
    I think boxing will take off in a big way here. 我想拳击运动在这儿会有很大的发展。
  • adj.
    大的, 硕大的, 高大的
    There is a big bell in the room. 房间里有个大钟。
    重要的, 重大的
    It's the big moment in my life. 这是我一生中的重大时刻。 The young man had big ideas. 这个年轻人有抱负。
    年龄较大的, 长大了的
    Don't cry, you are a big boy now. 不要哭, 你已经是大孩子了。
    成功的; 大受欢迎的
    Coca-Cola is very big in the West. 可口可乐在西方很流行。
  • Adjective
    1. above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent;
    "a large city""set out for the big city""a large sum""a big (or large) barn""a large family""big businesses""a big expenditure""a large number of newspapers""a big group of scientists""large areas of the world"
    2. significant;
    "graduation was a big day in his life"
    3. of very great significance;
    "deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision""a momentous event"
    4. conspicuous in position or importance;
    "a big figure in the movement""big man on campus""he's very large in financial circles""a prominent citizen"
    5. very intense;
    "a bad headache""in a big rage""had a big (or bad) shock""a bad earthquake""a bad storm"
    6. loud and firm;
    "a big voice""big bold piano sounds"
    7. prodigious;
    "big spender""big eater""heavy investor"
    8. (of animals) fully developed;
    "an adult animal""a grown woman"
    9. marked by intense physical force;
    "a big wind"
    10. feeling self-importance;
    "too big for his britches""had a swelled head""he was swelled with pride"
    11. older brother or sister;
    "big sister"
    12. exhibiting self-importance;
    "big talk"
    13. generous and understanding and tolerant;
    "a heart big enough to hold no grudges""that's very big of you to be so forgiving""a large and generous spirit""a large heart""magnanimous toward his enemies"
    14. given or giving freely;
    "was a big tipper""the bounteous goodness of God""bountiful compliments""a freehanded host""a handsome allowance""Saturday's child is loving and giving""a liberal backer of the arts""a munificent gift""her fond and openhanded grandfather"
    15. in an advanced stage of pregnancy;
    "was big with child""was great with child"
  • Adverb
    1. extremely well;
    "his performance went over big"
    2. in a boastful manner;
    "he talked big all evening"
    3. on a grand scale;
    "think big"
    4. in a major way;
    "the play failed big at the box office"
  • 哲学: 大爆炸宇宙论;bang cosmology;宇宙大爆炸;bang of universe;
    物理学: 大爆炸宇宙论;bang cosmology;