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  • 以下这些动词均含有"开始" 的意思
  • to begin with
    at first 首先
    However the solution to any problem begins with a step in a direction.
    Surviving the Recession America's recession began quietly at the end of
    So it's only when the economy is healthy again that we'll begin to see just how many broken families have been created.
  • VERB
    To begin to do something means to start doing it.
    He stood up and began to move around the room... 他起身开始在屋里来回走动。 The weight loss began to look more serious... 体重下降眼看开始变得愈发厉害了。
  • V-ERG
    When something begins or when you begin it, it takes place from a particular time onwards.
    The problems began last November... 问题在去年11月份开始出现。 He has just begun his fourth year in hiding... 他东躲西藏的第四个年头刚刚开始。
  • VERB
    If you begin with something, or begin by doing something, this is the first thing you do.
    Could I begin with a few formalities? 请允许我开场先讲几句套话。 ...a businessman who began by selling golf shirts from the boot of his car... 靠他的汽车后备箱练摊兜售高尔夫球衫起家的商人
  • VERB
    You use begin to mention the first thing that someone says.
    'Professor Theron,' he began, 'I'm very pleased to see you'... “西伦教授,”他开口说道,“很高兴见到您。” He didn't know how to begin. 他不知从何说起。
  • VERB
    If one thing began as another, it first existed in the form of the second thing.
    What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 原先的地方节日已经发展成为一项国际性活动。
  • VERB
    If you say that a thing or place begins somewhere, you are talking about one of its limits or edges.
    The fate line begins close to the wrist... 命运线始于接近手腕的地方。 Rue Guynemer begins at the front of the Fitzgerald site. 吉内梅街始于菲茨拉德故居前。
  • VERB
    If a word begins with a particular letter, that is the first letter of that word.
    The first word begins with an F. 第一个词的首字母为F。
  • VERB
    If you say that you cannot begin to imagine, understand, or explain something, you are emphasizing that it is almost impossible to explain, understand, or imagine.
    You can't begin to imagine how much that saddens me. 你都无从想象这让我有多悲伤。
    You use to begin with when you are talking about the first stage of a situation, event, or process.
    It was great to begin with but now it's difficult. 一开始非常好,但现在可就难了。
    You use to begin with to introduce the first of several things that you want to say.
    'What do scientists you've spoken with think about that?' — 'Well, to begin with, they doubt it's going to work.' “跟你聊过的科学家是怎么看的?”——“嗯,首先,他们怀疑这能否行得通。”
  • vt. & vi.
    开始; 着手
    Let's begin. 我们开始吧! Are you sitting comfortably?Then I'll begin. 坐好了吗?那我要开始了。 When does the film begin? 电影什么时候开始? When will the next term begin? 下学期什么时候开学? The campaign had begun during his absence. 在他不在期间运动已经开始了。 Knowledge begins with practice. 知识始于实践。 He begins school today. 他今天开始上学。 We decided to begin the experiment in the evening. 我们决定晚上开始那个实验。 It's time to begin the meeting now. 现在是开会的时候了。 He began to learn Japanese three years ago. 3年前他开始学日语。 He began to laugh. 他笑起来了。 The child began to cry. 孩子哭了起来。 Computers have also begun serving agriculture. 计算机也开始为农业服务了。 My heart suddenly began beating violently. 我的心突然开始猛烈地跳动。
  • Verb
    1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;
    "We began working at dawn""Who will start?""Get working as soon as the sun rises!""The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia""He began early in the day""Let's get down to work now"
    2. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense;
    "The DMZ begins right over the hill""The second movement begins after the Allegro""Prices for these homes start at $250,000"
    3. set in motion, cause to start;
    "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East""The Iraqis began hostilities""begin a new chapter in your life"
    4. begin to speak or say;
    "Now listen, friends," he began
    5. be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series;
    "The number 'one' begins the sequence""A terrible murder begins the novel""The convocation ceremoney officially begins the semester"
    6. have a beginning, of a temporal event;
    "WWII began in 1939 when Hitler marched into Poland""The company's Asia tour begins next month"
    7. have a beginning characterized in some specified way;
    "The novel begins with a murder""My property begins with the three maple trees""Her day begins with a work-out""The semester begins with a convocation ceremony"
    8. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object;
    "begin a cigar""She started the soup while it was still hot""We started physics in 10th grade"
    9. achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative;
    "This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation""You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war"
    10. begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language;
    "She began Russian at an early age""We started French in fourth grade"
  • 计算机: 开始,着手,开端;