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  • 例句
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[ˈrɪŋkl] [ˈrɪŋkəl]
  • 复数:wrinkles;
  • 第三人称单数:wrinkles;
  • 过去式:wrinkled;
  • 过去分词:wrinkled;
  • 现在分词:wrinkling;
  • 例句
    • 以下这两个动词均含有"使皱" 的意思
    • N-COUNT
      Wrinkles are lines which form on someone's face as they grow old.
      His face was covered with wrinkles... 他的脸上布满了皱纹。 Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead. 他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹。
    • V-ERG
      When someone's skin wrinkles or when something wrinkles it, lines start to form in it because the skin is getting old or damaged.
      The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to wrinkle. 她两颊和双眼周围开始起了皱纹。 ...protection against the sun's rays that age and wrinkle the skin. 防晒以免皮肤老化起皱
    • N-COUNT
      A wrinkle is a raised fold in a piece of cloth or paper that spoils its appearance.
      He noticed a wrinkle in her stocking. 他注意到她长筒袜上有一道褶儿。
    • V-ERG
      If cloth wrinkles, or if someone or something wrinkles it, it gets folds or lines in it.
      Her stockings wrinkled at the ankles... 她的长筒袜在脚踝处起了褶儿。 I wrinkled the velvet. 我把天鹅绒布弄皱了。
    • V-ERG
      When you wrinkle your nose or forehead, or when it wrinkles, you tighten the muscles in your face so that the skin folds.
      Frannie wrinkled her nose at her daughter... 弗兰妮朝她女儿皱了皱鼻子。 Ellen's face wrinkles as if she is about to sneeze. 艾伦的脸皱了起来,好像要打喷嚏。
    • n.
      (尤指皮肤上的)皱纹; 皱褶
      The old man's face is covered with wrinkles. 老人的脸上布满皱纹。
    • vt.
      She wrinkled her nose at the smell. 她闻到这气味就皱起了鼻子。
    • Noun
      1. a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface;
      "his face has many lines""ironing gets rid of most wrinkles"
      2. a minor difficulty;
      "they finally have the wrinkles pretty well ironed out"
      3. a clever method of doing something (especially something new and different)
    • Verb
      1. gather or contract into wrinkles or folds; pucker;
      "purse ones's lips"
      2. make wrinkles or creases into a smooth surface;
      "The dress got wrinkled"
      3. make wrinkled or creased;
      "furrow one's brow"
      4. become wrinkled or crumpled or creased;
      "This fabric won't wrinkle"
    • 力学: 褶皱;
      航天: 皱折;
      药学: 皱纹;