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[wɜ:m] [wɜrm]
  • 复数:worms;
  • 第三人称单数:worms;
  • 过去式:wormed;
  • 过去分词:wormed;
  • 现在分词:worming;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均包含 "虫,昆虫" 的意思
    • (even) a worm will turn
      (proverb)(even) a meek person will resist or retaliate if pushed too far (谚)逼人太甚,必有反抗
    • N-COUNT
      A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs.
    • N-PLURAL
      If animals or people have worms, worms are living in their intestines.
    • VERB
      If you worm an animal, you give it medicine in order to kill the worms that are living in its intestines.
      I worm all my birds in early spring... 早春的时候我给我所有的鸟打虫。 All adult dogs are routinely wormed at least every six months. 所有的成年狗至少每半年要例行打一次虫。
    • VERB
      If you worm your way somewhere, you move there with difficulty, twisting or bending your body or making it narrow.
      I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion... 我侧着身子艰难地从长凳上移开,那个样子很可笑,很不雅观。 The kitten wormed its way through the just-open door. 小猫缩着身子从刚开了一点儿的门中挤过来。
    • VERB
      If you say that someone is worming their way to success, or is worming their way into someone else's affection, you disapprove of the way that they are gradually making someone trust them or like them, often in order to deceive them or gain some advantage.
      She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts... 她从不放过任何博取公众欢心的机会。 Everyone knows people who have wormed their way up on old school connections. 每个人都认识一些利用老同学关系向上爬的人。
    • N-SING
      If you call a person a worm, you are insulting them by saying that they have a very weak or unpleasant character and you have no respect for them.
    • N-COUNT
      A worm is a computer program that contains a virus which duplicates itself many times in a network.
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is opening a can of worms, you are warning them that they are planning to do or talk about something which is much more complicated, unpleasant, or difficult than they realize and which might be better left alone.
      You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants... 我认为你在此引发了一个极为棘手的全新问题,我们可能会就学生贷款和助学金展开一次大辩论。 Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events. 滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that the worm turns, you mean that someone who usually obeys another person or accepts their bad behaviour unexpectedly starts resisting that person or expresses their anger.
      Now the worm turns, and his wife Elizabeth chucks him out and takes a lover herself. 现在他妻子伊丽莎白被逼急了,把他撵了出去,自己找了个情人。
    • n.
      虫; 蠕虫
      Many birds eat worms. 很多鸟类都以虫为食。 The glowworm isn't a worm. 萤火虫不是蠕虫。
    • Noun
      1. any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae
      2. a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect
      3. a software program capable of reproducing itself that can spread from one computer to the next over a network;
      "worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers"
      4. screw thread on a gear with the teeth of a worm wheel or rack
    • Verb
      1. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling);
      "The prisoner writhed in discomfort""The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace"
    • 体育: 螺钩;
      医学: 蠕虫:扁形动物门、环节动物门、棘头动物门和线形动物门的任何一种软体的、裸露的、可伸延的无脊椎动物,以前曾属蠕虫类;蚓部:任何一种类似蠕虫的解剖结构,见vermis;蟠管:蒸馏器的螺线管;
      通信: 蠕虫;一种能够自动通过网络进行自我传播的恶意程序。它不需要附着在其他程序上,而是独立存在的。当形成规模、传播速度过快时会极大地消耗网络资源导致大面积网络拥塞甚至瘫痪。;