• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 以下义项中未列的表达方式请参见第13项。
    ⇒ Please look at category 13 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
  • ADV
    You say well to indicate that you are about to say something.
    Sylvia shook hands. 'Well, you go get yourselves some breakfast.'... 西尔维娅摆了摆手说:“嗯,你们自己去吃些早餐吧。” Well, I don't like the look of that. 唔,我不喜欢事情看起来的样子。
  • ADV
    You say well to indicate that you intend or want to carry on speaking.
    You can lose your perspective. You know, get paranoid? Well, that's something I really try and avoid... 你会失去自己的判断力。知道吗,就是变得疑神疑鬼?这正是我努力想避免的。 The trouble with City is that they do not have enough quality players. Well, that can easily be rectified. 曼城队的难题在于他们缺乏优秀球员。不过,这种情况很容易改变。
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    You say well to indicate that you are changing the topic, and are either going back to something that was being discussed earlier or are going on to something new.
    Thank you Lionel, for singing that for us. Well, we'd better tell you what's on the show between nine and midnight... 谢谢你的歌声,莱昂内尔。好了,我们来看看从9点到午夜都播出什么节目。 Well, let's press on. 好了,让我们继续努力。
  • ADV
    You say well to indicate that you have reached the end of a conversation.
    'I'm sure you will be an asset,' she finally added. 'Well, I see it's just about time for lunch.'... “我相信你会是一个有用的人才,”她最后加上一句,“好了,我看该吃午饭了。” Well, thank you for speaking with us. 好吧,谢谢你和我们谈话。
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    You say well to make a suggestion, criticism, or correction seem less definite or rude.
    Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem... 那么,也许从小问题入手会更容易些。 Well, let's wait and see... 那么,让我们等着看吧。
  • ADV
    You say well just before or after you pause, especially to give yourself time to think about what you are going to say.
    Look, I'm really sorry I woke you, and, well, I just wanted to tell you I was all right. 听我说,我真抱歉吵醒你,嗯,我只是想告诉你我一切都好。
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    You say well when you are correcting something that you have just said.
    The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it. Well, our offspring are, anyway... 彗星将在2061年返回,到时我们都看得到。噢,反正我们的子孙看得到。 There was a note. Well, not really a note. 那儿有张便条,噢,其实不算是便条。
  • ADV
    You say well to express your doubt about something that someone has said.
    'But finance is far more serious.' — 'Well I don't know really.' “但是财政更加困难了。”——“是吗,我真不知道。” 'Go on, Dennis.' — 'Well, if you're sure.' “继续啊,丹尼斯。”——“哦,如果你确定的话。”
    You say well to express your surprise or anger at something that someone has just said or done.
    'Imelda,' said Mrs Kennerly. 'That's my name, Tom.' — 'Well,' said Tom. 'Imelda. I never knew.'... “伊梅尔达,”肯纳利夫人说道,“这是我的名字,汤姆。”——“哦,”汤姆说道,“伊梅尔达,我以前从来不知道。” Well, honestly! They're like an old married couple at times. 哦,天哪!他们有时看起来真像一对老夫老妻。
    You say well to indicate that you are waiting for someone to say something and often to express your irritation with them.
    'Well?' asked Barry, 'what does it tell us?'... “嗯?”巴里问道,“它到底告诉我们什么?” 'Well, why don't you ask me?' he said finally. “嗯,那你为什么不问我呢?”他最后问道。
    You use well to indicate that you are amused by something you have heard or seen, and often to introduce a comment on it.
    Well, well, well, look at you. Ethel, look at this little fat girl... 哟,哟,看看你啊,埃塞尔,看看这个小胖姑娘啊。 Bob peered at it. 'Well, well!' he said, 'I haven't seen Spam since the war!' and laughed. 鲍勃仔细瞧了一眼,说道:“哇,哇!自从战后我就再也没见过午餐肉了!”然后笑了起来。
    You say oh well to indicate that you accept a situation or that someone else should accept it, even though you or they are not very happy about it, because it is not too bad and cannot be changed.
    Oh well, it could be worse... 哎,算了,可能会更糟糕的。 'I called her and she said no.' — 'Oh well.' “我打电话给她了,但她拒绝了。”——“唉,那就这样吧。”