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  • 行业词典释义
  • in waiting
    In attendance, especially at a royal court. 侍奉,尤指在皇宫中
    The woman is waiting for a call.
    What is the woman waiting for?
    Ask the name of the person waiting on you.
    Waiting for someone at the airport
    I hope you are not to put out with me for the delay ,I had to stop for the Fred's home to pick up a book on my way here M : well , that's not a big deal ,but you might at least phone if you know you will keep someone waiting Q : what do we learn about the women
    M : sorry to have kept you waiting ,Madam , I've located your luggage, it was left behind in Paris and won't arrive until later this evening W : oh ,I can't believe this ,have it been to delivered to my hotel then ,I guess Q :what happened to the woman's luggage
  • VERB
    When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives.
    I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus... 我走到街角等校车。 Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen... 不要坐等事情发生。要创造条件让它们发生。
    A wait is a period of time in which you do very little, before something happens or before you can do something.
    ...the four-hour wait for the organizers to declare the result. 组织者宣布结果之前长达4小时的等待
  • VERB
    If something is waiting for you, it is ready for you to use, have, or do.
    There'll be a car waiting for you... 会有辆汽车等你。 When we came home we had a meal waiting for us... 我们到家时,有一顿美餐正等着我们享用。
  • VERB
    If you say that something can wait, you mean that it is not important or urgent and so you will deal with it or do it later.
    I want to talk to you, but it can wait... 我想和你谈谈,但可以晚点再说。 Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found. 任何改变都要等找到赞助商之后再作决定。
  • VERB
    You can use wait when you are trying to make someone feel excited, or to encourage or threaten them.
    If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book... 如果你觉得所有这些听起来令人兴奋,那就等着去读这本书吧。 As soon as you get some food inside you, you'll feel more cheerful. Just you wait. 吃点儿东西你就会打起精神的。等着瞧吧。
  • VERB
    Wait is used in expressions such as wait a minute ,wait a second, and wait a moment to interrupt someone when they are speaking, for example because you object to what they are saying or because you want them to repeat something.
    'Wait a minute!' he broke in. 'This is not giving her a fair hearing!' “等一下,”他插嘴说,“这没有给她一个公平的解释机会!”
  • VERB
    If an employee waits on you, for example in a restaurant or hotel, they take orders from you and bring you what you want.
    There were plenty of servants to wait on her... 有很多仆人服侍她。 Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester. 每学期每个学生都要在餐厅服务一周。
    If you say that you can't wait to do something or can hardly wait to do it, you are emphasizing that you are very excited about it and eager to do it.
    We can't wait to get started... 我们迫不及待地想开始。 It's gonna be great. I can hardly wait... 那一定很棒。我都等不及了。
    You say 'wait for it' to stop someone from doing something too soon because you have not yet given them the command to do it.
    Arms bend. Arms upward. Wait for it. Stretch. 手臂弯曲。手臂上举。保持一下。伸展。
    You can use 'wait for it' to indicate that you are about to say something that is amusing or surprising.
    A cool $500,000 is to be spent on obtaining genuine 17th-century air from the inside of, wait for it, an occupied lead coffin. 将花费整整50万美元获取货真价实的17世纪的空气,注意了,是从一个内有尸体的铅制棺材里获得。
    If you tell someone to wait and see, you tell them that they must be patient or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it.
    We'll have to wait and see what happens. 我们只好等等看将会发生什么。 ...a wait-and-see attitude. 观望态度
    If you say to someone 'What are you waiting for?' you are telling them to hurry up and do something.
    Well, what are you waiting for? Do I have to ask you for a kiss? 那你还等什么呢?难道要我求你吻我吗?
  • n.
    after a long period of waiting 漫长的等待之后 A desperate tiredness set in after hours of anxious waiting. 数小时的焦急等待之后,整个人变得精疲力竭。
  • adj.
    For many months local residents had been complaining that the building was unsafe, and that it was an accident waiting to happen. 几个月以来,当地居民一直在抱怨这栋楼很不安全,早晚会出事。
    I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。
    They’re playing a waiting game, delaying their own offer until they know what the others are offering. 他们采用了观望战术。等到弄清别人的报价之后,再报出自己的价格。
    Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started! 我们还在等什么?马上动手吧!
    If the car needs cleaning, what are you waiting for? 如果这辆汽车需要清洗,就马上洗了吧。
  • Noun
    1. the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something);
    "the wait was an ordeal for him"
  • Adjective
    1. being and remaining ready and available for use;
    "waiting cars and limousines lined the curb""found her mother waiting for them""an impressive array of food ready and waiting for the guests""military forces ready and waiting"
  • 航海科技: 等待;