• 基础释义
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • VERB
    If you wager on the result of a horse race, football match, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they give you back with extra money if the result is what you predicted, or which they keep if it is not.
    Just because people wagered on the Yankees did not mean that they liked them... 人们将赌注下在扬基队上并不说明就喜欢他们。 Golfers had wagered a good deal of money on Nick Faldo winning the championship. 高尔夫球手投下重注赌尼克·法尔多夺冠。
  • VERB
    If you say that you will wager that something is the case, you mean you are confident that it is the case.
    She was willing to wager that he didn't own the apartment he lived in... 她愿意打赌他居住的公寓并不属于他。 I'll wager she'll still make the same impact when she's 70. 我敢打赌,她就算到了70岁,影响力也会不减当年。