• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • PREP
    If a person or thing goes up something such as a slope, ladder, or chimney, they move away from the ground or to a higher position.
    They were climbing up a narrow mountain road... 他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。 I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top... 我跑上楼梯,见艾莉森躺在那里。
  • PREP
    If a person or thing is up something such as a ladder or a mountain, they are near the top of it.
    He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees... 他正站在梯子顶上锯他那颗苹果树的树冠。 The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill. 丽东酒店位于陡峭的半山腰上。
  • ADV
    You use up to indicate that you are looking or facing in a direction that is away from the ground or towards a higher level.
    Paul answered, without looking up... 保罗头也没抬地答了话。 Keep your head up, and look around you from time to time. 要抬起头,不时看看四周。
  • ADV
    If someone stands up, they move so that they are standing.
    He stood up and went to the window... 他起身走向窗户。 He got up and went out into the foyer. 他起身出去走进了大堂。
  • PREP
    If you go or look up something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are up a road or river, you are somewhere along it.
    A line of tanks came up the road from the city... 一排坦克由市里沿路开来。 We leaned on the wooden rail of the bridge and looked up the river... 我们靠在桥的木栏杆上,朝河望去。
  • ADV
    If you are travelling to a particular place, you can say that you are going up to that place, especially if you are going towards the north or to a higher level of land. If you are already in such a place, you can say that you are up there.
    I'll be up to see you tomorrow... 我明天来看你。 He was living up North... 他当时住在北部。
  • ADV
    If you go up to something or someone, you move to the place where they are and stop there.
    The girl ran the rest of the way across the street and up to the car... 那个女孩开始跑起来,一路跑到街对面的汽车旁边。 On the way out a boy of about ten came up on roller skates... 出去时一个十来岁的男孩踩着溜冰鞋滑了过来。
  • ADV
    If an amount of something goes up, it increases. If an amount of something is up, it has increased and is at a higher level than it was.
    They recently put my rent up... 他们最近提高了我的租金。 Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up... 旅游火了,工作机会多了,个人收入涨了。
  • ADJ
    If you are up, you are not in bed.
    Are you sure you should be up?... 你肯定你该起床了吗? These days all sorts of people were up at the crack of dawn... 这些天所有人都一大早就起来。
  • ADJ
    If a period of time is up, it has come to an end.
    The moment the half-hour was up, Brooks rose... 半个小时一到,布鲁克斯便起来了。 When the six weeks were up, everybody was sad that she had to leave. 6周过去了,大家都为她不得不离开而难过。
  • ADJ
    You say that a road is up when it is being repaired and cannot be used.
    Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour. 半条利德霍尔街都在修路,他们的出租车只好绕道走。
  • ADJ
    If a baseball player is up, it is their turn to bat.
  • ADJ
    If a computer or computer system is up, it is working.
    People sometimes say 'Up yours!' as an insult when you have said something to annoy them or make them angry.
    'Up yours,' said the reporter and stormed out into the street. “去你的,”记者边说边怒气冲冲地冲到大街上。
    If someone who has been in bed for some time, for example because they have been ill, is up and about, they are now out of bed and living their normal life.
    How are you Lennox? Good to see you up and about. 你怎么样,伦诺克斯?很高兴看到你能下床走动了。
    If you say that something is up, you mean that something is wrong or that something worrying is happening.
    What is it then? Something's up, isn't it?... 那是怎么回事呢?出问题了,是吗? Mr. Gordon stopped talking, and his friends knew something was up. 戈登先生突然闭口不言,他的朋友们知道有哪儿不对劲了。
    If you say to someone 'What's up?' or if you tell them what's up, you are asking them or telling them what is wrong or what is worrying them.
    'What's up?', I said to him. — 'Nothing much,' he answered... “出什么事啦?”我对他说。——“没什么事,”他答道。 Let's sit down and then you can say what's up. 咱们先坐下来,然后你把事情告诉我。
    If you move up and down somewhere, you move there repeatedly in one direction and then in the opposite direction.
    He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match... 他不停地上蹿下跳,活像个足球赛中的男孩。 I strolled up and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi... 我踱来踱去仔细思量后叫了一辆出租车。
    If you have ups and downs, you experience a mixture of good things and bad things.
    Every relationship has a lot of ups and downs... 每一段感情都有许多起伏。 The organisation has had its ups and downs. 该机构经历过兴衰沉浮。
    If something is on the up or on the up and up, it is becoming more successful.
    They're saying that the economy is on the up... 他们称经济正在企稳向好。 It was a great year for music, people had money, opportunities, hope—things were on the up and up. 对音乐而言,那是一个大好年头,人们有钱,有机会,有希望——一派欣欣向荣的景象。
    If someone is on the up and up, they are honest and sincere.
    I'm a pretty good judge of men. If you're honest and on the up and up, I'll be able to tell it. 我看人很准的。你要是诚实正派,我能看出来的。