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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • pron.
  • this的反义词之:其他释义
  • this and that (或 this, that, and the other)
    (informal)various unspecified things (非正式)各种事情;各样东西;各种活动
  • this here
    (informal)used to draw attention emphatically to someone or something (非正式)我在这张床上睡了40年
    Small Schools Rising This year's list of the top 100 high schools shows that today, those with fewer students are flourishing.
    But why don't we offer to pay for the printing of the programs ourselves on condition that on the front cover there's something like This program is presented with the compliments of Norland Electronics, and free advertising of course.
    The music service This Is My Jam helps people navigate the tens of millions of tracks now available instantly via Spotify and iTunes.
  • DET
    You use this to refer back to a particular person or thing that has been mentioned or implied.
    When food comes out of any oven, it should stand a while. During this delay the centre carries on cooking... 食物出炉后都应该静置一会。在此期间,中心部分还在继续加热。 On 1 October the US suspended a proposed $574 million aid package for 1991. Of this amount, $250 million is for military purchases. 10 月 1 号,美国暂停了拟议中的一项 1991 年度总计 5.74 亿美元的一揽子援助方案,这其中有 2.5 亿美元是用于军事采购的。
  • PRON
    You use this to introduce someone or something that you are going to talk about.
    This is what I will do. I will telephone Anna and explain. 下面是我要做的:我要给安娜打电话解释清楚。
  • PRON
    You use this to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences.
    You feel that it's uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups. Why is this?... 你觉得要求大家分组工作不划算,这是为什么呢? A job is pretty much nine-to-five. Is this what you feel would make you happy? 工作时间多数是朝九晚五,你觉得这样会让你感觉愉快吗?
  • DET
    In spoken English, people use this to introduce a person or thing into a story.
    I came here by chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl attacked me... 我碰巧来到这儿,正看着热闹,突然一个女孩袭击了我。 So I just walked up the steps into this big, beautiful church. 于是我就拾级而上,走进了这座漂亮的大教堂。
  • PRON
    You use this to refer to a person or thing that is near you, especially when you touch them or point to them. When there are two or more people or things near you, this refers to the nearest one.
    'If you'd prefer something else I'll gladly have it changed for you.' — 'No, this is great.'... “您要是喜欢别的,我很乐意帮您调换一下。”——“不用了,这个挺好。” 'Is this what you were looking for?' Bradley produced the handkerchief... “你刚才找的是不是这个?”布拉德利掏出那块手绢。
  • PRON
    You use this when you refer to a general situation, activity, or event which is happening or has just happened and which you feel involved in.
    I thought, this is why I've travelled thousands of miles... 我想,这就是我为何不远千里赶来的原因。 Tim, this is awful. I know what you must think, but it's not so... 蒂姆,这可糟了。我知道你心里在想什么,但实际情况不是这样的。
  • DET
    You use this when you refer to the place you are in now or to the present time.
    We've stopped transporting weapons to this country by train... 我们已停止用火车向该国运送武器。 This place is run like a hotel ought to be run... 这个地方的经营方式就是旅馆应该有的样子。
  • DET
    You use this to refer to the next occurrence in the future of a particular day, month, season, or festival.
    ...this Sunday's 7.45 performance... 本周日 7 点 45 分的表演 We're getting married this June... 我们准备今年 6 月结婚。
  • ADV
    You use this when you are indicating the size or shape of something with your hands.
    They'd said the wound was only about this big you see and he showed me with his fingers. 他们说伤口只有这么一点大,他还用手指比划给我看。
  • ADV
    You use this when you are going to specify how much you know or how much you can tell someone.
    I am not going to reveal what my seven-year plan is, but I will tell you this much, if it works out, the next seven years will be very interesting. 我不想透露我的七年计划的具体内容,不过有一点可以告诉你,如果顺利实施,今后的七年将非常有意义。
    If you say this is it, you are agreeing with what someone else has just said.
    'You know, people conveniently forget the things they say.' — 'Well this is it.' “你知道,人们会选择性地忘记自己说过的话。”——“嗯,是这样。”
  • PRON
    You use this in order to say who you are or what organization you are representing, when you are speaking on the telephone, radio, or television.
    Hello, this is John Thompson... 喂,我是约翰·汤普森。 'Hello, is this Raymond Brown?' — 'Yeah, who's this?'... “喂,是雷蒙德·布朗吗?”——“对,您是哪位?”
  • DET
    You use this to refer to the medium of communication that you are using at the time of speaking or writing.
    What I'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific... 我在今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。 What a book can do, and what this one will try to accomplish, is to present examples of how life can be made more enjoyable... 一本书能做到的,也是本书努力实现的,就是列举一些例子说明如何让生活变得更加愉快。
    If you say that you are doing or talking about this and that, or this, that, and the other you mean that you are doing or talking about a variety of things that you do not want to specify.
    'And what are you doing now?' — 'Oh this and that.' “那你现在在做什么呢?”——“哦,瞎忙。” I want to make a point about all these charges going up, water rates and all this that and the other. 我想就水费及其他各种各样费用的上涨谈谈看法。
  • adj.
    (指已知的或即将提到的人、事物、主意)这, 这个, 此, 本
    Mosquitoes are extremely abundant in this dark wet place. 这个阴暗潮湿的地方蚊子非常多。 This book of Joe's is very amusing. 乔的这本书非常有趣。
    (时间、地点、思想等)较近的一个, 这一个
    They have built three nuclear power stations this year. 他们今年建造了三座核电站。
    This little daughter of his is very clever. 他的这个小女儿真聪明。
  • pron.
    (指较近的人或事物)这,这个, 这事
    This is the man you are going to see, isn't it? 这就是你要见的那个人, 对吗?
    I am one with you on this. 在这一点上, 我和你的意见是一致的。
    这时; 这里,(与和现在有关的一段时间连用)今,本,这个,现在
    I thought he'd have got back before this. 我以为他会在这之前回来的。
  • 法律: 该;