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  • 以下这些动词均含有"咬,啃" 的意思
  • in a snap
    (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)in a moment; almost immediately (非正式,主北美)立即,马上
  • snap one's fingers
  • snap someone's head off
  • snap out of
    [often in imperative](informal)get out of (a bad or unhappy mood) by a sudden effort (非正式)迅速努力从(坏情绪)中恢复过来
  • snap something up
    quickly and eagerly buy or secure something that is in short supply or being sold cheaply 抢购(紧缺或廉价货)
  • snap back
    To recover quickly. 迅速康复
  • snap up
    To acquire quickly 迅速得到
  • snap out of it【非正式用语】
    To move quickly back to one's normal condition from an undesirable condition, such as depression, grief, or self-pity. 恢复:迅速从失望、痛快和自我怜悯等不健康状态恢复到平时的状况
    Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas.
    After the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets.
  • V-ERG
    If something snaps or if you snap it, it breaks suddenly, usually with a sharp cracking noise.
    He shifted his weight and a twig snapped... 他挪了一下身体的重心,一根树枝咔嚓一声断了。 The brake pedal had just snapped off... 刹车踏板刚刚啪的一声绷断了。
  • V-ERG
    If you snap something into a particular position, or if it snaps into that position, it moves quickly into that position, with a sharp sound.
    He snapped the notebook shut... 他啪的一声合上了笔记本。 He snapped the cap on his ballpoint... 他吧嗒一声把笔帽扣在了圆珠笔上。
  • VERB
    If you snap your fingers, you make a sharp sound by moving your middle finger quickly across your thumb, for example in order to accompany music or to order someone to do something.
    She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single... 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。 He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper... 他打了个响指,威尔逊便递过一张纸来。
  • VERB
    If someone snaps at you, they speak to you in a sharp, unfriendly way.
    'Of course I don't know her,' Roger snapped... 罗杰恶声恶气地说:“我当然不认识她。” I'm sorry, Casey, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. 对不起,凯西,我不是有意要跟你凶的。
  • VERB
    If someone snaps, or if something snaps inside them, they suddenly stop being calm and become very angry because the situation has become too tense or too difficult for them.
    He finally snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend... 当她不准孩子们在某个周末去看他的时候,他终于控制不住自己了。 For the first and only time Grant's self-control snapped... 生平第一次也是唯一的一次,格兰特失控了。
  • VERB
    If an animal such as a dog snaps at you, it opens and shuts its jaws quickly near you, as if it were going to bite you.
    His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle... 它猛地朝我的脚脖子咬下去,牙齿还咔咔直响。 The poodle yapped and snapped. 卷毛狗又吠又咬。
  • ADJ
    A snap decision or action is one that is taken suddenly, often without careful thought.
    I think this is too important for a snap decision... 我认为,这件事非常重要,不能仓促作决定。 It's important not to make snap judgments... 不要急于作出判断——这一点很重要。
    A snap is a photograph.
    ...a snap my mother took last year. 我母亲去年拍的照片
  • VERB
    If you snap someone or something, you take a photograph of them.
    He was the first ever non-British photographer to be invited to snap a royal. 他是有史以来第一个应邀为王室成员拍照的非英籍摄影师。
    Snap is a simple British card game in which the players take turns to put cards down on a pile, and try to be the first to shout 'snap' when two cards with the same number or picture are put down.
    You can say 'Snap!' as an expression of surprise when you realize that two things are the same or very similar, for example if you meet a friend wearing the same shirt as you.
    同 snap fastener
    A snap is the same as a snap fastener .
  • vt. & vi.
    The enormous fish snapped the line. 一条大鱼咬住了线。
    (使某物)发出尖厉声音地突然断裂[打开, 关闭]
    The branch suddenly snapped. 树枝突然折断了。 The weight of fish snapped the fishing rod in two. 鱼的重量很大, 把鱼竿啪的一声压成两截了。 She snapped the door shut. 她喀哒一声关上了门。
    She snapped at me. 她厉声对我说话。
  • vt.
    The photographer snapped a nice photograph of him. 摄影师给他拍了一张很棒的快照。
    The broadcast was snapped for a few seconds by the sunspot activity. 太阳黑子运动使广播突然中断了几秒钟。
    to snap the book open 迅速翻开那本书
  • vi.
    The driver's whip snapped and our carriage ran fast. 赶车人的鞭子发出啪啪声,我们乘坐的马车飞快地向前驶去。
    My car snapped for a few minutes then wouldn't start. 我的汽车咔哒咔哒响了一阵之后,再也发动不起来了。
    His eyes snapped when he saw the gold coins in the box. 他一看到盒子里的金币,他的双眼一下子亮了起来。
    迅速抓住;立即接受 (at)
    to snap at the last chance 迫不及待地抓住最后的时机
    She felt her mind snapping. 她感到再也支持不住了。
  • Noun
    1. the act of catching an object with the hands;
    "Mays made the catch with his back to the plate""he made a grab for the ball before it landed""Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away""the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion"
    2. a spell of cold weather;
    "a cold snap in the middle of May"
    3. tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections
    4. a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger
    5. the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand;
    "servants appeared at the snap of his fingers"
    6. a sudden sharp noise;
    "the crack of a whip""he heard the cracking of the ice""he can hear the snap of a twig"
    7. a sudden breaking
    8. the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed;
    "the waistband had lost its snap"
    9. an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera;
    "my snapshots haven't been developed yet""he tried to get unposed shots of his friends"
    10. a fastener used on clothing; fastens with a snapping sound;
    "children can manage snaps better than buttons"
    11. any undertaking that is easy to do;
    "marketing this product will be no picnic"
    12. the act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand;
    "he gave his fingers a snap"
    13. (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back;
    "the quarterback fumbled the snap"
  • Verb
    1. utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone;
    "The sales clerky snapped a reply at the angry customer""The guard snarled at us"
    2. separate or cause to separate abruptly;
    "The rope snapped""tear the paper"
    3. break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension;
    "The rope snapped"
    4. move or strike with a noise;
    "he clicked on the light""his arm was snapped forward"
    5. snap close with a sound;
    "The lock snapped shut"
    6. make a sharp sound;
    "his fingers snapped"
    7. move with a snapping sound;
    "bullets snapped past us"
    8. to grasp hastily or eagerly;
    "Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone"
    9. put in play with a snap;
    "snap a football"
    10. cause to make a snapping sound;
    "snap your fingers"
    11. lose control of one's emotions;
    "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely""When her baby died, she snapped"
    12. record on photographic film;
    "I photographed the scene of the accident""She snapped a picture of the President"
  • 体育: 向后投球;急投球;突然动作;急传短球;
    医学: 弹响,锐声:一种短而尖锐的声音;
    机械: 瞬接接触件;snap-on contact 利用接触面的一个变形部分使其定位,并保持在确切的轴向位置上的一种推动式接触件。;
    物理学: 突弹跳变;snap-through;