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[ʃraʊd] [ʃraʊd]
  • 复数:shrouds;
  • 第三人称单数:shrouds;
  • 过去式:shrouded;
  • 过去分词:shrouded;
  • 现在分词:shrouding;
  • 例句
    • N-COUNT
      A shroud is a cloth which is used for wrapping a dead body.
    • N-COUNT
      You can refer to something that surrounds an object or situation as a shroud of something.
      ...a parked car huddled under a shroud of grey snow... 车身上覆着一层灰白色积雪的停放着的汽车 Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy. 部长们都一如既往地迫切想要将他们的行动搞得神神秘秘的。
    • VERB
      If something has been shrouded in mystery or secrecy, very little information about it has been made available.
      For years the teaching of acting has been shrouded in mystery. 多年以来表演教学一直蒙着神秘的面纱。 ...the secrecy which has shrouded the whole affair. 笼罩着整件事的诡秘气氛
    • VERB
      If darkness, fog, or smoke shrouds an area, it covers it so that it is difficult to see.
      Mist shrouded the outline of Buckingham Palace. 雾霭蒙蒙,白金汉宫若隐若现。
    • n.
      遮蔽物; 覆盖物; 罩; 幕
      A shroud of secrecy surrounds the plan. 这个计划神秘莫测。
    • vt.
      覆盖, 遮蔽, 隐藏
      The mist shrouding the walley had lifted. 笼罩山谷的雾霭散去了。
    • Noun
      1. a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachute
      2. (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
      3. burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped
    • Verb
      1. cover as if with a shroud;
      "The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery"
      2. form a cover like a shroud;
      "Mist shrouded the castle"
      3. wrap in a shroud;
      "shroud the corpses"
    • 体育: 护罩;吊伞索;桅杆横支索;护桅索;
      电力: 围带;