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[ʃəʊ] [ʃoʊ]
  • 第三人称单数:shows;
  • 过去式:showed;
  • 过去分词:shown; showed;
  • 现在分词:showing;
  • 例句
    • vt.
    • vt. & vi.
    • show的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些动词均有"出现" 的意思
      appear :强调公开露面,被看见。
      emerge :侧重缓缓出现的过程。
      show :语气较强,强调"露出来"。
      loom :指朦胧出现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样。
    • 以下这些名词都可表示"展览"或"展览会" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "显示,显露,展现" 的意思
    • all over the show
      another way of saying all over the place (see all) 同 all over the place (见 all)
    • for show
      for the sake of appearance rather than for use 为…装门面;为炫耀
    • get (或 keep) the show on the road
      (informal)begin (or succeed in continuing with) an undertaking or enterprise (非正式)开始干起来,付诸实施
    • give the (whole) show away
      demonstrate the inadequacies or reveal the truth of something 露出马脚,泄露秘密
    • good (或 bad 或 poor) show!
      (informal, dated)used to express approval (or disapproval or dissatisfaction) (非正式,旧)干得好(或不好);真棒(或糟糕)!
    • have something (或nothing) to show for
      have a (or no) visible result of (one's work or experience) (在工作或经历方面)有(或无)成绩可言
    • on show
      being exhibited 展览,展出
    • show one's cards
      another way of saying show one's hand below 同后面 show one's hand
    • show cause
      (Law)produce satisfactory grounds for application of (or exemption from) a procedure or penalty (律)陈述(申请或豁免一项程序或惩罚的)理由
    • show (someone) a clean pair of heels
      (informal)run away extremely fast (非正式)飞快地跑
    • show someone the door
      dismiss or eject someone from a place 打发(或驱逐)某人走
    • show one's face
      appear in public 抛头露面
    • show the flag
    • show one's hand
      (in a card game) reveal one's cards (牌戏)亮牌
    • VERB
      If something shows that a state of affairs exists, it gives information that proves it or makes it clear to people.
      Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer... 研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。 He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving... 呼吸测醉检测显示其饮酒量是法定驾车饮酒限量的两倍多,他随即在南安普顿的家中被捕。
    • VERB
      If a picture, chart, film, or piece of writing shows something, it represents it or gives information about it.
      Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system... 图表 4.1 所示为呼吸系统。 ...a coin showing Cleopatra... 刻有克娄巴特拉头像的硬币
    • VERB
      If you show someone something, you give it to them, take them to it, or point to it, so that they can see it or know what you are referring to.
      Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager... 将这篇文章剪下来,拿给你的银行经理看。 He showed me the flat he shares with Esther... 他带我看了他和埃丝特合住的公寓。
    • VERB
      If you show someone to a room or seat, you lead them there.
      Let me show you to my study... 我带你去我的书房。 Milton was shown into the office... 米尔顿被领到了办公室。
    • VERB
      If you show someone how to do something, you do it yourself so that they can watch you and learn how to do it.
      Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade... 克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。 There are seasoned professionals who can teach you and show you what to do... 有经验丰富的专家教你,并向你演示怎么做。
    • V-ERG
      If something shows or if you show it, it is visible or noticeable.
      He showed his teeth in a humourless grin... 他一本正经地咧嘴笑了笑。 His beard was just beginning to show signs of grey... 他的胡子才刚有点泛白。
    • V-ERG
      If you show a particular attitude, quality, or feeling, or if it shows, you behave in a way that makes this attitude, quality, or feeling clear to other people.
      Elsie has had enough time to show her gratitude... 埃尔茜有足够的时间来表达她的感激之情。 She showed no interest in her children... 她对自己的孩子毫无兴趣。
    • VERB
      If something shows a quality or characteristic or if that quality or characteristic shows itself, it can be noticed or observed.
      The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail... 这个故事显示了作者较强的叙事能力和对细节的观察入微。 Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday... 昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。
    • N-COUNT
      A show of a feeling or quality is an attempt by someone to make it clear that they have that feeling or quality.
      Miners gathered in the centre of Bucharest in a show of support for the government... 矿工们聚集在布加勒斯特市中心以表示对政府的支持。 A crowd of more than 10,000 has gathered in a show of strength... 已经有 10,000 多人聚集起来以显示他们的力量。
      If you say that something is for show, you mean that it has no real purpose and is done just to give a good impression.
      The change in government is more for show than for real... 政府的转变更多的是装装样子,而不是真的。 'It's all show,' said Linus. 'The girls don't take it seriously.' “全是装的,”莱纳斯说。“女孩子们不会拿它当真的。”
    • VERB
      If a company shows a profit or a loss, its accounts indicate that it has made a profit or a loss.
      It is the only one of the three companies expected to show a profit for the quarter... 那是3个公司中唯一一家预计会在本季度盈利的公司。 Lonrho's mining and minerals businesses showed some improvement. 朗荷公司的采矿及矿产业务有了些起色。
    • VERB
      If a person you are expecting to meet does not show, they do not arrive at the place where you expect to meet them.
      There was always a chance he wouldn't show. 他总是有可能不出现。
    • N-COUNT
      A television or radio show is a programme on television or radio.
      I had my own TV show... 我有自己的电视节目。 This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous. 这就是劳埃德·格罗斯曼拜访名人家庭的那档节目。
    • N-COUNT
      A show in a theatre is an entertainment or concert, especially one that includes different items such as music, dancing, and comedy.
      How about going shopping and seeing a show in London?... 去伦敦购物再看场演出怎么样? He has earned a reputation as the man who can close a show with a bad review... 他因可以用一则恶评毙掉一场演出而闻名。
    • VERB
      If someone shows a film or television programme, it is broadcast or appears on television or in the cinema.
      The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip... 英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。 The drama will be shown on American TV next year... 明年这部剧将在美国电视台播出。
    • N-COUNT
      A show is a public exhibition of things, such as works of art, fashionable clothes, or things that have been entered in a competition.
      The venue for the show is Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre Hall... 展览地点在伯明翰国家展览中心大厅。 Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection... 古奇将举办时装发布会推出他们的秋装系列。
    • VERB
      To show things such as works of art means to put them in an exhibition where they can be seen by the public.
      50 dealers will show oils, watercolours, drawings and prints from 1900 to 1992. 50 名艺术品经销商将展出 1900 年到1992 年间的油画、水彩画、素描和版画。 ...one of East Village's better-known galleries, where he showed and sold his work. 他曾在那儿展销作品的东村著名的美术馆之一
    • VERB
      In a horse race, if a horse shows, it finishes first, second, or third.
    • ADJ
      A show home, house, or flat is one of a group of new homes. The building company decorates it and puts furniture in it, and people who want to buy one of the homes come and look round it.
    • PHRASE
      If a question is decided by a show of hands, people vote on it by raising their hands to indicate whether they vote yes or no.
      Parliamentary leaders agreed to take all such decisions by a show of hands... 议会领导人同意所有这样的决定都要举手表决。 Russell then asked for a show of hands concerning each of the targets. 拉塞尔然后要求对每个目标进行举手表决。
    • PHRASE
      If you have something to show for your efforts, you have achieved something as a result of what you have done.
      I'm nearly 31 and it's about time I had something to show for my time in my job... 我快 31 岁了,是该在工作上做出一番成绩的时候了。 It always amazed her how little she had to show for the amount she spent. 她的付出那么多,收获却那样少,这一直让她惊诧不已。
    • PHRASE
      You can say 'I'll show you' to threaten or warn someone that you are going to make them admit that they are wrong.
      She shook her fist. 'I'll show you,' she said... 她挥了挥拳头,“我要让你看看,”她说。 I'll show him, leave it to me. 我会让他好看的,交给我好了。
    • PHRASE
      If you say it just goes to show or it just shows that something is the case, you mean that what you have just said or experienced demonstrates that it is the case.
      This just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever... 这恰恰证明了在学校得高分并不意味着聪明。 It's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing. 这太荒唐了,不过恰恰证明了裁判的前后矛盾。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is running the show, you mean that they are in control or in charge of a situation.
      They made it clear who is now running the show... 他们清楚地表明了现在是谁在掌控一切。 There's some serious problems with the way the state's leadership has been running the show. 国家领导班子的治国方式存在一些严重的问题。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone steals the show, you mean that they get a lot of attention or praise because they perform better than anyone else in a show or other event.
      It was Chinese women who stole the show on the first day of competition... 比赛的第一天中国女队表现抢眼。 Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life. 布拉德·皮特扮演一名因对生命怀有极大热情而注定在劫难逃的年轻人,抢尽了镜头。
    • vt. & vi.
      给…看, 显示
      The sky began to show red in the early morning. 清晨天空呈现出一片红色。
      表现出; 显露出
      The first signs of a split were beginning to show. 分裂的初步迹象已开始显露出来。 She never shows her feelings. 她的感情从不外露。
      上演, 展出
      The film is now showing. 这部电影正在上演。 The film will be shown in this theatre. 那部电影将在这家影院上演。
    • vt.
      说明; 表明
      We have shown the falsity of the story. 我们已说明那个报道不真实。 I wanted to show that I didn't care. 我要表明我并不介意。 Can you show me how I can handle this camera? 你能教我如何使用这个照相机吗?
      We were shown into the reading room. 有人把我们领进阅览室。 He showed me into the room. 他领我进入房间。
    • n.
      表演, 演出
      He was giving three shows a day. 他一天演三场。
      展览; 展览物; 展览会
      There is a flower show in the park. 公园里正在举行花卉展览。
      显示; 展示
      The little girl likes to make a show of herself before strangers. 这小姑娘喜欢在生人面前显示自己。
    • Noun
      1. a public exhibition of entertainment;
      "a remarkable show of skill"
      2. something intended to communicate a particular impression;
      "made a display of strength""a show of impatience""a good show of looking interested"
      3. a public exhibition or entertainment;
      "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"
      4. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression;
      "they try to keep up appearances""that ceremony is just for show"
    • Verb
      1. show or demonstrate something to an interested audience;
      "She shows her dogs frequently""We will demo the new software in Washington"
      2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment;
      "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound""The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"
      3. provide evidence for;
      "The blood test showed that he was the father""Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
      4. make visible or noticeable;
      "She showed her talent for cooking""Show me your etchings, please"
      5. show in, or as in, a picture;
      "This scene depicts country life""the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
      6. give expression to;
      "She showed her disappointment"
      7. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively;
      "I showed the customer the glove section""He pointed to the empty parking space""he indicated his opponents"
      8. make clear and visible;
      "The article revealed the policies of the government"
      9. be or become visible or noticeable;
      "His good upbringing really shows""The dirty side will show"
      10. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments;
      "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero""The gauge read `empty'"
      11. give evidence of, as of records;
      "The diary shows his distress that evening"
      12. show (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums;
      "The usher showed us to our seats"
      13. finish third or better in a horse or dog race;
      "he bet $2 on number six to show"
    • 体育: 马匹评比赛;
      医学: 现血,见红,血先露:分娩与月经的前兆出血;
      法律: 表示;显示;告知;