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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


['ʃedɪŋ] ['ʃedɪŋ]
  • (用于储存园艺工具等的)简易房,小棚屋,小屋
    A shed is a small building that is used for storing things such as garden tools.
    ...a garden shed. 园艺工艺棚
  • (车站、港口、工厂等里面的)棚式建筑物,厂房,工棚,库房
    A shed is a large shelter or building, for example at a railway station, port, or factory.
    ...disused railway sheds. 废弃的铁路工棚
  • 落(叶);蜕(皮);脱(毛)
    When a tree sheds its leaves, its leaves fall off in the autumn. When an animal sheds hair or skin, some of its hair or skin drops off.
    Some of the trees were already beginning to shed their leaves. 有些树已经开始落叶了。 ...a snake who has shed its skin. 已经蜕皮的蛇
  • 摆脱;去除;抛弃
    To shed something means to get rid of it.
    The firm is to shed 700 jobs... 公司将裁员 700 人。 He had maintained a rigid diet, shedding some twenty pounds. 他严格地坚持节食,减了差不多 20 磅。
  • (卡车等)意外地掉落(货物)
    If a lorry sheds its load, the goods that it is carrying accidentally fall onto the road.
    A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load. 一辆载满废金属的卡车掉货了。
  • 流,洒,落(泪)
    If you shed tears, you cry.
    They will shed a few tears at their daughter's wedding. 他们会在女儿的婚礼上落泪的。
  • 屠杀;导致惨死;(通常指在战争中)流血死亡,惨死
    To shed blood means to kill people in a violent way. If someone sheds their blood, they are killed in a violent way, usually when they are fighting in a war.
    Gunmen in Ulster shed the first blood of the new year... 阿尔斯特的持枪歹徒制造了新一年的首起流血事件。 Others promised to 'shed our blood and sacrifice our lives to oppose the invaders'. 其他人承诺要“抛头颅、洒热血、抗击侵略者”。
  • Noun
    1. the process whereby something is shed
    2. loss of bits of outer skin by peeling or shedding or coming off in scales