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[ˈsækrɪfaɪs] [ˈsækrəˌfaɪs]
  • 复数:sacrifices;
  • 第三人称单数:sacrifices;
  • 过去式:sacrificed;
  • 过去分词:sacrificed;
  • 现在分词:sacrificing;
  • 例句
      Some people sacrifice their dignity for money.
      They make many personal sacrifices in exchange for income today.
      Similarly, some couples don't have children because they don't want to sacrifice their own lifestyles to the lime and expense of a family.
      They sacrifice their lives for the benefit of humans.
      nobody is willing to sacrifice their own interests to tackle the problem
    • VERB
      If you sacrifice something that is valuable or important, you give it up, usually to obtain something else for yourself or for other people.
      She sacrificed family life to her career... 她为事业舍弃了家庭。 Her husband's pride was a small thing to sacrifice for their children's security... 为了孩子们的安全,舍弃她丈夫的尊严不算什么。
    • VERB
      To sacrifice an animal or person means to kill them in a special religious ceremony as an offering to a god.
      The priest sacrificed a chicken... 祭司用一只鸡作祭品。 Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held. 献祭了两头白牛,并举行了盛宴。
    • n.
      牺牲, 舍身,舍弃
      His parents made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he got a good education. 他的父母为确保他得到良好的教育而作了很多牺牲。
      献祭, 供奉
      Before the battle, the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the god of war. 打仗之前, 指挥官下令给战神供奉两只小公牛。
      They killed a sheep as a sacrifice. 他们宰了一只羊作为祭品。
    • vt. & vi.
      The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle. 古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。
    • vt.
      牺牲, 献出
      Jacelin sacrificed his life to save the child from the fire. 杰斯林牺牲自己的生命把孩子从火中救了出来。 He sacrificed his holiday to help his brother's business. 为了帮助兄弟经商, 他放弃休假。
    • Noun
      1. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.
      2. personnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective)
      3. a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value;
      "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"
      4. the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
      5. (sacrifice) an out that advances the base runners
    • Verb
      1. endure the loss of;
      "He gave his life for his children""I gave two sons to the war"
      2. kill or destroy;
      "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment""The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"
      3. sell at a loss
      4. make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals
    • 体育: 牺牲打;牺牲品;弃子;损失;
      医学: 牺牲:指处死实验动物;