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  • 行业词典释义
  • 以下这些形容词均有"嘶哑的,沙哑的" 的意思
  • 以下这些形容词均有"粗糙的" 的意思
  • bit of rough
    (informal)a male sexual partner whose toughness or lack of sophistication is a source of attraction (非正式)(以强壮和粗犷吸引人的)男性性伙伴
  • in the rough
    in a natural state; without decoration or other treatment 自然状态的;未加工的;原始的;粗糙的 in difficulties 在困境中
  • rough and ready
    crude but effective 粗糙但有效的,粗糙但尚能顶用的
  • rough around the edges
    having a few imperfections 有缺点的,有瑕疵的
  • rough as bags
    (Austral./NZ informal)lacking refinement; coarse (澳/新西兰,非正式)缺少教养的;粗鄙的;鄙俗的
  • the rough edge (或side) of one's tongue
    a scolding 痛骂;辱骂
  • rough edges
    small imperfections in someone or something that is basically satisfactory 小的瑕疵
  • rough justice
    treatment that is not scrupulously fair or in accordance with the law 大致公平合理的处置
  • rough passage
    a journey over rough sea 波涛汹涌的航程
  • a rough ride
    a difficult time or experience 艰难时期;艰难进程;艰难经历
  • rough stuff
    boisterous or violent behaviour 喧闹的行为;粗鲁的行为,暴力行为
  • sleep rough
    (Brit.)sleep in uncomfortable conditions, typically out of doors (英)睡得难受(尤指露宿)
  • take the rough with the smooth
    accept the difficult or unpleasant aspects of life as well as the good 既能享乐也能吃苦;好事和坏事都受得了
  • rough someone up
    (informal)beat someone up (非正式)用暴力对待,向…动粗;狠揍
    However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates.
    Its rough estimates are meant to draw the attention of world leaders
    If a surface is rough, it is uneven and not smooth.
    His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice... 由于多年练习空手道,他的双手粗糙不平,布满老茧。 Grace made her way slowly across the rough ground. 格雷斯缓慢地走过高低不平的地面。
    You say that people or their actions are rough when they use too much force and not enough care or gentleness.
    Rugby's a rough game at the best of times... 即使是在比赛最不激烈的时候,橄榄球也是一种粗野的运动。 They have complained of discrimination and occasional rough treatment. 他们抗议遭受歧视,而且偶尔还会遭到粗暴的对待。
    A rough area, city, school, or other place is unpleasant and dangerous because there is a lot of violence or crime there.
    It was quite a rough part of our town. 这是我们城里犯罪率很高的地区。
    If you say that someone has had a rough time, you mean that they have had some difficult or unpleasant experiences.
    All women have a rough time in our society... 在我们的社会中,所有女性的日子都不好过。 Tomorrow, he knew, would be a rough day. 他知道明天将会是艰难的一天。
    If you feel rough, you feel ill.
    The virus won't go away and the lad is still feeling a bit rough. 病毒无法清除,这个小伙子仍然觉得有点不舒服。
    A rough calculation or guess is approximately correct, but not exact.
    We were only able to make a rough estimate of how much fuel would be required... 我们只能对所需燃料作一个粗略的估计。 As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day. 作为一个大致的参照,一匹马每天需要吃相当于其体重2.5%的食物。
    If you give someone a rough idea, description, or drawing of something, you indicate only the most important features, without much detail.
    I've got a rough idea of what he looks like... 我已经大致知道他长什么样子了。 It often helps to make a rough sketch showing where the vehicles were. 画一个简略的草图标示车辆当时所在的位置往往很有用。
    You can say that something is rough when it is not neat and well made.
    ...a rough wooden table. 做工粗糙的木桌子 ...chairs set in a rough circle in the middle of the room. 房间中央大致围成一圈的椅子
    If the sea or the weather at sea is rough, the weather is windy or stormy and there are very big waves.
    A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas. 一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了。
  • ADV
    When people sleep or live rough, they sleep out of doors, usually because they have no home.
    It makes me so sad when I see young people begging or sleeping rough on the streets. 我看到年轻人沿街乞讨、露宿街头,心里会非常难过。
  • VERB
    If you have to rough it, you have to live without the possessions and comforts that you normally have.
    You won't be roughing it; each room comes equipped with a telephone and a 3-channel radio. 你不会过得太艰苦;每个房间都配备了一部电话和一台可以接收3个频道的收音机。
  • adj.
    粗糙的; 不平的
    The rough road made the car vibrate. 坑坑洼洼的道路使车颠得厉害。 This paper feels rough. 这纸摸起来很粗糙。
    粗鲁的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 剧烈的
    Football is a rough sport. 足球是一种很剧烈的运动。 His reply was a bit rough. 他的答复过于粗鲁了一点。 Don't be so rough with the child. 对小孩不要这样粗暴。
    粗制的; 粗略的; 概略的
    As the jewel was in the rough state, he had no idea what size it would be when cut. 这块宝石未经琢磨, 他不知道加工后有多大。 It's just a very rough translation. 这只是一篇非常粗糙的译稿。
    (味道、声音等)令人不快的; 难吃的; 刺耳的
    The little boy has a rough tongue. 这个小男孩讲话很不中听。
    We had rather a rough time. 我们经历了一段艰苦的日子。
  • vt.
    The explorers had to rough it when they got into the jungle. 那些探险者进入丛林后, 不得不过着艰苦的生活。
    Hard household chores roughed her hands. 繁重的家务劳动把她的手弄得很粗糙。
    Don't rough them up in the game.They are still boys. 比赛时别对他们撒野,他们还是些孩子。
  • vi.
    The centre forward of our school team was sent off the field by the referee for roughing. 我们校队的中锋因动作粗野被裁判判罚出场。
  • Noun
    1. the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short
  • Verb
    1. prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
  • Adjective
    1. having or caused by an irregular surface;
    "trees with rough bark""rough ground""a rough ride""rough skin""rough blankets""his unsmooth face""unsmooth writing"
    2. (of persons or behavior) lacking refinement or finesse;
    "she was a diamond in the rough""rough manners"
    3. not quite exact or correct;
    "the approximate time was 10 o'clock""a rough guess""a ballpark estimate"
    4. full of hardship or trials;
    "the rocky road to success""they were having a rough time"
    5. violently agitated and turbulent;
    "boisterous winds and waves""the fierce thunders roar me their music"- Ezra Pound"rough weather""rough seas"
    6. unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound;
    "a gravelly voice"
    7. ready and able to resort to force or violence;
    "pugnacious spirits...lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance"- Herman Melville"they were rough and determined fighting men"
    8. of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped
    9. not shaped by cutting or trimming;
    "an uncut diamond""rough gemstones"
    10. not carefully or expertly made;
    "managed to make a crude splint""a crude cabin of logs with bark still on them""rough carpentry"
    11. not perfected;
    "a rough draft""a few rough sketches"
    12. unpleasantly stern;
    "wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus""the nomad life is rough and hazardous"
  • Adverb
    1. with roughness or violence (`rough' is an informal variant for `roughly');
    "he was pushed roughly aside""they treated him rough"
    2. with rough motion as over a rough surface;
    "ride rough"
  • 体育: 长草区;深草区;生杂草的障碍区域;巨浪;粗面;
    医学: 粗糙的:不光滑的;具有不规则的粗糙表面的;