• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 四级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
    Display and sales restrictions: California has a rule prohibiting alcohol displays near the cash registers in gas stations, and in most places you can't buy alcohol at drive-through facilities.
    A register is an official list or record of people or things.
    ...registers of births, deaths and marriages... 出生、死亡和婚姻记录 He signed the register at the hotel... 他在酒店的登记簿上签了名。
  • VERB
    If you register to do something, you put your name on an official list, in order to be able to do that thing or to receive a service.
    Have you come to register at the school?... 你来学校注册了吗? Thousands lined up to register to vote... 数千选民排队登记投票。
  • VERB
    If you register something, such as the name of a person who has just died or information about something you own, you have these facts recorded on an official list.
    In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it... 在日本要登记一辆汽车,车主必须先要有车位。 We registered his birth... 我们给他进行了出生登记。
  • V-ERG
    When something registers on a scale or measuring instrument, it shows on the scale or instrument. You can also say that something registers a certain amount or level on a scale or measuring instrument.
    It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment... 只有精密的X射线仪器才能显示出来。 The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter scale... 地震的震级达到里氏5.3级。
  • VERB
    If you register your feelings or opinions about something, you do something that makes them clear to other people.
    Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party... 选民希望表达他们对执政党的不满。 Workers stopped work to register their protest. 工人罢工以示抗议。
  • VERB
    If a feeling registers on someone's face, their expression shows clearly that they have that feeling.
    Surprise again registered on Rodney's face. 罗德尼的脸上再次露出诧异的神情。
  • V-ERG
    If a piece of information does not register or if you do not register it, you do not really pay attention to it, and so you do not remember it or react to it.
    What I said sometimes didn't register in her brain... 有时我说的话她根本没听进去。 The sound was so familiar that she didn't register it. 这个声音如此耳熟,她根本没怎么留意。
    If you sing or play something in a high or low register, you sing, or play it using high or low notes. If you say something in a high or low register, you say it in a high or low voice.
  • N-VAR
    In linguistics, the register of a piece of speech or writing is its level and style of language, which is usually appropriate to the situation or circumstances in which it is used.