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  • 以下这些程度副词都有"相当,颇" 的意思
  • not quite
    not completely or entirely 不完全地
  • quite a —(亦作常讽quite the)
    used to indicate that the specified person or thing is perceived as particularly notable, remarkable, or impressive 异常的;出众的;印象很深的
  • quite a few
  • quite a lot (或 a bit)
    a considerable number or amount of something 相当数量;相当多
  • quite some
    a considerable amount of 相当数量的 informal way of saying quite a (非正式)。 同quite a
  • quite something
  • quite the thing
    (dated)well, healthy, or normal (旧)健康的,正常的
    She does not quite agree with what the man said.
    Speakers or English have a similar gesture through the hand may not be cupped and the fingers may be held more loosely, but for them the gesture means goodbye or go away, quite the opposite of the Colombian gesture
    The traditional textbook model is and has been broken for quite some time.
  • ADV
    You use quite to indicate that something is the case to a fairly great extent. Quite is less emphatic than 'very' and 'extremely'.
    I felt quite bitter about it at the time... 当时我对这件事感到相当怨愤。 I was doing quite well, but I wasn't earning a lot of money... 我干得还算不错,可是挣的钱却不算多。
  • ADV
    You use quite to emphasize what you are saying.
    It is quite clear that we were firing in self defence... 事实很清楚,我们开枪是出于自卫。 That's a general British failing. In the USA it's quite different... 那是英国人的普遍缺点。在美国,情况就大不一样了。
  • ADV
    You use quite after a negative to make what you are saying weaker or less definite.
    Something here is not quite right... 这里有什么地方不太对劲。 After treatment he was able to continue but he was never quite the same... 治疗之后他又可以继续下去了,可是再也恢复不到从前的状态了。
    You use quite in front of a noun group to emphasize that a person or thing is very impressive or unusual.
    'Oh, he's quite a character,' Sean replied... “喔,他真是个了不起的人,”肖恩回答说。 It's quite a city, Boston. 波士顿,真是一座伟大的城市。
  • ADV
    You can say 'quite' to express your agreement with someone.
    'And if you buy the record it's your choice isn't it.' — 'Quite'... “如果你买这张唱片,那是你的选择,不是吗?”——“可不是嘛。” 'I won't say over the air who it is.' — 'No, quite.' “我不会在电话里说出那个人是谁。”——“对,的确应该这样。”
  • adv.
    完全地; 整体地; 十分地
    Are you quite ready? 你完全准备好了吗? The news is quite amazing. 这消息十分惊人。 I quite like some rock music. 我很喜欢某些摇滚乐。
    有几分; 颇; 相当
    It was quite good, but not perfect. 它相当不错, 但还不完善。 He is a quite skilled worker. 他是个相当熟练的工人。 Our meeting in London was quite by chance. 我们在伦敦的会面颇为偶然。
    〈尤英〉同意, 不错; 对的
    He is quite drunk. 他确实喝醉了。
  • Adverb
    1. to a degree (not used with a negative);
    "quite tasty""quite soon""quite ill""quite rich"
    2. to the greatest extent; completely;
    "you're quite right""she was quite alone""was quite mistaken""quite the opposite""not quite finished""did not quite make it"
    3. of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative);
    "her victory was quite something""she's quite a girl""quite a film""quite a walk""we've had quite an afternoon"
    4. actually or truly or to an extreme;
    "was quite a sudden change""it's quite the thing to do""quite the rage""Quite so!"
  • 计算机: 完全,简直,非常;