• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


[pri:n] [prin]
  • 第三人称单数:preens;
  • 过去式:preened;
  • 过去分词:preened;
  • 现在分词:preening;
  • 例句
    • VERB
      If someone preens themselves, they spend a lot of time making themselves look neat and attractive; used especially if you want to show that you disapprove of this behaviour or that you find it ridiculous and amusing.
      50% of men under 35 spend at least 20 minutes preening themselves every morning in the bathroom... 50%的35岁以下男性每天早上至少花20分钟在盥洗室精心打扮。 Bill preened his beard. 比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。
    • VERB
      If someone preens, they think in a pleased way about how attractive, clever, or good at something they are.
      She stood preening in their midst, delighted with the attention... 她得意洋洋地站在他们中间,为受人瞩目而高兴。 He preened himself on the praise he had received. 他因为得到了赞扬而沾沾自喜。
    • VERB
      When birds preen their feathers, they clean them and arrange them neatly using their beaks.
      Rare birds preen themselves right in front of your camera. 很少有鸟类会在镜头面前梳理自己的羽毛。
    • vt. & vi.
      a swan preening its feathers 一只正在用喙整理羽毛的天鹅
    • Verb
      1. clean with one's bill;
      "The birds preened"
      2. pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
      3. dress or groom with elaborate care;
      "She likes to dress when going to the opera"