• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[ˈplɑ:stə(r)] [ˈplæstə(r)]
  • 复数:plasters;
  • 第三人称单数:plasters;
  • 过去式:plastered;
  • 过去分词:plastered;
  • 现在分词:plastering;
  • 例句
      You know, all those old films where someone gets so outraged with his boss, He picks up a custard pie and plasters it all over the other person's face.
      Plaster is a smooth paste made of sand, lime, and water which goes hard when it dries. Plaster is used to cover walls and ceilings and is also used to make sculptures.
      There were huge cracks in the plaster, and the green shutters were faded... 灰泥上出现多条大裂缝,绿色百叶窗也褪色了。 In the Mus d'Orsay in Paris is a sculpture in plaster by Rodin. 巴黎的奥赛博物馆里有一件罗丹的石膏雕塑作品。
    • VERB
      If you plaster a wall or ceiling, you cover it with a layer of plaster.
      The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder. 他刚抹上灰泥的天花板塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。
    • VERB
      If you plaster a surface or a place with posters or pictures, you stick a lot of them all over it.
      They plastered the city with posters condemning her election... 他们在城里到处张贴谴责她当选的海报。 His room is plastered with pictures of Porsches and Ferraris. 他的房间里贴满保时捷和法拉利车的图片。
    • VERB
      If you plaster yourself in some kind of sticky substance, you cover yourself in it.
      She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion. 她给自己从头到脚都抹上了强效防晒露。
    • N-COUNT
      A plaster is a strip of sticky material used for covering small cuts or sores on your body.
    • PHRASE
      If you have a leg or arm in plaster, you have a cover made of plaster of Paris around your leg or arm, in order to protect a broken bone and allow it to mend.
    • n.
      He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall. 他和了一些灰泥去补墙。
      She applied the plaster on his shoulder. 她将膏药贴在他的膀子上。
    • Noun
      1. a mixture of lime or gypsum with sand and water; hardens into a smooth solid; used to cover walls and ceilings
      2. any of several gypsum cements; a white powder (a form of calcium sulphate) that forms a paste when mixed with water and hardens into a solid; used in making molds and sculptures and casts for broken limbs
      3. a medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc.
      4. a hardened surface of plaster (as on a wall or ceiling);
      "there were cracks in the plaster"
      5. adhesive tape used in dressing wounds
    • Verb
      1. cover conspicuously, as by pasting something on;
      "The demonstrators plastered the hallways with posters"
      2. affix conspicuously;
      "She plastered warnings all over the wall"
      3. apply a plaster cast to;
      "plaster the broken arm"
      4. apply a heavy coat to
      5. coat with plaster;
      "daub the wall"
      6. dress by covering with a therapeutic substance
    • 医学: 石膏:与水混合后变硬的石膏材料,用于固定或制作身体某部的印模,如牙科石膏或煅石膏;硬膏〔剂〕:可涂敷于皮肤的糊状混合物,在体温的热度下有粘性。硬膏可以是保护剂和抗刺激剂等;