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[peɪ] [pe]
  • 第三人称单数:pays;
  • 过去式:paid;
  • 过去分词:paid;
  • 现在分词:paying;
  • 例句
    • vt.
    • pay的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些名词都可表示"工资,收入" 的意思
    • pay off
      To pay the full amount on (a debt). 偿清(债务):支付(债务)的全部数额 To effect profit 带来利益 To get revenge for or on; requite. 报复:为…或向…报复;报复 To pay the wages due to (an employee) upon discharge. 结算工资:由于要解雇(雇员)支付工资 &I{Informal} To bribe. 【非正式用语】 贿赂 &I{Nautical} To turn or cause to turn (a vessel) to leeward. &I{【航海】} 使(船首)转向下风:转向或使(船)转向下风
    • pay out
      To give (money) out; spend. 把(钱)花掉;花费 To let out (a line or rope) by slackening. 缓缓放松:通过放松使(绳或索)放出
    • pay up
      To give over the full monetary amount demanded. 付清全部款项:缴清所要求的全部资金数额
    • he who pays the piper calls the tune
      (proverb)the person who provides the money for something has the right to determine how it's spent (谚)谁出钱谁做主;谁承担费用谁有决定权
    • in the pay of
      employed by 受雇于
    • pay one's compliments
    • pay court to
    • pay dearly
      obtain something at a high cost or great effort 花大价钱(或努力)得到
    • pay one's dues
    • pay for itself
      (of an object or system) earn or save enough money to cover the cost of its purchase (物品,系统)赚(或节省)下足以支付购买费用的钱款
    • pay its (或 one's) way
      (of an enterprise or person) earn enough to cover its or one's costs (企业)赢利以支付开销;(人)挣钱以支付费用
    • pay one's last respects
      show respect towards a dead person by attending their funeral 向(死者)告别
    • pay one's respects
      make a polite visit to someone 拜访,拜望
    • pay through the nose
      (informal)pay much more than a fair price (非正式)付费过高
    • VERB
      When you pay an amount of money to someone, you give it to them because you are buying something from them or because you owe it to them. When you pay something such as a bill or a debt, you pay the amount that you owe.
      Accommodation is free — all you pay for is breakfast and dinner... 住宿免费——你只需付早餐和正餐的钱。 We paid £35 for each ticket... 我们每张票付了35英镑。
    • VERB
      When you are paid, you get your wages or salary from your employer.
      The lawyer was paid a huge salary... 那位律师薪酬很高。 I get paid monthly... 我按月领工资。
      Your pay is the money that you get from your employer as wages or salary.
      ...their complaints about their pay and conditions. 他们对薪水和工作条件的不满 ...the workers' demand for a twenty per cent pay rise. 工人要求加薪20%
    • VERB
      If you are paid to do something, someone gives you some money so that you will help them or perform some service for them.
      Students were paid substantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed... 学生们得到了一大笔钱,而所要做的就是整天躺在床上什么也不做。 If you help me, I'll pay you anything. 如果你帮我,你要多少钱我都给。
    • VERB
      If a government or organization makes someone pay for something, it makes them responsible for providing the money for it, for example by increasing prices or taxes.
      ...a legally binding international treaty that establishes who must pay for environmental damage... 规定谁该为环境破坏买单的有法律约束力的国际条约 If you don't subsidize ballet and opera, seat prices will have to go up to pay for it. 如果你不为芭蕾和歌剧提供补贴,就得提高剧场票价来为此买单。
    • VERB
      If a job, deal, or investment pays a particular amount, it brings you that amount of money.
      We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well... 我们深陷在工资低廉的工作中。 The account does not pay interest on a credit balance. 这个账户的贷方余额没有利息。
    • VERB
      If a job, deal, or investment pays, it brings you a profit or earns you some money.
      There are some agencies now specialising in helping older people to find jobs which pay... 现在有些机构专门帮助年龄较大的人找有报酬的工作。 They owned land; they made it pay. 他们拥有土地;他们让土地生钱。
    • VERB
      When you pay money into a bank account, you put the money in the account.
      He paid £20 into his savings account... 他往自己的储蓄账户上存了20英镑。 There is nothing more annoying than queueing when you only want to pay in a few cheques. 没有比你只想存几张支票还得排队更令人恼火的了。
    • VERB
      If a course of action pays, it results in some advantage or benefit for you.
      It pays to invest in protective clothing... 在防护服上投资是值得的。 He talked of defending small nations, of ensuring that aggression does not pay. 他谈到了保卫小国家,绝不让侵略得逞。
    • VERB
      If you pay for something that you do or have, you suffer as a result of it.
      Britain was to pay dearly for its lack of resolve... 英国将为缺乏决心付出惨痛的代价。 Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?... 为什么我要代人受过?
    • VERB
      You use pay with some nouns, for example in the expressions pay a visit and pay attention, to indicate that something is given or done.
      Do pay us a visit next time you're in Birmingham... 下次你来伯明翰一定要来看看我们。 He felt a heavy bump, but paid no attention to it... 他觉得起了个大包,但是没有理会。
    • ADJ
      Pay television consists of programmes and channels which are not part of a public broadcasting system, and for which people have to pay.
      The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany. 该公司已在比利时、西班牙和德国设立了合资付费电视频道。
    • PHRASE
      If something that you buy or invest in pays for itself after a period of time, the money you gain from it, or save because you have it, is greater than the amount you originally spent or invested.
      ...investments in energy efficiency that would pay for themselves within five years. 将在5年内收回成本的能效投资
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is in the pay of a certain person or group, you disapprove of the fact that they are being paid by and are working for that person or group, often secretly or illegally.
      He was murdered at a presidential rally by gunmen in the pay of drug traffickers. 他在一场总统竞选集会上被毒品贩子雇用的枪手谋杀了。
    • PHRASE
      If you pay your way, you have or earn enough money to pay for what you need, without needing other people to give or lend you money.
      I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way... 总之我上了大学,半工半读,自食其力。 The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market. 没有广阔的出口市场,英国电影工业无以为继。
    • vt. & vi.
      付给; 付款
      This job pays well. 这份工作报酬不错。 They had to pay rather heavily. 他们得付出沉重的代价。 I have paid the milkman this month. 我这个月付款给送奶人了。 He ought to pay the rent. 他应该付房租。 We refused to pay them their wages. 我们拒绝付给他们工资。
      有利可图; (对…)有利, (对…)值得
      Crime doesn't pay. 犯罪得不偿失。 It pays to advertise. 登广告很有用。
    • vt.
      The manager paid her a compliment on her work. 经理赞扬了她的工作。
    • n.
      His pay goes up every year. 他的工资每年都有增加。 The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay rise. 工会不惜牺牲自己的权利以换取微薄的加薪。
    • Noun
      1. something that remunerates;
      "wages were paid by check""he wasted his pay on drink""they saved a quarter of all their earnings"
    • Verb
      1. give money, usually in exchange for goods or services;
      "I paid four dollars for this sandwich""Pay the waitress, please"
      2. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow;
      "Don't pay him any mind""give the orders""Give him my best regards""pay attention"
      3. do or give something to somebody in return;
      "Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
      4. bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action;
      "You'll pay for this!""She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly""You'll pay for this opinion later"
      5. cancel or discharge a debt;
      "pay up, please!"
      6. bring in;
      "interest-bearing accounts""How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
      7. render;
      "pay a visit""pay a call"
      8. be worth it;
      "It pays to go through the trouble"
      9. dedicate;
      "give thought to""give priority to""pay attention to"
      10. discharge or settle;
      "pay a debt""pay an obligation"
      11. make a compensation for;
      "a favor that cannot be paid back"
    • 法律: 报酬;给付;