• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[maɪˈgreɪʃn] [maɪˈɡreʃən]
  • 复数:migrations;
  • 例句
      Every year in the late summer, monarch begin their migration to the south, those heading for Mexico go first for the Louisiana Mississippi region.
      Scientists learn about the monarch butterflies' migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags in the insects
      Where does the butterfly settle at the end of the migration?
    • VERB
      If people migrate, they move from one place to another, especially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time.
      People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work... 人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。 Farmers have learned that they have to migrate if they want to survive. 农民们已经认识到,想要生存就必须外出打工。
    • VERB
      When birds, fish, or animals migrate, they move at a particular season from one part of the world or from one part of a country to another, usually in order to breed or to find new feeding grounds.
      Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate. 绝大多数鸟类为了迁徙都不得不进行长距离的飞行。 ...a dam system that kills the fish as they migrate from streams to the ocean. 导致鱼类在从溪流向海洋迁徙途中死亡的水坝体系
    • n.
      Swallows begin their migration south in autumn. 燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移。
    • Noun
      1. the movement of persons from one country or locality to another
      2. a group of people migrating together (especially in some given time period)
      3. (chemistry) the nonrandom movement of an atom or radical from one place to another within a molecule
      4. the periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding
    • 动物学: 迁徙;迁飞;洄游;移行;
      化学: 迁移;
      化工: 迁移;
      医学: 移行:部位有自发性改变,如症状;游走:白细胞穿过血管壁的活动,如白细胞渗出;
      地球物理学: 偏移;
      昆虫学: 迁移;遷徙;
      植物学: 迁移;又称 :迁移(movement );
      水产: 洄游;一些水生动物在一定季节或发育阶段沿一定路线有规律地往返迁移。;
      法律: 迁户口;迁居;
      生态学: 迁移;动物周期性的长距离更换住处的现象,且通常是定向性和群体性的。;洄游;一些水生动物为了繁殖、索饵或越冬的需要定期定向地从一个水域到另一个水域集群迁移的现象。;
      电子学: 迁徙;
      石油: 偏移;
      药学: 迁移;
      遗传学: 迁移;群体间个体的流动或基因交流的过程。;