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  • 同义词解析
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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • 以下这些动词均有"遇见,会见,碰见" 的意思
  • 以下这些动词均包含 "满足" 的意思
  • meet the case
    (Brit.)be adequate (英)令人满意
  • meet someone's eye (或 eyes, ear)
    be visible (or audible) 被…看到;被…听到
  • meet someone's eye (look;gaze), people's eyes meet
    look directly at someone (和某人)对视;目光相遇 呈现;显现
  • meet someone halfway
    make a compromise with someone 与某人达成妥协,对某人作出让步
  • meet one's Maker
  • meet one's match
  • there's more to someone/sth than meets the eye
    a person or situation is more complex or interesting than they appear 某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣)
  • meet (someone) halfway
    To make a compromise with. 与…妥协
    If you meet someone, you happen to be in the same place as them and start talking to them. You may know the other person, but be surprised to see them, or you may not know them at all.
    I have just met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with... 我刚刚遇到了我想与之共度余生的男人。 He's the kindest and sincerest person I've ever met... 他是我所见过的最友善、最真诚的人。
    If two or more people meet, they go to the same place, which they have earlier arranged to do, so that they can talk or do something together.
    We could meet for a drink after work... 下班后我们可以见面喝上一杯。 Meet me down at the beach tomorrow, at 6am sharp. 明天早上6点整在海滩上跟我见面。
  • VERB
    If you meet someone, you are introduced to them and begin talking to them and getting to know them.
    Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad. 嗨,特里,过来认识一下我爸爸。
  • VERB
    You use meet in expressions such as 'Pleased to meet you' and 'Nice to have met you' when you want to politely say hello or goodbye to someone you have just met for the first time.
    'Jennifer,' Miss Mallory said, 'this is Leigh Van-Voreen.' — 'Pleased to meet you,' Jennifer said... “珍妮弗,”马洛里小姐说,“这位是利·范沃林。”——“见到您很高兴,”珍妮弗说。 I have to leave. Nice to have met you. 我得走了。认识您很高兴。
  • VERB
    If you meet someone off their train, plane, or bus, you go to the station, airport, or bus stop in order to be there when they arrive.
    Mama met me at the station... 妈妈在车站接我。 Lili and my father met me off the boat... 莉莉和我父亲在码头迎接我。
  • VERB
    When a group of people such as a committee meet, they gather together for a particular purpose.
    Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations... 两国官员不久将再度会晤以重启谈判。 The commission met 14 times between 1988 and 1991. 1988至1991年间,该委员会举行了14次会议。
  • VERB
    If you meet with someone, you have a meeting with them.
    Most of the lawmakers who met with the president yesterday said they backed the mission. 大多数昨天与总统会晤的立法者说他们支持这个行动。
  • V-ERG
    If something such as a suggestion, proposal, or new book meets with or is met with a particular reaction, it gets that reaction from people.
    The idea met with a cool response from various quarters... 这个想法遭到了各方人士的冷遇。 We hope today's offer will meet with your approval too... 我们希望今天的提议也能够得到您的首肯。
  • VERB
    If something meets a need, requirement, or condition, it is good enough to do what is required.
    The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs... 目前对严重精神病患者的护理安排不足以满足他们的需要。 Out of the original 23,000 applications, 16,000 candidates meet the entry requirements. 最初的2.3万份申请中有1.6万份满足入选的要求。
  • VERB
    If you meet something such as a problem or challenge, you deal with it satisfactorily or do what is required.
    British manufacturing failed to meet the crisis of the 1970s... 英国制造业未能经受住20世纪70年代危机的考验。 It is an enormous challenge but we hope to meet it within a year or 18 months... 这是一个巨大的挑战,但是我们希望在1年或18个月之内能够战胜它。
  • VERB
    If you meet the cost of something, you provide the money that is needed for it.
    The government said it will help meet some of the cost of the damage... 政府说将帮助支付损害造成的部分费用。 As your income increases you will find less difficulty in finding the money to meet your monthly repayments. 随着收入的增加,你会发现筹钱支付每月的还款没那么难了。
  • VERB
    If you meet a situation, attitude, or problem, you experience it or become aware of it.
    I honestly don't know how I will react the next time I meet a potentially dangerous situation... 我真不知道下次再碰上有潜在危险的情况时会作何反应。 Never had she met such spite and pettiness. 她从未遭遇过如此恶毒和狭隘的事情。
  • VERB
    You can say that someone meets with success or failure when they are successful or unsuccessful.
    Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure... 寻找平民志愿者的种种尝试都遭遇了令人难堪的失败。 Efforts to commercialise the Russian space programme have met with little success. 为使俄罗斯太空项目走向商业化而作出的种种努力几乎没有取得什么成功。
    When a moving object meets another object, it hits or touches it.
    You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground... 每次龙骨触地的时候你都能感受到船体所受的压力。 Nick's head bent slowly over hers until their mouths met. 尼克慢慢向她低下头去,直到他们的嘴唇碰在了一起。
    If your eyes meet someone else's, you both look at each other at the same time.
    Nina's eyes met her sisters' across the table... 尼娜与桌子对面的姐妹们目光相遇。 I found myself smiling back instinctively when our eyes met. 我发现当我们的目光相遇时,我本能地还以微笑。
    If two areas meet, especially two areas of land or sea, they are next to one another.
    It is one of the rare places in the world where the desert meets the sea. 世界上沙漠与大海相接的地方非常少见,这里就是一处。 ...the southernmost point of South America where the Pacific and Atlantic oceans meet. 南美洲最南端、太平洋与大西洋的汇合处
    The place where two lines meet is the place where they join together.
    Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended... 无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交。 The track widened as it met the road. 小路在和公路相交的地方变宽了。
    If two sportsmen, teams, or armies meet, they compete or fight against one another.
    The two women will meet tomorrow in the final... 这两位女选手将在明天的决赛里决一胜负。 The unevenly matched armies met at Guilford on 15 March 1781... 1781年3月15日,力量悬殊的两支队伍在吉尔福德狭路相逢。
    A meet is an event in which athletes come to a particular place in order to take part in a race or races.
    John Pennel became the first person to pole-vault 17 ft., at a meet in Miami, Florida. 约翰·佩内尔在佛罗里达迈阿密的一次运动会上成为撑竿越过17英尺的第一人。
    A meet is when riders and dogs gather somewhere before they set off on a fox hunt.
    If you do not meet someone's eyes or meet someone's gaze, you do not look at them although they are looking at you, for example because you are ashamed.
    He hesitated, then shook his head, refusing to meet her eyes. 他犹豫起来,然后摇摇头,避开了她的目光。
    If someone meets their death or meets their end, they die, especially in a violent or suspicious way.
    Jacob Sinclair met his death at the hands of a soldier... 雅各布·辛克莱在一名士兵的手里送了命。 No one knows exactly how or where he met his end. 没有人知道他究竟是如何或在何处丢掉性命的。
  • vt. & vi.
    I hope we'll meet again soon 我希望我们很快会再次相逢。 Did you meet anyone in town? 你在城里碰见什么人了吗? I met her walking with John. 我碰见她和约翰走在一起。
    Where did you first meet your husband? 你是在哪儿和你丈夫初次相识的? Pleased to meet you!(especially British English) 见到你我很高兴!(尤其英式英语) Nice meeting you! (especially American English) 很高兴认识你!(尤其美国式英语) There's someone I want you to meet. 我想介绍你认识一个人。 I don't think we've met. 我想我们没见过面吧。
    The committee meets on Fridays. 委员会每周五开会 The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks. 首相与其他欧洲首脑举行会谈。
    Let's meet for a drink after work! 下班后我们一起去喝一杯吧! We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7. 我们7点在剧院外和他们会合。
    Sampras and Agassi met in last year's final. 桑普拉斯和阿加西在去年的决赛中相遇。 Sampras met Agassi in last year's final. 在去年的决赛中,桑普拉斯和阿加西遭遇了。
    The curtains don't meet in the middle. 这窗帘中间合不拢。 That's where the river meets the sea. 这条河就在这里流入大海。 His hand met hers. 他的手碰到她的手。
  • vt.
    He hurried forward to meet them. 他快步向前去迎接他们。 Will you meet me at the airport? 你到机场接我好吗? The hotel bus meets all incoming flights. 酒店有车在机场迎接各航班的旅客.
    How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups? 我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢? Until these conditions are met we cannot proceed with the sale. 除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们可能进行这项交易。 I can't possibly meet that deadline. 我可能不能如期完成了。
    Others have met similar problems. 其他人遇到过同样的问题。 How she met her death will probably never be known. 她的死因也许将永远无人知晓。
    The cost will be met by the company. 费用将由公司支付。
  • n.
    运动会, 体育比赛
    We have a sports meet every year. 我们每年都开运动会。 I went to a swimming meet last night. 昨天晚上我去看了游泳比赛。
  • Noun
    1. a meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held
  • Verb
    1. come together;
    "I'll probably see you at the meeting""How nice to see you again!"
    2. get together socially or for a specific purpose
    3. be adjacent or come together;
    "The lines converge at this point"
    4. fill or meet a want or need
    5. satisfy a condition or restriction;
    "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"
    6. satisfy or fulfill;
    "meet a need""this job doesn't match my dreams"
    7. get to know; get acquainted with;
    "I met this really handsome guy at a bar last night!""we met in Singapore"
    8. collect in one place;
    "We assembled in the church basement""Let's gather in the dining room"
    9. meet by design; be present at the arrival of;
    "Can you meet me at the train station?"
    10. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle;
    "Princeton plays Yale this weekend""Charlie likes to play Mary"
    11. experience as a reaction;
    "My proposal met with much opposition"
    12. undergo or suffer;
    "meet a violent death""suffer a terrible fate"
    13. be in direct physical contact with; make contact;
    "The two buildings touch""Their hands touched""The wire must not contact the metal cover""The surfaces contact at this point"
  • Adjective
    1. being precisely fitting and right;
    "it is only meet that she should be seated first"
  • 数学: 交;
    法律: 满足;