• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义


[lʊkt] [lʊkt]
相关单词 looked upoverlooked
    She tenderly looked after her sick mother.
    I saw that nurses were in high demand and it looked like a really good opportunity," he says.
    million people who wanted and were available for work hadn't looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.
    In 1966, soon after the Beatles had finished work on "Rubber Soul", Paul McCartney looked into the possibility of going to America to record their next album.
    They are looked after by animal-care organizations.
  • VERB
    If you look in a particular direction, you direct your eyes in that direction, especially so that you can see what is there or see what something is like.
    I looked down the hallway to room number nine... 我顺着走廊看了一眼9号房。 She turned to look at him... 她转头看他。
  • VERB
    If you look at a book, newspaper, or magazine, you read it fairly quickly or read part of it.
    You've just got to look at the last bit of Act Three. 你只要看一下第3幕最后那部分。
  • VERB
    If someone, especially an expert, looks at something, they examine it, and then deal with it or say how it should be dealt with.
    Can you look at my back? I think something's wrong. 您能看一下我的背吗?我觉得有点儿不对劲。
  • VERB
    If you look at someone in a particular way, you look at them with your expression showing what you are feeling or thinking.
    She looked at him earnestly. 'You don't mind?' 她认真地看着他说:“你不介意吗?”
  • VERB
    If you look for something, for example something that you have lost, you try to find it.
    I'm looking for a child. I believe your husband can help me find her... 我在找一个小孩。我相信你丈夫可以帮我找到她。 I had gone to Maine looking for a place to work... 我去了缅因州找工作。
  • VERB
    If you are looking for something such as the solution to a problem or a new method, you want it and are trying to obtain it or think of it.
    The working group will be looking for practical solutions to the problems faced by doctors... 工作小组将寻求切实可行的方案,以解决医生们遇到的难题。 He's looking for a way out from this conflict. 他正在想办法摆脱这一纷争。
  • VERB
    If you look at a subject, problem, or situation, you think about it or study it, so that you know all about it and can perhaps consider what should be done in relation to it.
    Next term we'll be looking at the Second World War period... 下学期咱们会研究二战时期… Anne Holker looks at the pros and cons of making changes to your property... 安妮·霍尔克负责权衡你房屋改造的利与弊。
  • VERB
    If you look at a person, situation, or subject from a particular point of view, you judge them or consider them from that point of view.
    Brian had learned to look at her with new respect... 布赖恩看她时变得多了一分尊重。 It depends how you look at it. 这要看你怎么看待它。
    You say look when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important.
    Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it... 哎,对不起。我不是故意的。 Now, look, here is how things stand. 现在听好啦,情况眼下是这样的。
  • VERB
    You can use look to draw attention to a particular situation, person, or thing, for example because you find it very surprising, significant, or annoying.
    Hey, look at the time! We'll talk about it tonight. All right?... 嘿,看看都几点啦?咱们晚上再讨论,好不好? I mean, look at how many people watch television and how few read books... 我是说,你瞧看电视的有多少人,看书的又有几个。
  • VERB
    If something such as a building or window looks somewhere, it has a view of a particular place.
    The castle looks over private parkland... 城堡俯瞰一片私家绿地。 Each front door looks across a narrow alley to the front door opposite. 家家大门对大门,中间隔着一条窄巷。
  • VERB
    打算;准备; 计划
    If you are looking to do something, you are aiming to do it.
    We're not looking to make a fortune. 我们没打算大赚一笔。 ...young mums looking to get fit after having kids. 生完孩子后打算瘦身的年轻妈妈们
    If you say that someone did something and then never looked back, you mean that they were very successful from that time on.
    I went freelance when my son Adam was born, and have never looked back. 我在儿子亚当出世后开始从事自由职业,自此一帆风顺。
    If you look someone in the eye or look them in the face, you look straight at their eyes in a bold and open way, for example in order to make them realize that you are telling the truth.
    He could not look her in the eye. 他不敢直视她的眼睛。
    If you say that someone looks the other way, you are critical of them because they pay no attention to something unpleasant that is happening, when they should be dealing with it properly.
    Judges and politicians routinely looked the other way while people were tortured or killed by police. 法官和政客对警察虐待或杀人之事常常装聋作哑。
    You say look here when you are going to say something important to someone, especially when you are angry at what they have done or said.
    Now look here, Tim, there really is no need for that kind of reaction. 你听我说,蒂姆,你这种反应真的没必要。
    If you say or shout 'look out!' to someone, you are warning them that they are in danger.
    'Look out!' somebody shouted, as the truck started to roll toward the sea. 卡车冲向大海时,有人大喊“当心!”
    If someone looks you up and down, they direct their eyes from your head to your feet, in a rude and superior way and often as though they disapprove of you.
    The sales assistant looked me up and down and told me not to try the dress on because she didn't think I would get into it. 那个女店员对我上下打量了一番后,叫我不要试穿那条裙子,因为她认为我穿不上。