• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 四级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
    She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much loved dog.
    I used to take classes in Spanish at the local college.
    Farmington, Utah, is a more pleasant community since a local girls' 4-H club improved Main Street
  • ADJ
    Local means existing in or belonging to the area where you live, or to the area that you are talking about.
    We'd better check on the match in the local paper... 我们最好在本地报纸上查一下这场比赛。 Some local residents joined the students' protest... 当地一些居民也加入了学生的抗议行列。
  • ADJ
    Local government is elected by people in one area of a country and controls aspects such as education, housing, and transport within that area.
    Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending. 教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。 ...the controversial system of local taxation known as the poll tax. 被称为“人头税”的备受争议的地方税制
    Your local is a pub which is near where you live and where you often go for a drink.
    The Black Horse is my local. “黑马”是我常去的附近酒吧。
  • ADJ
    A local anaesthetic or condition affects only a small area of your body.
    An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area. 通常先打局麻,以使该部位失去知觉。
  • Noun
    1. public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops;
    "the local seemed to take forever to get to New York"
    2. anesthetic that numbs a local area of the body
  • Adjective
    1. relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area;
    "local taxes""local authorities"
    2. of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood;
    "local customs""local schools""the local citizens""a local point of view""local outbreaks of flu""a local bus line"
    3. affecting only a restricted part or area of the body;
    "local anesthesia"
  • 医学: 局部的,局限性:局限于或关于某一点或某一部分,而非全部的;
    数学: 局部[的];
    法律: 地方性;