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  • lace into 【非正式用语】
    To attack; assail 攻击;指责
  • lace into
    (informal)assail or tackle (something) (非正式)袭击,抨击
    Lace is a very delicate cloth which is made with a lot of holes in it. It is made by twisting together very fine threads of cotton to form patterns.
    She finally found the perfect gown, a beautiful creation trimmed with lace. 她终于找到了理想的礼服——一袭饰有蕾丝的美丽长裙。 ...a plain white lace bedspread. 朴素的白色蕾丝床罩
    Laces are thin pieces of material that are put through special holes in some types of clothing, especially shoes. The laces are tied together in order to tighten the clothing.
    Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes. 巴里正坐在床上系他那双旧跑鞋的鞋带。
  • VERB
    If you lace something such as a pair of shoes, you tighten the shoes by pulling the laces through the holes, and usually tying them together.
    I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble. 我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧,脚脖子那里还是空落落的。
  • VERB
    To lace food or drink with a substance such as alcohol or a drug means to put a small amount of the substance into the food or drink.
    She laced his food with sleeping pills. 她在他的食物里掺了安眠药。
  • VERB
    If you lace your speech or writing with words of a particular kind, you include a lot of those words in what you say or write.
    Fred liked to lace his conversation with military terms. 弗雷德喜欢在谈话中时不时蹦几个军事术语。 ...a speech laced with humour. 充满幽默的讲话
  • VERB
    If you lace your fingers together, you put the palms of your hands together and fold your fingers over, fitting the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other.
    He took to lacing his fingers together in an attempt to keep his hands still. 为了不让双手发颤,他十指紧扣。
  • n.
    蕾丝, 透孔织品, 花边
    Her skirt was trimmed with lace. 她的裙子饰有花边。 The bride is wearing a wedding dress made of lace. 新娘穿一件蕾丝婚纱。
    鞋带, 系带
    He is bending down to tie his shoelaces. 他正弯下腰系鞋带。
  • vt. & vi.
    系牢, 系紧
    These shoes lace easily. 这些鞋带子容易系。 The child has learnt to lace his shoes. 这孩子已学会系鞋带了。 Lace your boots firmly or the lace will come undone. 把你的靴子系紧, 不然鞋带会松开。
  • Noun
    1. a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment)
    2. a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns
  • Verb
    1. spin or twist together so as to form a cord;
    "intertwine the ribbons""Twine the threads into a rope"
    2. make by braiding or interlacing;
    "lace a tablecloth"
    3. do lacework;
    "The Flemish women were lacing in front of the cathedral"
    4. draw through eyes or holes;
    "lace the shoelaces"
    5. add alcohol beverages
  • 体育: 鞋带;