• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
    The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.
    Given the rising investment in college education, parental concern is not surprising, but learning where and when to intervene (干预 ) will help students take more ownership of the outcomes of these increasingly costly educations.
    The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behaviour is that they are controlled by social norms--shared rules or guidelines which prescribe the behavior that is appropriate in a given situation.
    Most mothers do not aspire to (向往) elite,competitive full-time positions: the Swedish policies have given them the freedom and opportunity to live the lives they prefer.
    However,while talking is largely subconscious and rapid, writing is deliberate and slow, Over time,writers took advantage of this and started crafting long-winded sentences such as this one:The whole engagement lasted above 12 hours, till the gradual retreat of the Persians was changed into a disorderly flight, of which the shameful example was given by the principal leaders and……" No one talks like that casually — or should
    The 1976 copy right act has not prevented these abuses fully, but it has clarified the legal rights of the injured parties and given them an avenue for remedy.
  • Given is the past participle of give .
  • ADJ
    If you talk about, for example, any given position or a given time, you mean the particular position or time that you are discussing.
    In chess there are typically about 36 legal moves from any given board position... 在国际象棋中,一般来说从棋盘任何位置都可以移动大约36步。 Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall. 股票的价值在某一特定的时期内会有涨跌。
  • PREP
    Given is used when indicating a possible situation in which someone has the opportunity or ability to do something. For example, given the chance means 'if I had the chance'.
    Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity... 写下有机会的话你想做的事情。 Given patience, successful breeding of this species can be achieved. 只要有耐心,是能成功培育出这一品种的。
    If you say given that something is the case, you mean taking that fact into account.
    Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much. 考虑到自己挣得不多,我用钱通常比较精打细算,这也是迫不得已。
  • PREP
    If you say given something, you mean taking that thing into account.
    Given the uncertainty over Leigh's future I was left with little other choice. 考虑到利前途未卜,我没有什么选择余地。
    If you are given to doing something, you often do it.
    I am not very given to emotional displays. 我不习惯表露自己的感情。
  • adj.
    已经安排好的;规定的, 特定的
    The work must be done within the given time. 这个工作必须在规定的时间内完成。 They were to meet at a given time and place. 他们要在规定的时间和地点会晤。
  • prep.
    Given the present conditions, I think she's done rather well. 考虑到目前的条件, 我认为她已做得相当出色。
    (表示假设)倘若; 假定
    Given the chance, I'll do it again. 如果有机会, 我会再干一次。
  • Noun
    1. an assumption that is taken for granted
  • Adjective
    1. specified in advance;
    "a given number""we will meet at a given time and location"
    2. acknowledged as a supposition;
    "given the engine's condition, it is a wonder that it started"
    3. having possession delivered or transferred without compensation
    4. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward;
    "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant""I am not minded to answer any questions"
  • 哲学: 所与;