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[geɪm] [ɡem]
  • 复数:games;
  • 过去式:gamed;
  • 过去分词:gamed;
  • 现在分词:gaming;
  • 第三人称单数:games;
  • 比较级:gamer;
  • 最高级:gamest;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均有"体育运动" 的意思
      athletics :集合名词,常指需要体力与技术的sports与games,特指跳高、跑等竞技项目。
      sport :含义比athletics广泛,指各种形式的体育运动,尤指户外的如游泳、钓鱼、划船、登山等运动。
      game :主要指决定胜负的游戏、比赛,通常有一定的规则,参加者必须遵守,如蓝球、足球等。也作"运动会"解。
    • 以下这两个名词均有"比赛" 的意思
    • ahead of the game
      ahead of one's competitors or peers in the same sphere of activity 领先
    • beat someone at their own game
      use someone's own methods to outdo them in their chosen activity 以其人之道还治其人之身
    • the game is up
      the deception or crime is revealed or foiled (诡计或罪行)被戳穿,被挫败
    • game on
      a signal for play to begin in a game or match 比赛开始信号
    • game over
      (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)said when a situation is regarded as hopeless or irreversible (非正式, 主北美)没有希望的,无法挽回的
    • the Great Game
      spying 间谍活动 the rivalry between Britain and Russia in central Asia during the 19th century 大博弈(19世纪英俄两国在中亚地区的较量)
    • make (a) game of
      (archaic)mock; taunt (古)嘲笑;奚落
    • off (或 on) one's game
      playing badly (or well) 竞技状态不佳(或佳)
    • on the game
      (Brit. informal)working as a prostitute (英,非正式)卖淫
    • the only game in town
      (informal)the best or most important of its kind; the only thing worth concerning oneself with (非正式)最好的;最重要的;最值得关心的
    • play someone's game
      advance another's plans, whether intentionally or not (有意无意地)为别人帮忙
    • play the game
      behave in a fair or honourable way; abide by the rules or conventions 办事公道,讲信誉;按章办事
    • play games
      deal with someone or something in a way that lacks due seriousness or respect 闹着玩,不认真对待
    • what's your (or the) game?
      (informal)what's going on? (非正式)发生了什么事?
      On the way home at night, I relax with a good book or chat with friends or even have a game of bridge.
      Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the Web, e- mafling friends or playing games online.
      This is a game in which you indicate with your finger the way through a complex system of passages or paths
      He had also planned the content of his speech to focus on the teams with the best records, the ones that had won the most games in the last season.
      Sure, but there is a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game.
      The speakers will watch the game together.
    • N-COUNT
      A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle.
      ...the wonderful game of football. 精彩的足球比赛 ...a playful game of hide-and-seek. 有趣的捉迷藏游戏
    • N-COUNT
      A game is one particular occasion on which a game is played.
      It was the first game of the season... 这是本赛季的首场比赛。 He regularly watched our games from the stands... 他一般在看台上观看我们的比赛。
    • N-COUNT
      A game is a part of a match, for example in tennis or bridge, consisting of a fixed number of points.
      She won six games to love in the second set. 第二盘她以6比0获胜。 ...the last three points of the second game. 第二局的最后3分
    • N-PLURAL
      Games are an organized event in which competitions in several sports take place.
      ...the 2000 Olympic Games at Sydney. 2000年悉尼奥运会
    • N-PLURAL
      Games are organized sports activities that children do at school.
      At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates. 在文法学校里,他因拙于体育但擅长辩论而让人印象深刻。
    • N-SING
      Someone's game is the degree of skill or the style that they use when playing a particular game.
      Once I was through the first set my game picked up. 我打完第一局之后就进入了状态。
    • N-COUNT
      You can describe a situation that you do not treat seriously as a game .
      Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some... 许多人视人生如同一场游戏:有输也有赢。 It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse. 在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。
    • N-COUNT
      You can use game to describe a way of behaving in which a person uses a particular plan, usually in order to gain an advantage for himself or herself.
      When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of bluff... 情况愈发难以确定,我们最终陷入一个唬人的把戏中。 Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game. 直到现在,美国人一直玩着精心设计的政治把戏。
      Wild animals or birds that are hunted for sport and sometimes cooked and eaten are referred to as game .
      ...men who shot game for food. 靠捕猎获取食物的人
      If you are game for something, you are willing to do something new, unusual, or risky.
      After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them... 过了这么久,他依然不乏新点子并敢于去尝试。 He said he's game for a similar challenge next year. 他说他明年还愿意接受类似的挑战。
    • PHRASE
      If someone or something gives the game away, they reveal a secret or reveal their feelings, and this puts them at a disadvantage.
      The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away. 这两个共谋者的表情泄漏了秘密。
    • PHRASE
      If you are new to a particular game, you have not done a particular activity or been in a particular situation before.
      Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task. 别忘了她缺乏这方面的经验,完成任务还需要一些时间。
    • PHRASE
      If a man or woman is on the game, he or she is working as a prostitute.
    • PHRASE
      If you beat someone at their own game, you use the same methods that they have used, but more successfully, so that you gain an advantage over them.
      He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game... 他必须预见到其他律师的策略,并以其人之道还治其人之身,从而打败他们。 The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game. 警方清楚他们必须将计就计才能逮住那个杀人凶手。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that something is all part of the game, you are telling someone not to be surprised or upset by something, because it is a normal part of the situation that they are in.
      For investors, risks are part of the game. 对投资者而言,风险不足为奇。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is playing games or playing silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them.
      'Don't play games with me!' he thundered... “别跟我耍把戏!”他怒吼道。 From what I know of him he doesn't play silly games. 凭我对他的了解,他不会耍滑头的。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone has raised their game, you mean that they have begun to perform better, usually because they were under pressure to do so.
      The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale... 这位世界排名第九的选手必须有更出色的表现才能击退戴尔强有力的挑战。 As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game. 这家航空公司在整个大陆拓展业务所带来的竞争会迫使其他航空公司有更好的表现。
    • PHRASE
      If you say the game is up, you mean that someone's secret plans or activities have been revealed and therefore must stop because they cannot succeed.
      Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up. 有些人以为他们还能撑到星期天,务实的人却很清楚,这一切都已结束了。
    • n.
      They are playing a game of cards. 他们在玩牌。
      运动, 比赛
      The football game is yours. 这场足球赛你们胜了。
      一场, 一局, 一盘
      They have lost the first game. 他们已经输了第一局。 The top team in each group played off seven games against each other. 各组的前几名彼此进行七场比赛。
      The 1984 Olympic Games was held in Los Angeles. 1984年奥林匹克运动会在洛杉矶举行。 The Asian Games meet every four years. 亚运会每四年举行一次。
      Lions and tigers are big game. 狮子和老虎是大猎物。
    • adj.
      勇敢的, 有决心的, 敢作敢当的
      He was a game fighter even when he was losing. 即使当他失败的时候, 他也是一位勇敢的战士。 She is game for any risk. 她敢冒任何风险。 He is game for anything no matter how dangerous it is. 无论这件事有多么危险, 他都敢去做。 The little boy was hurt by the fall, but he was game enough to get up and try again. 这个小男孩跌倒受伤了, 但他非常勇敢地站起来, 准备再试一试。
      愿意的, 心甘情愿的
      “Who's game for a swim?”“I'm game!” “谁愿意去游泳?”“我愿意!”
      残疾的; 瘸的
      The camel has a game leg. 那只骆驼有一只腿瘸。 He is game in the left leg. 他左腿瘸。
    • Noun
      1. a single play of a game;
      "the game lasted 2 hours"
      2. a contest with rules to determine a winner;
      "you need four people to play this game"
      3. an amusement or pastime;
      "they played word games""he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time""his life was all fun and games"
      4. animal hunted for food or sport
      5. the game equipment needed to play a game;
      "the child received several games for his birthday"
      6. your occupation or line of work;
      "he's in the plumbing game""she's in show biz"
      7. (games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win;
      "the game is 6 all""he is serving for the game"
      8. the flesh of wild animals that is used for food
      9. a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal);
      "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor""I saw through his little game from the start"
      10. frivolous or trifling behavior;
      "for actors, memorizing lines is no game""for him, life is all fun and games"
    • Verb
      1. place a bet on;
      "Which horse are you backing?""I'm betting on the new horse"
    • Adjective
      1. disabled in the feet or legs;
      "a crippled soldier""a game leg"
      2. willing to face danger
    • 体育: 两队比赛;局;
      数学: 对策;