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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • go flying
    (informal, chiefly Brit.)fall or be knocked over (非正式,主英)摔倒;被撞倒
  • with flying colours
    with distinction 以优异成绩; 以杰出表现
  • with flying colors
    With complete or outstanding success 完全或显著的成功
    They have strong wings capable of flying long distances.
  • ADJ
    A flying animal has wings and is able to fly.
    ...species of flying insects. 飞行昆虫的种类
    If someone or something gets off to a flying start, or makes a flying start, they start very well, for example in a race or a new job.
    Advertising revenue in the new financial year has got off to a flying start... 广告收入在新财年取得了开门红。 Hendry made a flying start to the final. 亨德利在决赛中取得梦幻开局。
  • adj.
    a flying machine 飞行器 A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle. 一名保安人员飞身把他抱倒。 A bomb went off, and many people were injured by flying glass. 炸弹爆炸了,许多人被飞溅的玻璃碎片划伤。
    The Prime Minister paid a flying visit to Brussels this afternoon. 首相今天下午对布鲁塞尔进行了短暂访问。
    She got off to a flying start, gaining several points in the first few minutes. 她旗开得胜,在开局几分钟里频频得分。
    Someone’s going to go flying if you don’t pick up these toys. 如果你不把这些玩具捡起来,会有人绊倒的。
    We expect your son to pass the exam with flying colours. 我们期待您的儿子能够在考试中取得优异成绩。 She came through her French test with flying colours. 她以优异成绩通过了法语考试。
  • Noun
    1. an instance of traveling by air;
    "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"
  • Adjective
    1. capable of or engaged in flight;
    "the bat is a flying animal"
    2. moving swiftly;
    "fast-flying planes""played the difficult passage with flying fingers"
    3. streaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air;
    "ran quickly, her flaring coat behind her""flying banners""flags waving in the breeze"
    4. designed for swift movement or action;
    "a flying police squad is trained for quick action anywhere in the city"
    5. of or relating to passage through the air especially aviation;
    "a flying time of three hours between cities""unidentified flying objects"
    6. hurried and brief;
    "paid a flying visit""took a flying glance at the book""a quick inspection""a fast visit"
    7. done swiftly in or as if in the air; used e.g. of a racing start in which runners are already in motion as they cross the starting line;
    "a flying start""crossed the goal line with a flying leap"
  • 体育: 飞身;燕式;空中技巧和姿势;