• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
    If you say that a person or animal is fat, you mean that they have a lot of flesh on their body and that they weigh too much. You usually use the word fat when you think that this is a bad thing.
    I could eat what I liked without getting fat... 我怎么吃都不胖。 After five minutes, the fat woman in the seat in front of me was asleep. 5分钟后,我前排座位上的胖女人便睡着了。
    Fat is the extra flesh that animals and humans have under their skin, which is used to store energy and to help keep them warm.
    Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat. 由于没有消耗卡路里,你吃的所有东西都会变成脂肪。
  • N-MASS
    Fat is a solid or liquid substance obtained from animals or vegetables, which is used in cooking.
    When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible. 烹调时不论是植物油还是动物油,都要尽量少用。 ...vegetable fats, such as coconut oil and palm oil. 椰子油和棕榈油一类的植物油
  • N-MASS
    Fat is a substance contained in foods such as meat, cheese, and butter which forms an energy store in your body.
    An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats... 减少饮食中脂肪摄入量的简单方法就是避免吃红肉。 Most low-fat yogurts are about 40 calories per 100g. 大多数低脂酸奶每100克约含40卡热量。
    A fat object, especially a book, is very thick or wide.
    ...'Europe in Figures', a fat book published on September 22nd... 9 月 22 日出版的大部头书《数说欧洲》 He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes. 他掏出鼓鼓的钱包,抽出几张钞票。
    A fat profit or fee is a large one.
    They are set to make a big fat profit. 他们下定决心要大赚一笔。
    If you say that there is fat chance of something happening, you mean that you do not believe that it will happen.
    'Would your car be easy to steal?' — 'Fat chance. I've got a device that shuts down the gas and ignition.' “你的汽车容易被盗吗?”——“不太可能。有个装置,可关闭油门和点火开关。”
    If you say that a person or organization has grown fat on something, you mean that they have become very rich as a result of it.
    Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade. 利物浦是靠奴隶贸易肥起来的。
    If you say that something is a fat lot of good or a fat lot of help, you are saying rudely that it is no good or no help at all.
    'I think we should go in and hammer them.' — 'And a fat lot of good that would do us.' “我觉得我们应该进去把他们狠揍一顿。”——“那对我们有个屁用。”