• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词解析
  • 四级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[ˈekstrækt] [ɪkˈstrækt]
  • 复数:extracts;
  • 过去式:extracted;
  • 过去分词:extracted;
  • 现在分词:extracting;
  • 第三人称单数:extracts;
  • 例句
    • 以下这两个名词均有"引文,引语" 的意思
      They need to extract as much information as possible from the first or second reading.
    • VERB
      To extract a substance means to obtain it from something else, for example by using industrial or chemical processes.
      ...the traditional method of pick and shovel to extract coal... 用镐和铲挖煤的传统方法 Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit. 柠檬酸可以从橙汁、柠檬汁、酸橙汁或者柚子汁中提取。
    • VERB
      If you extract something from a place, you take it out or pull it out.
      He extracted a small notebook from his hip pocket... 他从屁股兜里摸出一个小笔记本。 Patterson went straight to the liquor cabinet and extracted a bottle of Scotch... 帕特森径直走到酒柜前,取出一瓶苏格兰威士忌。
    • VERB
      When a dentist extracts a tooth, they remove it from the patient's mouth.
      A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble... 牙医可能会决定拔掉那颗牙,以免反复发作。 She is to go and have a tooth extracted at 3 o'clock today. 她今天3点要去拔颗牙。
    • VERB
      If you say that someone extracts something, you disapprove of them because they take it for themselves to gain an advantage.
      ...the capitalist system, which extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense... 牺牲纳税人利益、从武器生产中攫取巨额利润的资本主义制度 He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates... 他试图从降息中牟取最大的政治好处。
    • VERB
      If you extract information or a response from someone, you get it from them with difficulty, because they are unwilling to say or do what you want.
      He made the mistake of trying to extract further information from our director... 他犯了个错误,不该试图从我们的主管那里打探更多的信息。 He used her cash card, and the PIN number he had extracted from her, to take £500 from cashpoints. 他套出了她的现金卡密码,然后用她的卡从自动提款机中取走了500英镑。
    • VERB
      If you extract a particular piece of information, you obtain it from a larger amount or source of information.
      I've simply extracted a few figures... 我只是提取了一些数据。 Britain's trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports. 英国的贸易数据现在不能再从各港口的进出口单证中提取了。
      If part of a book or text is extracted from a particular book, it is printed or published.
      This material has been extracted from 'Collins Good Wood Handbook'. 这些材料摘自《柯林斯优秀木材手册》。
    • N-COUNT
      An extract from a book or piece of writing is a small part of it that is printed or published separately.
      Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew. 看看这段从有关航空公司乘务人员工作的信息手册中摘录的文字。
    • N-MASS
      An extract is a substance that has been obtained from something else, for example by means of a chemical or industrial process.
      Blend in the lemon extract, lemon peel and walnuts. 调入柠檬汁、柠檬皮和核桃。 ...fragrances taken from plant extracts. 从植物提取物中获取的香水
    • vt.
      (费力地)拔出, 抽出
      The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth. 牙医拔掉了她的智牙。
      提取, 榨出, 提炼
      We can extract oil from shale. 我们可以从页岩中提取石油。
      She extracted a completely personal meaning from what was said. 她从所说的话里引申出一个完全是个人的意思。
      She extracted satisfaction from the success of her daughter. 她从女儿的成功中得到满足。
    • n.
      摘录, 引用; 选录; 选曲; 节录
      The article was a choice extract from her writings. 这篇文章是从她的著作中摘录出来的精粹。
      提炼物, 浓缩物, 精, 汁
      Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the juice. 在果汁中加一茶匙香草香精。
    • Noun
      1. a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)
      2. a passage selected from a larger work;
      "he presented excerpts from William James' philosophical writings"
    • Verb
      1. draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense;
      "pull weeds""extract a bad tooth""take out a splinter""extract information from the telegram"
      2. get despite difficulties or obstacles;
      "I extracted a promise from the Dean for two ne positions"
      3. deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning);
      "We drew out some interesting linguistic data from the native informant"
      4. extract by the process of distillation;
      "distill the essence of this compound"
      5. separate (a metal) from an ore
      6. obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action;
      "Italians express coffee rather than filter it"
      7. take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy
      8. calculate the root of a number
    • 体育: 拔牙;
      医学: 提取;浸膏,浸出物:植物或动物性药物的浓缩制剂,用适当溶媒从中溶出有效成分,蒸发全部或近全部溶剂使剩余物或粉末达规定标准。浸膏制备成三种形式:半流质或糖浆状稠度,丸剂或固体,干燥粉末;
      水产: 浓鱼汁;蒸煮鱼品的液体浓缩液或由发酵鱼品中抽取的液体。;
      法律: 判决摘录书;
      药学: 浸膏剂;将药材用适宜的溶剂提取,蒸去全部溶剂,调整浓度至规定标准的制剂。;